May:ugghhh,why did I accept to come...
Yu ki:becaus-
May:I know I was being sarcastic!
Cole:calm down,we need all the help we can get now let's l-
3450 Golden pencils
8001 golden notebooks
2000 Waterproof eraser
10000 EXPENSIVE survival food pack
2000 silver glue
6000 golden pencil case
Total:10B $
Jay:what is it?
Cole:it costs 10B?!
Jay:yea it's worth it!
Cole:that's how much half of my house cost!
Jay:then dude hate to break it to you,you have a pretty small house...not only your small brain
Cole:....are you trying to start a fight?
Jay:don't know~
May:T-T guys don't start a fight...
Yu ki:yea...I agree with May for once...