Chapter 33: Yu Jing 3

Qiao An went for jogging diligently, and by now, Shen Jun Shan knew her schedule like the back of his hand.

Qiao An and Shen Jun Shan stopped under a shady tree to catch their breath. The soft wind blew Qiao An's fringe, and the little beads of sweat glistened. At that moment, nothing in this world seemed more beautiful in Shen Jun Shan's eyes.

Shen Jun Shan never wanted someone for himself so bad, but this time, for once, Shen Jun Shan felt that he wanted to be greedy.

A dry leaf fell from the tree and landed on top of Qiao An's head. As if his hand had a brain on its own, it moved to pick the leaf from Qiao An's crown. After that, Shen Jun Shan patted Qiao An's head to fix the hair.

Qiao An let Shen Jun Shan fix her hair. She said nothing about it, but the proximity between them made her heartbeat quickened.

"An An, do you want to go to the new coffee shop later?" Since they did not manage to go to the coffee shop last night, Shen Jun Shan was thinking about going to the coffee shop after their run.

Qiao An nodded as she looked at the handsome man in front of her. Indeed, handsome men became more attractive when they are near her, or is it just her?

"Should I pretend you don't make my heart beats fast?" Qiao An mumbled.

Shen Jun Shan smiled, and as he was about to say something, he was interrupted.

"Hey, guys."

A familiar voice broke their peaceful world. Yu Jing came to them, huffing and puffing as if she had just finished running a marathon.

"What are you talking about?"

Qiao An did not feel like talking to Yu Jing. She still remembers the way Yu Jing looked at her last night, and Qiao An was not happy about it. She started her run without acknowledging Yu Jing.

Yu Jing looked at Qiao An's back and did not feel bothered about her. "I heard you mentioned something about coffee just now? I want to go too" Yu Jing gave her best smile at Shen Jun Shan. Nobody ever refuses her after seeing her smile.

Shen Jun Shan looked at Qiao An, who started running without waiting for him. He frowned as he was being interrupted at the most crucial time.

Wait. What?

What did he want to say to Qiao An just now?

Shen Jun Shan ruffled his hair in distress. He was so into the moment just now as if everything was going to be alright when Yu Jing interrupted his quiet time with Qiao An.

"Yu Jing" Shen Jun Shan turned to face Yu Jing, who conveyed the impression that she was happy about the whole thing.

"I'm sorry, but you can't join us. This is important for me. I hope you understand." Shen Jun Shan started running after he said what he wanted to say to Yu Jing.

Yu Jing clenched her fist so hard it turned white. Being declined by women is still acceptable since they are immune to her charm, but men, men should not be able to resist her. It has always been like that as long as she can remember it.

Yu Jing returned to her house. There was no reason she should stay in the park if she were not with Shen Jun Shan. It was not as if Yu Jing liked running in the park. She was more like an indoor type of girl. She preferred being inside an air-conditioned room, doing yoga compared to other kinds of exercises.

Even when doing her favorite yoga pose, Yu Jing cannot seem to get Shen Jun Shan out of her mind. She needed to do something to disturb them.


While still in the park, Shen Jun Shan called his sister, who was resting at home to inform that he will be eating dinner with Qiao An. He does not have to explain everything, and Amy Shen will understand straight away.

"Oh, a date. Have fun. I'll manage dinner for myself" Amy Shen was teasing Shen Jun Shan about it.

Both Qiao An and Shen Jun Shan agreed to go out for dinner after they hit the shower and changed their clothes. Qiao An did text Amy Shen to invite her along, but since Shen Jun Shan managed to tell Amy Shen beforehand, Amy Shen declined tactfully.

Like a repeated scene, right after Qiao An went out of her house, Yu Jing automatically descended the stairs like she had everything on surveillance camera. Qiao An looked around to see if anyone had installed a CCTV or something, but she did not find any.

Yu Jing nodded to Qiao An as acknowledgment as she walked by. Qiao An let Yu Jing walked down the staircase first in case Yu Jing might push her if she walked at the front.

Shen Jun Shan was already waiting in front of his home when he heard footsteps. He looked up to see Yu Jing. Shen Jun Shan expected that Qiao An would walk down the stairs, but it turned out to be Yu Jing, so he was disappointed.

Upon seeing the disappointment in Shen Jun Shan's face, Yu Jing was displeased. She quickened her steps because she knew Qiao An would emerge any time soon. And as she heard the footsteps from Qiao An, Yu Jing purposely spoke louder.

"Shen Jun Shan, about the dinner…" Yu Jing paused, and she waited until Qiao An emerged before continuing. "About the dinner… You and I… I don't feel well."

And after that, Yu Jing fainted onto Shen Jun Shan's embrace.

Or more accurately, she pretended to faint and fall into Shen Jun Shan's embrace.

If Qiao An was some stupid woman like how some novel portrayed a female lead character, she should be angered when she heard the dialogue uttered by Yu Jing. She should also be angered to death when she saw the male lead was embracing another white lotus.

But Qiao An is not stupid.

