Chapter Nine- The Person Who Shouldn't Be Found

Previously on Just List Our Hearts

I smile and say, "Yes, I accept your deal under my conditions because it's only fair that I get conditions because I have nothing to lose."

He laughs and says, "Very well, you have accepted the deal shall I give you from your birth or the beginning of high school, or will you like to stay as it is now."

I look at him and say, "I don't know, yet I haven't met Toby yet."

Author's P.O.V

Emma talked to the being of time but he had taken the shape of Ian as time was frozen when they were talking and she didn't know what he is but she would later find out that he wasn't an angel.

Jaemin Lee woke up in the bedroom of Ian and looks around thinking to himself 'Why didn't I die why did that stupid kid save me why didn't he just mind his own business I am so tired of this life'

Jaemin sits up and stares at the wall as he listens to hear if anyone is around and ask the woman that was infront of him "Where am I?".

Emma's P.O.V

He says "Toby isn't your main priority there is a person you should know his name is Jaemin Lee."

I look at him confused and ask "Who is Jaemin Lee?"

He laughs and says "That's for you to find out."

Then he disappears as Ian enters the room I say "Ian well I think it's time I left!" this weird showing up to someone house on a holiday like this I stand up to head out .

But I didn't have nothing to do my parents would surely stay home and woek on the computer and pretend I didn't exist or that I wasn't on of their top priorities their business is more important.

But this is normal so I wouldn't really affect me anymore now I think about it I should be thankful that I still have parents who come home everyday no matter what and every business trip they ever went on I had to go as well.

So I will take it that they love me in their own way and I should be thankful for that because some people don't have parents or anyone to care for them I will apologise to my mom when I go home.

Ian walks up to me and says "I have to go and get something from my grandparents across in the next street I will be back so make yourself at home."

I say "Okay Ian I will house sit for you but not for free so don't forget that you will owe me one."

Ian smiles and then nods then he puts on his coat and heads out I start looking around to see picture of Ian and his family they seem quite big no wonder he made it so far in the future.

To be able to rent in that apartment building is like a couple thousand won unless you bought the apartment from one of the tenants I hear a door open at the back of me and I turn around to see a taller older boy walkout in the hallway.

I say "Hello I am Emma Wells I didn't know that someone else was home I am Ian 's friend from school." The guys slowly walks towards the door and then I grab him to stop him I ask "Where are you going without shoes older brother?"

He mutters "I wasn't going anywhere that should concern you so mind your own business."

That's when I felt something was wrong my heart rate incresase and something was telling me to stop him and that's what I did my body took him out without hesitation.

He drop to the ground so I step back and let him hit the floor why did I think something is wrong he could be one of Ian's guest and I physically attack and unarmed man and made him unconious but he looks nothing like Ian but he seems somewhat familiar.

I don't know why I bend over and search him to find nothing not even a wallet "Where was he going without his wallet and shoes only people who aren't in their right mind would got outside their house without their slippers in autumn."

I pick up his arms and drag him over to the couch then I pull him onto the couch and sit on the floor beside him 'That wasn't rational I am I some kind of weirdo who attack people "No" then what about his behavior was weird think Emma'

"Okay the fact I introduced myself and he didn't say his name next his slow movement meant something is wrong with him next trying to leave the house without shoes and Ian telling me to watch the house and he's his guest."

Nah I did something very rational so let's wait for Ian to return the boy's hair is long and in his face so I move it and look closely at him he looks so familiar he's quite pretty for a boy as well.

My phone rings and I answer to hear Eunae I smile softly and say "Nae what's up?"

Eunae says "Hey Em it's been awhile lol like just three days I have been busy my brother went missing from Canada and now my parents are gonna head over to Canada and look for him so I won't be in school for some days."

I say "Nae your brother is missing what is his name again?"

Eunae says "Jaemin Lee he's older than us by three years he looks like me by his eyes and nose he's pretty weak because he only studies so he's pretty skinny and has his hair long since he doesn't live under our school regulations anymore he has a scar on his right ear so he had a insecurity about it. He rarely answers people when they talk to him and he started taking trips while he was is in college so he has been not been out of touch with us for a while now. To make it worst my parents didn't think much of it until the school called to make sure he would be returning next term."

I look at the guy passed out next to me and laugh don't tell me that he's Nae's older brother Jaemin Lee nah if that happens that mean that I change something again in the future that means Nae won't ever have gone through depression because her brother dies but what effect will that cause in all of our lives.

I let the hair by his right ear to see a scar like something damage and left an overlay of skin because it pretty big I ask softly "Nae how did your brother get that scar?"

Eunae answers "He had a bully who took a rusty nail and stab him in his ears when he wouldn't listen to him so he had to get a tetanus shot but the scar didn't disappear it just got extra skin on top of it. Lucky he didn't change too much after that but the boy had to pay compensation and transfer school because my dad call the school board committee together and force the boy to leave to another school outside Seoul."

I smile and say "Well Nae don't worry too much your brother sounds like a strong person so I am sure he will come home after his adventure so tell your parents he should be home soon okay don't leave the country because he might come home."

Eunae says "How can you be so sure that my brother will come home when you don't even know him Em but your right we should stay for one more week then head to Canada."

'I wonder should I take him home now but he doesn't seem to be in good conduction proably it would be better for him to talk to someone for a good looking guy he seems to have such a bitter past.'