hope had left his house for the hyoudo residence..
when he reached ise's home he was greeted by ise's parents, Asia, ise and Rias..
ise was scared of him for some reason and stayed away from him hiding behind his buchou...
At the dinner table...
ise's father- so you are the famous hope san...
ise's mother - ise and Asia were talking about you from yesterday, fufufu~
hope- why?
he looked towards ise as if 'what did you tell them..' , watching Hope's stare at him ise ran away for his room stating he wants to sleep.
rias- don't worry ise, hope will join you in your room, as he is here for a night over..
hearing this ise almost slipped from the stairs which he was climbing to his room...(1st floor room)..
after having the dinner he went towards ise's room as Asia guided him to his room.
when he opened the door he saw ise sticking on the corner of the wall as if he saw a monster entering his room..
hope- 'tch' why are you acting like this?
ise- m-m-my instincts say you are here to kill me..even ddraig said to be ware of you..
hope- fool, why would I kill someone for no reason?
ise- then why did you almost killed Vali?
hope- he betrayed me, as simple as that..
[ddraig- partner don't betray him....
ise- y-y-yes..]
that time Rias came to ise's room..
rias- ise~, we have a mission tonight, so come with me..
ise felt as if someone saved him from a dragon's den..
rias- hope, you can sleep here as we go on the mission..
ise- hai buchou!!
hope- rias, he calls you buchou?
rias stared at him for a while as if he revealed her secret out...
ise- buchou is buchou that's why I call her buchou!..
hope- as you wish....
after that he slept on ise's bed....
in the middle of the night...
hearing qautz's shout, hope woke up and what he saw surprised him to hell..
a figure was on the top of him as she forced both her hands on his shoulders and kept kissing him on his lips ..
hope- grayfia, stop molesting me...
hearing this she got up from him and stood infront of him with both hands infront of her as if a professional maid.
hope- why are you here? and why did you do this?
grayfia- I was here to announce about the trip to underworld to rias chan but she was not in her room so I came here but I saw you sleeping and....
hope- and?
grayfia- and...
grayfia was not able to explain what she did just now...
hope- let me explain it for you then, you kept staring at me and eventually what happened, you also don't know.... right?
grayfia- r-r-right..*redface...
hope then got up from his bed and moved towards her...
he pushed her on the desk behind her and stole her lips from her..
thier tongues kept fighting each other of minutes, as he got away from her, a bridge of saliva was made....
hope- now we are even...
grayfia- thank you, now I would like to leave, as rias chan is not here, I will come here again tommorow to inform her...
hope- okay..
[quatz- hey Misaki did partner trigger a hidden quest this time?
In the morning he woke up and saw ise sleeping on the floor by using a futon..
he then greeted went down and saw ise's parents who already woke up, he greeted them and they invited him for breakfast...
after having the breakfast he said a bye to them stating he has to return to his home now..
after reaching his home, what he found was not a home but a six floored mansion...
[quatz- that momma's boy sure did a thing on you..
hope- yes I can agree on that..]
making this Mc angry would be hard for me...sigh...