Lola- we're at the halfway point in Grand Magic Games, The begining of the third day!
yajima- I wonder what kind of passionate dreams we'll see today?
Lola- our guest Today is Lahar San from the Magic Council!
Currently hope and Red were sitting in thier Team booth waiting for the Event name to be announced.
hope- what's magic Council?
hope didn't know about this type of Council.
Red- in short, it's police for people who use Magic to commit crimes.
Red explained hope as much easily he could.
hope- oh.
Lola- I'm going to announce the competition for this third day of the Games! The name of the "Pandemonium."
the crowd started cheering as they heard the name, as the name Pandemonium means the participants will fight some sort of demons or monster.
hope- now what's Pandemonium?
Red- Pandemonium means disorder or confusion, let me go for this young master.
Red didn't wanted hope to go out of control by experiencing something that might hurt his feelings.
hope- okay you can, I say you play all the Events from our team coz that'll be the best.
hope gave Red a thumbs up and wished him good luck as Red left for the arena...
Lola- all the participants have been selected..
From Sabertooth, Orga! From Lamia Scale, Jura! From Blue Pegasus, hibiki! From Raven Tail, Obra! From Mermaid heel, Millianna! From Fairy Tail B, Cana! From Fairy Tail A, Erza! and From Exotic Nexus our usual, Red! These are our Competitors!
the crowd started cheering for them! as this fight was going to interesting!
then suddenly a huge magic circle appeared in the sky from which a huge black castle came out of it, the castle had stairs connected to the ground so that participants could enter inside it.
pumpkin- Pandemonium, temple haunted by evil monsters! In this game, the participants are made to enter a temple one at a time. Inside the temple are 100 monsters of different strength levels.
The participant in the temple can choose to take on any number of the 100 monsters at a time, but must defeat them all if they wish to continue.
If they do defeat them, the number they overcame will be added to their event score.
Should they fall in their fight, they will be removed from the event with the score they have earned up until that point.
The participants have no control over which level of monster they face, as the generation of the monsters is random, and must choose the number of monsters they wish to face with this in mind.
The game ends when either all participants run out of Magic Power, or all the monsters are defeated.
pumpkin- in order, each of you will choose the number of monsters to battle. It's called your right to "Challenge", for example, if you choose 3 monsters, 3 of them will appear inside the temple, the person who chooses them enters the temple alone, if the player successfully destroy them, he or she gets 3 points, the monster appear with random ranks in thier number.
pumpkin- Alright let's decide the Order, please draw your lots.
.....after drawing the lot.
{Red- young master I'm last.
hope- what you can to win, we need to win anyhow but by legit methods, no cheating.
Red- I know it, plz rest assured.}
the person who drew number 1 was Erza, she moved towards the stair leading to Pandemonium and spoke "All 100 will be my opponents! I Exsercise my right to challenge...100!"
hearing this everyone was stunned, afterall Erza wanted to challenge the whole Pandemonium for herself.
[hope- if she defeats them all in one go..
quatz- you'll get no points, as simple as that.
hope- No!!!!!!!!]
{hope- Red, do you have a plan for the first place, if she wins the Pandemonium in one go?
Red- Rest assured young master, I'll get the first place for you.
hope- don't cheat at all! it should be legit!
Red- my pride does not allow me to cheat, just inspect the game.}
as Erza entered the temple and announced to challenge 100, many monsters appeared around her, the monsters looked like they were made with magic, each type of monster had different type of armour..Erza changed her armour which allowed her to access lots of blades at once... like this she kept changing into different armours for different types of monsters to counter them, eventually she also defeated the S class monster, which pumpkin said was impossible.
the crowd cheered for her as loudly as they could as she showed them the best performance of thier life and from this day onwards Erza was also known as 'Titania' in public.
hope- strong and prideful...
hope had a new impression of her from now on and was urging to have a pure sword fight with her, his love for blades was kicking in...
pumpkin- eh, after some discussion, it's decided that the other 7 teams need to be ranked, so this is somewhat a drag but a simple game has been prepared.
pumpkin showed them a floating device and told them that this is "MAGIC POWER FINDER" in short, MPF! a device to measure magic, the higher the number of power, the higher will be the rank!
