Testing with Erza.

hope and Erza were standing against each other in the vast plain field, "Erza, I won't be attacking you, as I want to check the limits for my Jacket, but plz don't attack me ruthlessly." hope was worried if this Titania attacked him with everything she got.

Erza gave out a smirk, "hmph, don't worry, I won't attack you severely unless we fight against each other, I'll be only checking your Jacket's magic Resistance, so you can relax for now." Erza tried to assure him, as hope was not gonna attack but was gonna take the damage today...

"Lightning Empress Armour!" Erza Chanted those words and her body was enveloped in an armour, it was coloured in mainly sky blue and gold with White coloured petaled skirt, the armour had every type of guards except a waist guard as it was decorated with a clothing hanging down on her breastplate.....

She had a long spear as her weapon, the spear had two spear heads and had a decorated circular wheel connecting the shaft with the spear heads, "Don't look at me like that! you are making me nervous." Erza said making a very shy red face, as hope was looking at every part of her body with his naked eyes.

"Erza I'm sorry, but I can't help but admire your beauty, how are you so beautiful?" this Scarlet haired girl really looked very beautiful in hope's eyes...

Erza was controlling herself from running towards hope and hug him tightly, "Can we please flirt with each other after this training session?" Erza said with a red face as she looked away to avoid his gaze on her.

"okay, now plz attack me and with attack I mean magic, so don't throw flying kisses towards me, as it might faint me coz they are very strong and lethal." hope wanted to tease her a bit, she was very cute.

"hmph..as you wish, now get ready." Erza said while making a cute pout, she pointed her spear towards hope.

Erza fired a blue beam of lightning towards hope, but he didn't flinch from his place and waited for the attack to hit him, he closed his eyes as the lightning Beam got brighter and brighter as it came closer to him.

hope waited for a while before opening his eyes...

[hope- why isn't the attack hitting me? *confused.

quatz- open your eyes you idiot.

hope- quatz didn't I tell you? to look at the mirror while chanting the special spell #idiot?

quatz- 💢. 'if I talk more he'll tease me more, so I'll better be quiet.'

hope- quatz, are you searching for the mirror? I can ask Misaki for that..


hope- ewww gay....I did have a intuition about you swinging that way.

quatz- 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢.. I'm straight!]

hope was gonna ask him for a proof but he heard a voice calling him.

"hope! are you fine!?...hey at least reply!!" Erza was shouting from the place where she stood, as she saw hope closed his eyes...

"yeah I'm fine! don't worry!" hope replied her as he opened his eyes, he looked at the Jacket and was surprised, the Jacket had turned deep yellow! it looked even cooler now with the design and patterns over it!

hope realized something, 'if my white Jacket turns yellow after absorbing the lightning, then don't tell me!' hope immediately removed his Katana from it's sheath.

he looked at the blade of the Katana, "as I thought, both the Jacket and the cursed sword were connected." the white stripes on the edges were now turned deep yellow just like the Jacket, lightning flickered on his Katana's both edges.

hope looked at Erza, "Erza, can I attack you? the attack might be related to an lightning attack! and I want to test it!" hope shouted as he wanted to experiment something with her.

"yes! I can handle the lightning attacks! as this armour has high lightning resistance and a barrier to protect me from it!" Erza allowed him to attack her.

"good!" hope gripped his footing on the ground by bending a bit, "I'm gonna release some slashes! handle it!" hope signaled her to get ready to defend.

"okay!" Erza also took her stance with the spear infront of her and made a barrier, just in case if the attacks were lethal.

hope then released numeral slashes towards Erza by swinging his Katana countinously in the air, the slashes made by him carried the element of lightning in it, as only 4 thunder slashes were released from it and the others after that were normal air slashes.

The energy from his Jacket had been depleted as he released the slashes and both his Katana's edge and Jacket went in thier original white colours again.

Erza saw the Thunder slashes approaching her and immediately took her guard, the barrier made by her was destroyed by the first 2 slashes and she guarded the other 2 slashes by her body Armour.

Erza almost went to her knees after taking the damage from the 2 slashes on her body, but somehow she stood with the support of her spear.

hope, when he saw the damage he had inflicted to Erza, immediately ran towards her worriedly to check if the attacks had wounded her somehow.

"Erza! are you fine!?" he saw her armour was damaged and she had some bruises on her body, he took her arm and made her lean on his body...

" 'tch' what was with that attack...the 2 attacks destroyed my barrier and the others hit my body, it felt as if the damage was increased with each attack..." Erza twitched her lips, as this armour was specially to give her resistance against lightning attacks and they inflicted damage on her somehow.

[quatz- I guess, the increase in damage was because of your Dominator effect.

hope- yes, I thought of that too.

quatz- so, don't go raping women now for increasing your strength..AHAHHAHA!!

hope- fk you! quatz!

quatz- now who's gay!?

hope- you! as I'll be the one fking you!

quatz- 'tch'..'how does he counter me everytime!?' *quatz thought.]

"sorry for hitting you Erza, didn't know my attacks had this much damage, but wasn't the Energy absorbed in my Jacket, by your own attack?" hope was confused, as he thought Erza had done some mischief with him...