Qiao An ran over to Shen Jun Shan and asked him to put Yu Jing down. She checked Yu Jing for other injuries and when she did not find any, Qiao An checked Yu Jing's pulse.

Yu Jing's pulse was normal. There was no abnormality in her heartbeat.

Qiao An frowned. She raised Yu Jing's leg up above the heart level slowly, but Yu Jing's eyes remained close. Qiao An tapped Yu Jing's cheek, and Yu Jing stayed unresponsive, but her breathing was normal.

Qiao An snorted in her heart. A white lotus is a white lotus. If Yu Jing wanted to gather sympathy from Shen Jun Shan, she should at least be smart about it. Pretending to faint and trying to hug a handsome guy is unacceptable. The trick is lame and of low quality. Qiao An thought that even her high school students could do better in acting.

"Is she okay?" Shen Jun Shan was looking at the side because he did not know what to do in such a situation.

"Trust me. I received training from the Red Cross Society. She should be okay. I don't know what happened to her" Qiao An looked at Yu Jing, who was wearing loose clothes and a slipper—fainting for no reason, huh? If Yu Jing wants to play the game, then Qiao An will play along with her.

"Should we send her to the hospital? In case her brain lacked oxygen or something," Shen Jun Shan was considering sending Yu Jing to the hospital.

Yu Jing secretly rejoiced in her heart when she heard what Shen Jun Shan said. That was precisely what she wanted. Shen Jun Shan should send her to the hospital and cancel on dinner with Qiao An. The edge of her lips could not help but curled a little bit.

And Qiao An saw that.

She knew it! Yu Jing must be up to something when she mentioned about dinner to Shen Jun Shan before she fainted. Getting more annoyed with the white lotus lying on the floor, Qiao An will not give her the satisfaction.

"I'm hungry though". Qiao An looked at Shen Jun Shan with a wronged expression, as if someone who is waiting to be spoiled. "How about we call for an ambulance and asked them to pick up Yu Jing? I think this is an emergency. Her symptoms are all normal but she was unresponsive. Maybe there's something wrong with her brain."

Qiao An paused and looked at Yu Jing to see her reaction but since Yu Jing was adamant on playing faint, Qiao An will not blow her cover.

"I better call the ambulance now". Qiao An dialed the ambulance number and purposely put the phone on speaker so that Shen Jun Shan and especially Yu Jing will be able to hear the ringing sound.

Hearing that Qiao An called the ambulance for real, Yu Jing panicked. This is not what she wanted. In her plan, Shen Jun Shan should be the one sending her to the hospital, not the ambulance.

It will be very embarrassing if the ambulance came and found out that there was nothing wrong with her. With a very unwilling heart, Yu Jing clenched her fist and started acting before someone from the ambulance side picked up the phone.

Yu Jing opened her eyes slowly. "What… What happened to me?"

Qiao An stopped the call attempt and looked at Yu Jing with a mocking look. "You fainted. Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? I'll call the ambulance for you"

Upon hearing the word ambulance from Qiao An, Yu Jing's lips twitched. Then she proceeds on saying that she was alright and that she should be okay if she returned to her house to rest.

Qiao An kept on making sure whether Yu Jing was really fine. Yu Jing felt that Qiao An was purposely rubbing salt on her wounded heart. Begrudgingly, Yu Jing stood up and walked up to her house.

Right after Yu Jing disappeared from their sight, Qiao An let out a big laugh. Playing along with Yu Jing was quite fun.

Shen Jun Shan looked at Qiao An who was really enjoying herself. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden"?

Qiao An did not say anything but she started to walk down the stairs. Shen Jun Shan tailed behind her, still waiting for her response.

"She pretended to faint to gain sympathy from you. Can't you see it? She has some motive towards you" Qiao An felt that she needed to tell Shen Jun Shan the truth.

Seeing Shen Jun Shan confused face, Qiao An continued. "You did not know that? Then well now you know. It must be a nice feeling to have a beautiful girl crushing on you."

Qiao An and Shen Jun Shan reached the parking lot. Shen Jun Shan unlocked his car and Qiao An entered the car naturally like she was used to it like it was a normal thing for her to do.

"I can feel that she felt something for me but I don't think it's that deep. But I don't feel the same way with her though. I have someone I like". Shen Jun Shan started the car.

Qiao An did not respond.

"An An, don't you want to know who is the person that I like?" Shen Jun Shan turned to look at Qiao An.

"Do you want to tell me about it?' Qiao An asked back.

"Do you want to know?" Shen Jun Shan smiled.

"Are you willing to say?" Qiao An smiled back.

"Are you ready to hear?" Shen Jun Shan retorted again.

Both of them were staring at each other but none was willing to say yes.

Suddenly, a rumbling stomach sound could be heard and Qiao An's face reddened in embarrassment.

"I am really hungry actually" Qiao An smiled awkwardly at Shen Jun Shan.

Shen Jun Shan laughed as he thought that Qiao An really looked cute when she was shy or embarrassed. Right at the moment, Qiao An really looked like an adorable kid who made an innocent face because she was hungry.

Shen Jun Shan petted Qiao An's head. "Let's go."