In the kuoh station...
there was shounen whose height was 185 cm tall, had mainly platinum hair colour with red metallic hairs in between, black metallic eyes with a hint of shades, was wearing normal white jacket with black jeans, on his waist was a sheathed black and golden katana...
he had a he kept walking with his hands in his pockets...
hope- quatz..sensed anything?
quatz- nothing strong...2 or 3 angels and devils here and there...and btw the one we met in the train was a fallen angel...
hope- oh..I also felt he was somewhat weird...
quatz- look who's talking....
hope- hm.. true in a sense...was he strong.
quatz- not at all.
hope- whom am I asking...
quatz- 💢sometimes I would have been worse if you had emotions...
hope- oh I feel emotions, can't show I feel you are somewhat pissed..
quatz- 💢💢
hope- more pissed now.
like this while they kept talking, hope reached his house...
it was his grandfather's property and was now left alone for years...
after opening the door..
hope went inside...
hope- *cough cough...
quatz- so nostalgic, just like when I was dead..
hope- yeah I was dead too..for a month, need a lot of cleaning...
he then went to check the rooms...
hope- sigh...all clean now....
quatz- just like when I was reborn with you.
hope- yeah, let's go to the academy tommorow....
it was evening, hope buyed some grocery on the way as he made his dinner, ate it and went to sleep...
in the morning..
hope- yawnnn.....
quatz- yawnnn....
quatz- you hate it? I can destroy it.
hope- do you destroy everything you hate?
quatz- yes.
hope- now you won't.
quatz- ehhh....!
after getting ready he went for the kuoh academy.
on the way he saw a young boy standing infront of the gate looking at the academy..he had light coloured hair and hazel he wore a black jacket and maroon jeans..
thier eyes met each other for a second. after that the other shifted his gaze towards someone else.
he was looking at a guy with brown coloured hair who was wearing kuoh academy uniform..
hope- quatz what about him?
quatz- devil plus I sensed dragon aura..
hope- strong?
quatz- 10% of mine when he is at his Max.
hope- strong?
quatz- yeah stronger than others.
hope- okay.
he then asked a girl for where the dean's office is, but the girl for some reason was drooling at him as she kept inspecting his body..after a while she said the direction..and kept looking at him as he went towards the office.
hope- weird girl...
quatz- says who..
hope- hm true..
.....he then reached the dean's office as he took the permission to enter and sat in front of him..
hope- my name is hope Bernadotte, I transferred here from Kyoto...
dean- ohhh .....I talked to your grandfather about that, no need to worry...
and about the katana, you are allowed to keep it but don't use it on the school grounds, coz your grandfather said it's for security purpose..
quatz- your grandfather is more than what he looks like...
hope- 'hm, I'll find out later'
at that time a girl came inside the office, she was wearing specs, had black hair bob-cut with violet coloured eyes...
dean- oh Sona, good timing, hope meet her, she is the student council president of kuoh academy....
Sona inspected hope while adjusting her specs...
Sona- nice to meet you hope, I am as dean said my name is Sona Shitori.
hope- hello.
Sona-?'no reaction?'
dean- I know what you are thinking Sona, he can't express emotions, can you do me a favour ? show him around the academy after the school..
Sona- okay no problem,hope meet me in the student council office after school. dean here are the papers you asked, now I'll leave.
hope- then I'll leave too, dean thanks for the matter with katana.