Erza made a looked away, as she was caught red handed, "hehehe...you noticed?" she made a naughty face of a little girl, "actually....I attacked you with everything I got..." she said with a worriedly smiling face...

'I knew it! coz my jacket does not amplifies the elements it aborbs.' thanks to his Jacket or else hope would have been in Worsen condition than her, "it's okay, you were just testing me and you earned what you deserved." hope said in a gentle voice.

"no, I didn't get everything I deserve yet." Erza said while biting her lower lip a bit, hope sighed and approached her face and gave a deep kiss on her lips....

Erza had planned that she would courage herself today and kiss him somehow, she kissed hope for a while and released her lips from his lips, making a bridge of Saliva connecting thier lips.....

"Thank you, I have a request to make." Erza said with a blush, she had a red face all the time when they kissed.

"you can tell me, but it depends on your request if I'll agree on it or not." hope made it clear to her, he was not ready to have an intimate relationship with her, If she asked for one right now.

Erza looked at his eyes with a blushing red face as she was leaning on his chest, "plz go on a date with me!!" she closed her eyes in nervousness as she made her request.

'i am such a pervert!!! she's such a cute girl and a maiden.' hope felt he was too much of a pervert to think like that of her, "ahm...okay we can go on a date, but when?" hope asked her the details.

Erza was very Happy and hugged him tightly in joy, "We can go the other day after tomorrow! I'll show you the whole town on our date!" she said excitedly, she knew hope's plan for tommorow as he was gonna test his magic with Mirajane tomorrow.

hope patted her Head seeing her so Happy as she hugged him, "okay, we'll see the whole town that day then, now let's go back to the Guild as I'm a bit hungry, we didn't have breakfast after all and it's noon now." hope wanted to leave now, as he had tested his magic powers.

Erza left his hug and locked her arm with him, "let's go, I'm also hungry now! after all this training." Erza then started walking as she pulled him through his arm.

[hope- sigh..this girl is a bit airhead.

quatz- hm.]


They reached the guild Building and entered inside, hope noticed that people from the guild were looking at him for some reason...

[hope- they know about Erza and me, then what is it now!?

quatz- let's see, seems like something interesting is waiting for us...]

Erza and hope both walked into the main guild hall and sat on the table, Erza stood up to go and order something for them from the bar, but before she could order something a girl walked towards them.

"hello Erza San, hope San, please tell me your order, I am Kinana and I am the bar tender here and I work here with Mirajane San-kina." Kinana introduced herself to hope, as Erza already knew her. (she says -kina in the end, so don't mind it.)

"Nice to meet you Kinana." hope greeted Kinana as she introduced herself to him.

Before Erza could order something to Kinana, Mirajane came walking at a very high speed towards them, "HOPE!!!" she shouted as she approached thier table, Juvia was also with her for some reason.

Mirajane reached out to hope and grabbed his face with her right hand, she poked her thumb and fingers on his cheeks forcefully and made him look towards her,... face to face.

"why did you do this!!" Mirajane exclaimed angrily...

hope was confused as she was grabbing his cheeks very tightly, "baot deed I doo!?" hope exclaimed...

Mirajane almost burst out laughing as she saw and heard him speaking so cutely like this, but she was angry more right now, she pulled something from Juvia's hands and showed it to him.

"bere deed iu geyt dis!? hope exclaimed as he saw several erotic pics of him in her hands on the table, there were some of Erza with him in it too...

Mirajane released hope's cheeks and caught his right ear and twisted it, "this pics are distributed everywhere in the guild!!! and you ask me where did I get this!??" Mirajane reprimanded hope.

"ouchh...it hurts! stop!.." hope asked her to stop twisting his ear, she was really applying force in it..

while in this duration, Juvia grabbed her pics back from the table, she glared at hope with an red pouty face, "I STILL LOVE GRAY SAMA!!" she exclaimed with a red blushing face.

[hope- Oi! Oi! then stop hugging my pictures like that!!

Juvia was hugging pics of hope on her chest between her cleavage....

quatz- this girl is WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay away from her!! she is an expert in weirdness! and can reach your level one day if she goes on like this!!

hope- oi>.......OI!]

Mirajane released his ear and pouted with an angry face, "you didn't had to do this!" she said as she crossed her arms with an red angry expression face..

"I really don't know about how this pics got distributed in the public!" hope clapped his hands to Mirajane for forgiveness....

Erza was still stunned, steams were coming out of her red face as she saw her lewd pics with hope....she was feeling something tickling on her belly...

while Kinana only smiled while hiding her blushes...as she saw thier interaction..

Mirajane saw that hope was genuinely saying truth and patted his head, "I'm sorry, but I'm angry too, don't do something like this again..." she kept patting hope's head...

"meet me here tommorow early in the morning, so that I can punis...ahm...test you with my magic." Mirajane informed hope about tommorow's training..

"okay." hope said, he was enjoying getting patted by her, but somehow he felt some force applying in it.....'eh!? I'm really scared..' hope thought.

After Calming down, hope and Erza gave thier order to Kinana for themselves to eat, as they were very hungry.....
