Chapter 35: Crazy 2

Just when Jin thought that the situation would not get worse, Cleo turned to him. If eyes could kill, Jin was sure that he was already dead at this point.

"Hah! I should have known this. There's no way Shen Jun Shan will let me off quietly. What is your relationship with this girl?" Cleo shouted at Jin, and she pointed her finger towards Amy Shen.

Amy Shen was caught in a very awkward situation. First, her brother's ex-girlfriend came to the restaurant and started shouting nonsense. Second, she was tangled in a complicated love story she did not want to be involved with. Amy Shen wished to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Urm… Chloe, I think you get the wrong idea. Brother Jin and I are not in any kind of relationship. We are…"

"Shut up!" Cleo barked at Amy Shen. "Did I ask you? I think highly of you previously, but who knows you could be this cheap."

"Cleo! Stop this!" Jin was getting annoyed.

Jin never thought that Cleo would have such a poisonous tongue. It was alright if he was the only one affected by her anger, but to involve an innocent person in their argument was merely petty.

"What? Do you feel guilty now that I have tracked your phone, and you got caught cheating on me with this slut?" Cleo walked towards Amy Shen. Her rational thinking was no longer be seen. Cleo wanted to pull Amy Shen's hair.

Jin pulled Cleo before Cleo could extend her arms towards Amy, and then he stood in front of Amy Shen to shield her. That action made Cleo even angrier. Cleo hit Jin to make him move, but since Jin did not move even an inch, Cleo kept hitting and cursing Jin.

The manager and two waiters came into the room. The waiters held Cleo, and Jin asked them to take her away from the place. Even as she was dragged from the room, Cleo was still shouting and cursing both Jin and Amy Shen. It was not a beautiful sight.

Jin turned around to face Amy Shen, who was silent the whole time. "Are you okay? I'm sorry you have to see that."

Amy Shen shook her head. "I'm okay. You should worry about yourself. Your handsome face got scratched a bit here" Amy Shen pointed to Jin's cheek.

Both of them lose their appetite. The manager came into the room to apologize to Jin and Amy Shen. The manager told them that he sent Cleo to the police station because Cleo was disturbing the public order.

JIn thought that maybe this is the best for Cleo. If Cleo got even crazier, Jin was also considering getting a restraining order from the court. The overly attached ex-girlfriend is scary.

Amy Shen knew that Jin must have a lot on his mind, so she excused herself to go back. Jin insisted on sending her back, so Amy Shen did not refuse.

During the drive back to Amy's apartment complex, Jin was silent, so Amy Shen said nothing. It was when they reached their apartment complex that Jin started talking.

"I can't believe she installed spying apps on my phone." Jin sighed and looked at Amy Shen. "Are you all women like that? It's crazy, breaching someone's privacy just like that".

"Maybe you did something that made her has trust issue in you or maybe…" Amy Shen paused.

Amy did not know what advice to offer to Jin during a time like this. She did not have any experience at all. Amy Shen wanted to get away from Jin. She opened the door and went out of the car.

Jin went out of his car too. "Maybe what?"

Amy Shen pretended she did not hear what Jin said. She walked towards the dark corner where the kittens were. Amy Shen called for the kittens, and both of them came to her. Jin followed her there too.

"Maybe what?" Jin did not give up on asking. What he disliked the most was when people want to say something but did not finish their sentences.

"Maybe your taste sucks." Amy Shen huffed.

Thinking about how Chloe or Cleo or whatever name the woman used now made Amy Shen angrier. Her brother used to love Chloe so much that when they broke up, her brother showed every sign of withdrawing from the people around him.

Amy Shen did try to search for Chloe at that time, but she found out that Chloe had a new boyfriend just a few weeks after her breakup with Shen Jun Shan.

This would be the second time someone told Jin off that his taste sucks. Last time when Qiao An said his taste sucked, did she mean Cleo? Did they know each other?

"Do you know Cleo?" Jin asked curiously.

Amy Shen told Jin what she knew about Chloe, including the name, her relationship with Shen Jun Shan, and what happened after their breakup.

It was unbelievable for Jin. All the things Cleo told him was fake. Everything was a lie. Jin did not know what to say. He crouched down. "Wow. My love life is a lie. I don't even know if she loves me." There was a trace of sadness in his voice.

"She loves you – of course. But she loves herself more. I'm not telling you this because I know everything. I only know enough that you deserve more. You deserve someone who will love you more than she loves herself." Amy Shen patted Jin's shoulder.

People said that when you broke up, it hurts like hell, and no amount of sweet words could cure your broken heart. But why is it that Jin was quickly rectified by Amy Shen's words. Is it because he was not really in love with Cleo in the first place?

Jin's eyes got used to the dark, and he could see Amy Shen smiled while rubbing the kittens. They said that a woman is the most beautiful when she smiles. But Jin did not want to believe that anymore since Cleo has a beautiful smile, but still, she was a little bit crazy and abusive.

From now on, Jin wanted to believe that a woman is the most beautiful when she is kind. Like Amy Shen.

When he realized that he had made Amy Shen as his definition of beauty, Jin was quite shocked himself. He was about to stand up, but Amy Shen pulled down his wrist.

"What are you trying.." Jin wanted to ask why Amy Shen pulled his wrist down, but Amy Shen covered his mouth with her palm while shushing at him.

Someone just parked in the parking lot, and the sound of the door being closed could be heard. Jin saw that Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An came out from the car. Since there was some distance between the dark corner and the parking lot, Jin could not hear what Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An talked about.

Jin was about to let go of the fact that his sister went out to have dinner with Shen Jun Shan. But then, he saw that Shen Jun Shan grabbed his sister's hand to give her something, Jin got angry.

Jin could feel that Amy Shen kept on tugging his sleeve, so he turned to face Amy Shen. Amy Shen shook her head as if telling Jin not to disturb Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An.

Jin was quite angry at the moment, but when he saw Amy shaking her head, his anger was suppressed.

When Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An went up the stairs, both Jin and Amy Shen let out a heavy sigh. Jin was, of course, still not happy by the fact that Qiao An did not look disgusted when Shen Jun Shan touched her when she usually could not stand being touched by other people.

Jin could feel that his sister is about to be stolen by someone, and he was not ready for that yet. He still wants to protect that little sister of his.

"My brother did not go out with people for a long time after his breakup with Chloe. Please don't mess this up for him." Amy Shen, who was silent the whole time with him, spoke up.

Because Amy Shen did help him to soothe his feeling after the things with Cleo, Jin nodded, but he will have to talk to Qiao An about this.