Chapter 30: Sowing discord 2

Jin owned a game design company called Genie Studio.

He has always liked gaming even though his father was not supportive of him first; now his father was fully supportive of his interest, all that thanks to Qiao An.

There were about twenty staffs, including Jin in the studio and all of them were men.

They had just finished their meeting about the new game they planned to develop when Jin told them that he would treat everyone for lunch since their project is going on smoothly. Jin decided to treat everyone for lunch in the Lucky Star Restaurant.

Jin had a good impression of the food in the restaurant since the day Amy Shen 'forced' him to finish all the meal she ordered last time. His staffs ordered the food they wanted since the boss is buying.

Since the dinner with Qiao An, Jin has been thinking of when he should tell Cleo about his feeling. One should not lead people and dragged them when they are not interested anymore. That action can cause a lot more heartache. When the feeling is not there anymore, it is better to stop the relationship for good.

As they were eating, Jin's phone vibrated as he received a new message from Cleo. Cleo told him to take care of himself, not to work too hard and to eat a hearty lunch.

When a beautiful girl shows that she cares for you, it is easy for people to feel moved, but that was not the case of Jin anymore. Since he knew that Cleo was probably faking it, he turned his phone away from him.

As Jin was eating with his staffs, he saw a familiar girl in a white blouse, and knee-length pencil skirt entered the restaurant with a man beside her. His lips curled up automatically towards the approaching figures.

"Hi, brother Jin" Amy Shen saw smiling Jin since she stepped into the restaurant.

All the staffs from Genie Studio stopped eating and looked at the figure who stopped to talk to their boss. They knew that their boss had a sister. Nobody has ever seen this little sister of their boss, but they heard rumours about how their boss is overly protective of his sister. That was why the little sister refused to see the boss since their boss is very controlling of her.

Since their boss is a handsome man, the staffs figured out that the little sister must be pretty too. But they did not expect that the sister to be gorgeous. All of them could not help but stare at the lady.

"You are eating lunch with your boyfriend?" Jin smiled at both Amy Shen and the man beside her.

Amy turned to the man beside her. "This is my colleague". Amy Shen and Jin exchanged a few words before Amy Shen, and the man with her went to their table.

"Wow, your sister is too beautiful boss" One of the staffs mumbled while still staring at Amy Shen. The others nodded their head in support.

"Sister?" Jin turned to look at Amy Shen, who was engrossed in reading the menu at her table. "That's not my sister."

The staffs were quiet for a few seconds before they finally registered what their boss told them. Their faces were full of excitement.

"Then, can you introduce her to me. She is exactly my type" The staff who mumbled earlier looked at Jin with eyes full of hope. "It is tough for a nerd like me to know a girl, moreover a beautiful girl. Please boss. I'll work very hard"

The other staffs were also asking him to introduce Amy Shen to them.

"She is my sister's good friend. You can't have any motive for her" Jin's answer was short, but the rest of his staffs went quiet after they heard that. That made Jin slightly happy that his staffs were listening to him.

What he did not know was the dissatisfaction inside the workers' heart. It is enough if the boss wanted to be protective towards his sister, but why is he protective of his sister's friend too? The staffs of Genie studio were complaining inside their heart.

That evening, Jin told Qiao An that he would be having dinner with her. He said that he was sad and lonely, so he needed his sister to accompany him to eat. Being a kind little sister, she is, Qiao An said yes, begrudgingly.

Qiao An had planned on having dinner with the Shen siblings to the new place that Shen Jun Shan told her last time to try their cake and coffee, but since Jin said to her that he was coming, Qiao An could only call Amy to postpone their plan.

Amy was about to hit the shower when Qiao An called her to tell the change in plan. Amy told her to enjoy her dinner with Jin. After that, she informed Shen Jun Shan about it. Shen Jun Shan looked disappointed, but he was quick to hide it.

Still, Amy saw everything.

Jin came five minutes before seven like he always does. He knocked on the door only to see Qiao An still with her head wrapped up in a towel. Qiao An looked around to see if anyone saw her in her ugly self with the sheet wrapping her head. Then she quickly pulled Jin inside the house. Qiao An told Jin to wait for ten minutes for her to get ready.

At the same time, Shen Jun Shan went out of the house and then, he saw Yu Jing descending the stairs with an excited expression. Shen Jun Shan did not want to think deeper about it, but he seemed to bump into Yu Jing at lot lately.

"Jun Shan!" Yu Jing jumped down three steps towards Shen Jun Shan. "I can't wait to tell you this".

Yu Jing had a broad smile, and she had the expression of someone who could not wait to gossip. Shen Jun Shan knew this because he saw how the female senior staffs in his company gossip about something; they have the same expression with Yu Jing at the moment.

"That man came to Qiao An's house again. I'm pretty sure that's her boyfriend. I never thought that Qiao An would let a man enter her house. She even holds the man's hand and pulls him inside. So bold of her" Yu Jing was so excited to gossip that she did not catch the annoyed look from Shen Jun Shan.

Amy Shen came out from the house to see her brother and Yu Jing talked outside the house. Since the event last time, Amy Shen had a quite lousy impression towards Yu Jing. She felt that Yu Jing purposely exaggerated things to make things go her way.

"What are you talking about? Why does it seem like both of you are discussing a big scandal?" Amy wanted to know what Yu Jing said this time.

Yu Jing moved towards Amy Shen and repeated the same thing she told Shen Jun Shan. Yu Jing thought that Amy Shen would be shocked by the news only to receive a puzzled look from Amy.

Yu Jing could feel something was wrong with the situation. She looked at Shen Jun Shan only to notice his miffed expression.

Yu Jing gulped. Maybe she over-exaggerated this time.