Chapter 27: New neighbor 2

"Why are you running so fast?" Shen Jun Shan caught up to Qiao An, who suddenly run when Shen Jun Shan was talking to the new neighbor, Yu Jing.

Qiao An pretended as if she did not hear him and continued to run. Shen Jun Shan thought that Qiao An was uncomfortable to talk with Yu Jing and that was why she ran away from them.

When it's time to go back, Qiao An walked back to their apartment complex with Shen Jun Shan beside her. They were talking about what to cook for their dinner when a voice could be heard from behind.

"Shen Jun Shan!"

Both Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An turned around to the direction of the voice.

"Qiao An! Are you going back? Let's go back together," Yu Jing approached them.

Lighting from the streetlamp illuminated her face, and Qiao An could see how beautiful Yu Jing is. Adding the fact that her body was sexy, Qiao An could understand why the men gathered around Yu Jing earlier.

Both Qiao An and Shen Jun Shan waited for Yu Jing to come to them, and then they walked together to their apartment block. Shen Jun Shan thought that maybe because Qiao An was quiet the whole way, Yu Jing only spoke to him.

Yu Jing asked a lot of things to Shen Jun Shan, and Shen Jun Shan tried to answer earnestly, but since Yu Jing talked too much, he was getting impatient. Qiao An who walked beside him sometimes threw glances at both of them, not saying anything at all.

Not wanting to leave Qiao An out of the conversation, Shen Jun Shan tried to engage her in the conversation by changing the topic, but Yu Jing always shifted back the topic of conversation to herself.

Yu Jing knew by now that Shen Jun Shan was staying in D1006. She monopolized the conversation, and Shen Jun Shan did not feel like talking anymore since all of the topics were related to her.

When the three of them reached the first floor, Shen Jun Shan said his goodbye. Yu Jing purposely walked slower as if she was reluctant to part away with Shen Jun Shan, but Shen Jun Shan just shut the door.

"Qiao An, wait for me" Yu Jing walked hurriedly to catch up to Qiao An.

Qiao An had no intention to wait for Yu Jing, so she ignored her and continued ascending the stairs.

"Is he living alone?" Yu Jing asked from behind.

Qiao An reached her door and turned around to see Yu Jing, who had an excited expression on her face. "He's staying with his sister."

Qiao An waited for a few seconds to see if Yu Jing had another question for her, but she did not ask any. Yu Jing smiled and said nothing. Not wanting to continue the conversation, Qiao An entered her house.

Half an hour later, Qiao An went down to D1006 since she was going to eat dinner with the Shen siblings. By the time she reached there, Amy Shen had started cooking. Feeling guilty, Qiao An rushed to help Amy Shen in the kitchen.

Shen Jun Shan came out when the ladies were about to finish cooking. All three of them sat down to eat when they heard someone knocked on the door. Shen Jun Shan went to open the door.

"Hi, my mom packed too many of these for me. I don't think I can finish eating this alone. So, I'm giving it to you" Yu Jing's voice could be heard from the outside.

Qiao An frowned. She thought that Yu Jing took action very fast. Qiao An could not help but admire her for that.

"Who's that?" Amy Shen crooked her neck to see the owner of the voice.

Shen Jun Shan heard Amy's question and answered it. Qiao An did not say anything, but the frown stayed on her.

"Let me carry this inside." Yu Jing came into Amy and Qiao An's view with a big jar of pickled vegetables with her. Shen Jun Shan tailed behind her.

"Qiao An! You're here. I knocked on your door just now. No wonder you are not opening the door, it turns out that you're here" Yu Jing's turned to look at Amy. "Hi, I'm Yu Jing. I stay in 3006".

Qiao An said nothing as she only smiled at Yu Jing. The frown disappeared from her forehead. Shen Jun Shan took the pickled jar from Yu Jing, and Yu Jing gave him a broad smile.

Amy Shen saw that, and she turned to look at Qiao An beside her. Qiao An was looking at Yu Jing and Shen Jun Shan, but her face showed no emotion, so Amy did not know what was on Qiao An's mind.

"Ah, I'm sorry for disturbing all of you during dinner. Bye, see you later" Yu Jing was about to go out, but Shen Jun Shan suddenly invited her to eat with them. Yu Jing gladly accepted.

The four of them ate dinner together. As usual, Yu Jing talked the most amongst them. Yu Jing seemed like a good girl. Qiao An thought that they could be a friend if Yu Jing did not talk so much.

Amy Shen could see that Yu Jing was smitten with her brother, so she could not help but glance at Qiao An to see her expression. To her disappointment, Qiao An showed nothing on her face.