Hakuryuuko & Sekiryuutei...

early in the morning when hope woke up..

[skill learned and ready to use- Dominator's touch, this skill can make host move a object according to his will without touching it]

hope- can I move anything?

[host can move any object, it depends on host's capability]

hope- capability?

[if host can lift 10kg Max then this skill would lift 5kg Max]

hope- sigh..means while using durandal with this skill I can't use my katana at same time, why is that sword so heavy...

quatz- it's not your sword, stop dreaming...

hope- oh.. right I forgot....the sword was so compatible with me that I thought it's mine...

quatz- yare...yare...

hope- when did you learn that?

quatz- school



hope- help me in test next time plz....


hope- yes..yes..I bow to you..


he left the house for jogging, everyone were asleep that time so he left them be..

after returning he saw that rias, Sirzechs and grayfia were leaving...

rias- oh hope, we are leaving for school early as nii-sama has some work..

Sirzechs- thanks for letting us stay..

grayfia only bowed in thanks..

hope- mention not..

quatz- your love is leaving you!!! stop her!!!!

hope- 'tch' she is not my love...idiot.

quatz- then why did you kiss her??

hope- instinct you can say..

quatz- ehhh????


he then got ready and left for the school..

hope- open house tommorow huh...

when he reached the school gate he saw a familiar figure standing there..

Vali- yo!

he ignored him.

Vali- hey there!!!

he again ignored him..

this time Vali put his hand on his shoulder...

Vali- hey I'm talking to you!!

hope- oh Vali.. didn't see you..

qautz- liar..you saw him...

hope- Vali what do you need?

one more familiar figure was coming towards school gate.

Vali- oh nice timing, hope watch me, I'll introduce myself..


Vali then went towards ise..

ise's left hand started paining..

Vali- this is the first time we meet.

ise- what?

Vali- Welsh dragon, Sekiryuutei, hyuodou issei..

I am Vali, hakuryuuko, the vanishing dragon..


hope- it means you were right quatz, help me in the test..



hope saw that Vali and ise were talking some idiotic stuff and rias peerage also joined them..so he thought it's a waste standing there and left them...

after talking with rias peerage...

Vali- where is hope?

Albion- he left long time ago..

Vali- sigh... I really don't get him..is he arrogant or just dumb?


inside the school he saw Sona and tsubaki and vice versa..

Tsubaki- good morning hope san.

Sona- good morning hope, sorry but I'll talk to you later rias has called me urgently for some matter...

they left then...

quatz- will she die if she doesn't talk to you!?

hope- girls are tough quatz..

quatz- sigh..I know..


in the classroom three idiots were fighting with each other for some reason, one of them was ise.

xenovia later came to hope..

xenovia- here hope san take this, you should also carry it.

she handed him a pack of condom..

Aika seeing this thought 'you are giving him the wrong size!!! the condom will break!!'


hope then spared with kiba after school..

he used 1 of the sword from kiba's sword birth so that he can dual wield..


on the way home...

hope thought of something..

hope- Misaki will I trigger a hidden quest if I loose my virginity?


quatz- who will you loose it with?

hope- who cares...

quatz- sigh.....