Millianna goes first, attacking the MPF with her Binding Magic, gaining a score of 365. According to Lahar, her score is actually high enough to get a position as Squad Captain in the Rune Knights. Nobarly is next with a low score of 124, then Hibiki with an even lower number of 95. Obra goes up next, unleashing the little black imp, but the creature does little damage and scores only a 4.
Next to go is Orga, who shoots his Black Lightning at the device to get 3825 points, to everyone's surprise. However, this score is quickly trumped by Jura who, after asking if it was okay for him to be serious, attacks the MPF and achieves a score almost 5000 points higher: 8544. This shocks almost everyone in the audience. Last to go is Cana, who, until now, has just been fooling around in the background, drinking and flirting with Hibiki. She strips her jacket off her body, revealing the Fairy Glitter mark on her forearm. Cana then uses Fairy Glitter on the device, breaking it and at the same time, getting the highest score possible of 9999.
as the device broke hope was waiting for Red to do something or else at this rate, they'll get 0 points.
Red walked towards the pumpkin and spoke.
Red- what about me now? the device has been broken and the Pandemonium has been ended..
pumpkin- anoo.....
pumpkin saw the glare and smile Red was giving to him, Red knew the identity of pumpkin and pumpkin knew what type of person Red was, somehow.
Red- I want the first place.
Red gave a very evil smirk as he said that..his character had been changed from a master obsessed person to a villain.
pumpkin- w-what s-should we do R-Red sama, we cannot give you the first place as Erza won the Pandemonium.
everyone on the arena was watching the reaction of Red, they had gone alert by seeing his expression, even the guards had come to the entrance of the Arena.
Red- *evil tone*evil expression...I Exsercise the right to challenge.... all the guild with all thier members together! for the first place! for my YOUNG MASTER!
everyone on the arena were sweating wet from his expression and from the declaration Red just made...
the other guilds were thinking 'is he mad!!?'
hope in his booth.
hope- "Red the last boss", hahah!! so cool!
pumpkin- n-n-noooo! we can't do that!
hearing this Red looked at pumpkin...
Red- cockroach, did yaa say something!?
Red released his wild aura and some spectators fainted because of it.
pumpkin- s-stoop it!!! or you'll be DISQUALIFIED!!!
the aura disappeared like it was never there in the first place.
hearing what pumpkin said, hope blinked towards Red to stop him.
hope- Red stop it! we don't have to get disqualified, we are here to win!
Red- but young master how will we win?
Mavis- M-M-MONSTER!!!!! that magic power and aura is not normal for a person to have!!!!!
Makarov- first master plz calm down! the situation is handled!
Minerva- is this the team you guys were talking about!!?
Rufus- yes lady Minerva.
jellal- is he with Zeref!?
{ultear- what was that Aura!! jellal who was it!?
jellal- he is a competitor in the tournament, but this Aura was wild, it was not like of Zeref so rest assured.}
hope- I am sorry for the commotion we caused but we need points too.
hope was not ready to give up the points too.
Red- I can make sure for the tournament to not continue, if we don't get points and I know who you are pumpkin! so use your authority, right now!
pumpkin- y-y-yes milord!
after some while...
Lola- we have an announcement to make! along with Team Fairy tail A, Team Exotic Nexus is also to be provided 10p and the note is, if you have problem with this go and talk with Red from Team Exotic Nexus.
everyone was silent as if they accept it.
Natsu- what's with this! it's clearly Cheating!!
Lucy- but they don't have any other choice as they have nothing left for the event.
Natsu- then I'll Challenge that Red right now!
Erza- DON'T EVEN THINK OF THAT!!!! We have to save our energy for the next rounds, don't get into unnecessary fight!
[host this is considered cheating, so plz don't take the points.]
hearing this hope sighed in defeat....
hope- oi pumpkin!
pumpkin- now what sir?
hope- we don't need those points, plz cancel it as it would be considered cheating.
Red- but young master!
Red was worried that it would change the direction of the game.
hope- I have a reason, Red plz understand.
hope then looked back to the pumpkin.
hope- plz do as I say, we don't need those points.
.... after some while...
Lola- we have a announcement to make again, Team Exotic Nexus does not accept this points as it would be considered cheating! so Team Exotic Nexus gets 0 points for this event! how amusing!!
Yajima- now that's called sportsmanship.
Lahar- but it's also the events fault to not give them an opportunity to get points.
everyone- eh!!!?
everyone who heard the announcement was shocked, 'weren't they just ready to fight all the guilds just for the points?'