Chapter 21: Jin and Amy

The atmosphere was pleasant until Shen Jun Shan came into the house.

Shen Jun Shan entered the house like he has been doing so for many times already. That thought did not sit well with Jin. As a brother, Jin felt that it was not appropriate for Shen Jun Shan to always come to his sister's house.

The dinner went down smoothly despite the casual mean look Jin threw to Shen Jun Shan. Qiao An could not do anything about it but seeing how Amy Shen was acting very reasonable with Jin, Qiao An felt miserable.

Qiao An was not kidding when she suggested that Amy Shen should be her brother's girlfriend. Of course she could not force love, but Qiao An loves Amy Shen, and she knew very well how kind Amy Shen is compared to the Cleopatra-wannabe that her brother introduced to her.

Qiao An knew that Jin dated a few women previously and he did introduce them to her, but none of them was genuinely suitable for Jin. Or at least, that was what Qiao An felt about those girls.

There was no trace of shyness or coyness when Amy Shen talked with Jin. But according to Su Na, Yee Ling and Lei Xiao, if someone is genuinely interested in a guy, they will act bashful towards the targeted individual.

She did not know whether that rule is the universal rule in flirting and crushing, but she was pretty sure it applies to most people. Or, maybe her friends were pulling her leg like they always do.

Looking at the bright atmosphere, Qiao An had an idea.

"Jun Shan, can you help me with something in the kitchen?" Qiao An stood up and gestured for Shen Jun Shan to follow her into the kitchen. Amy Shen stood up to,o but Qiao An told Amy that this was not something that she or Amy could do.

Glad for the escape Qiao An provided for him, Shen Jun Shan gladly followed Qiao An to the kitchen. Jin's eyes followed the two, and he even scowled seeing how weak Shen Jun Shan is.

Amy Shen saw that her brother was not giving a good impression towards Jin, so she figured out that she needed to do something to make Jin had a better feeling of her brother.

"I'm not sure of how I should address you but is it okay if I call you brother Jin? Or just Jin?" Amy Shen tried to start a conversation with Jin.

For once, Jin's attention was not on Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An. He looked at the lady in front of him as he did not have a good look at Amy Shen because he was busy eyeing Shen Jun Shan for getting to close to his sister. Now that he had a good look at Amy Shen, Jin found that Amy Shen looked – pure.

Especially those big eyes of hers that seemed to sparkle whenever she smiled or how it appeared to speak volume of words towards him. Jin was pretty sure his mind made up everything he saw in Amy Shen, but those kind of eyes are the kind that drawn him more into someone.

"Hurm… So, which one is it?" Amy Shen was still wondering about how to address Jin.

"Up to you. You can call me Jin. Or even if you call me brother Jin, I don't mind."

Jin momentarily forgot that he forbade other girls to call him brother because he reserved that privilege only for his sister. That is how much he had a sister complex.

Jin was thinking of Amy Shen's eyes – the eyes that are so innocent that it could get away with everything, including crime. For example, the crime of stealing someone's heart at first sight involuntarily.

Jin was quite shocked of how deep he got only by staring at a pair of eyes. What first sight? He did not believe in love at first sight. Jin laughed at himself because he found it funny. To his surprise, the lady in front of him smiled at him too for no apparent reason.

Amy Shen thought that Jin was having a blast of asking her to call him brother. That's the reason why she smiled at Jin.

"So, brother Jin, I am curious about something. You look familiar" Amy Shen was pretty sure that she always saw Jin somewhere in City L.

"What a coincidence. I think you look familiar too". Jin was happy that someone called him brother.

Getting Qiao An to call him brother was so hard. Most of the time, Qiao An never address him anything and get to the point. Often time, when she did, was when to explain her points to him.

"Do you always attend the Charity Dinner organised by the Tang Properties? I might have seen you or your doppelganger there?" Amy Shen was putting a confused look.

It was not surprising how Qiao An rarely tells anyone about her being one of the Tangs. According to Qiao An, she wanted people to see her as she is and not as one of the Tang family. Suddenly, Jin thought that it was not a bad idea - to befriend other people without the title of 'The Tang's Heir" on his head.

"Yeah… kind of. I am a regular there" Jin scratched his head.

The two had been lost in their own conversation and did not pay attention to the two people who were watching them from the kitchen counter.


A few moments earlier.

"What is it that you want me to help you?" Shen Jun Shan followed Qiao An to the kitchen.

Qiao An took a new pineapple jam bottle and set it in front of Shen Jun Shan. "This one. Help me to open this bottle".

Shen Jun Shan cocked his head and pointed at the jam. "This?"

Qiao An nodded and whispered to him. "You don't have to try your best to open it. Take your time. If you open this one too quickly, then you have to return there and faced my brother's scrutiny quickly too".

Shen Jun Shan pretended as if he was twisting the lid very hard, but in actuality, he did not. That earned him a disgusted look from Jin. JIn was scowling as if he was mocking Shen Jun Shan for being weak.

Shen Jun Shan felt like laughing at Qiao An little attempt to save him from Jin. "Okay, then. But I don't believe that you are too weak that you couldn't open this yourself. You are staying alone, of course, you know how to do this. Am I right?"

"Of course" Qiao An said in a matter of fact tone. "Heat the lid for a moment and then when the particle expands, we can open the lid easily. I love science".

Shen Jun Shan was so amused by Qiao An; That witty little mouth, that smart thinking and everything about her amused him. "Then tell me An An, why are we doing this in a hard way then?"

Qiao An turned to Jin and Amy who were sitting in the living room, too preoccupied in their own conversation that they did not realise how both Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An were looking at them.

"I want them to be friend. I am playing cupid, can't you see?" Qiao An beamed at Shen Jun Shan.

"They might not be interested in each other -your brother and my sister" Shen Jun Shan was not sure if he should play along with Qiao An.

"Of course, they aren't – at the moment. But who knew. You see, my brother is scratching his head. That is one of the signs that he is nervous. According to my best friends, when someone is interested in other people, they are going to act timidly in front of their crush" Qiao An pointed towards Jin.

"An occasional crush might not be love but feeling shy towards someone is a good start" Qiao An looked at Shen Jun Shan. "Am I not right?"

"Right… Is that why you are always running away from me? Because you are shy?" Shen Jun Shan smiled mischievously.

"What? No. Of course not." Qiao An tried to deny, but her reddening face gave her away.

And Shen Jun Shan laughed because he knew.