Chapter 37: Wallance

Wallance came to City L to finalize the project he participated in with Shen Jun Shan's company.

Even though last time he decided to be a friend with Qiao An, while spending his regular day in City K, he thinks about Qiao An a lot. He wondered if Qiao An had a change of heart during all these times.

Wallance went to Shen Jun Shan's office to discuss things with him when he saw a new face in the office. A beautiful lady was sitting at the secretary's seat outside of Shen Jun Shan's office.

"May I help you?" The lady smiled politely towards Wallance.

Wallance told the lady that he was there to see Shen Jun Shan. While at that, Wallance flirted and made the lady laughed.

All of these were seen by Amy Shen from afar. Wallance always thought that it was such a mystery why Amy Shen seemed to hate him for no reason.

Truthfully, Amy Shen did not hate Wallance for no reason. There was a reason why she disliked Wallance. All of these happened in university.

While Amy Shen was in her second year of university, she had a female coursemate whom she was closed with at that time. The female coursemate was quite pretty so a lot of guys went to ask for her number.

The female coursemate had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was Wallance. At that time, Amy Shen did not know that Wallance was Shen Jun Shan's good friend. Amy Shen only knew that Wallance was in the same university like her brother.

A few months later, the beautiful female looked haggard and sad whenever Amy Shen saw her attending the lectures. Amy Shen did ask what happened but the female coursemate never discloses anything to her.

Until one day, while going to out to the nearby mall, Amy Shen saw that the female classmate wanted to jump out from the shopping mall building. The reason was that Wallance cheated on her. The case got so popular that it became the hot gossip of the whole university for a month.

Amy Shen never believes anything without any proof but she saw with her eyes that the guy named Wallance was in fact, had cheated on the female coursemate with another girl from the same course.

Wallance was a hot topic amongst the female in Amy Shen's coursemates and being scary women they were, they passed around his picture so the other female will not fall prey to his so-called love.

That was why, when Amy Shen knew that Wallance was her brother's friend and dormmate in university, she could not believe that his brother had such a lousy friend. The first time they met, Wallance even tried to hit on Amy Shen and that made Amy Shen even more disgusted by Wallance.

According to Shen Jun Shan, Wallance could be considered as a player back in their university day. With that information, Amy Shen could conclude that Wallance was not the type that a good girl could trust.

"Yo, Amy! Where's your brother?" Wallance knew that Amy Shen disliked him but he never took it to his heart.

Amy Shen answered half-heartedly but that made Wallance even happier to tease her. To rub someone in the wrong way was Wallance's speciality.

Wallance followed Amy Shen into Shen Jun Shan's office. As they entered the office, they could see that Shen Jun Shan's had a piece of cake on his table and he had been staring at the cake.

"Oh, chocolate cheese. My favourite!" Wallance sat down on the chair the opposite of Shen Jun Shan and tried to take the spoon from the cake plate.

Shen Jun Shan hit Wallance's hand and put the cake farther away from Wallance.

"Tch. Stingy. How about we have dinner tonight to celebrate our successful collaboration. I'll invite Qiao An. I kind of miss her"

Shen Jun Shan was not pleased, so is Amy. This Wallance should stop flirting with everyone he sees.

"Don't bother. We are not even done with the task, and you already call for celebration? Then, do this!" Shen Jun Shan pushed a lot of files towards Wallance.

Amy Shen was satisfied with the turn of events and went out of the office. Then she called Qiao An to make a plan with her in case Wallance invited Qiao An to go anywhere. To her surprise, Qiao An had planned but it was not with Wallance.

"Of course you can go with us. We are going to eat at one of the restaurants near the coffee shop we went to yesterday. It will be fun to have more people around." Qiao An spoke innocently.

Knowing that Qiao An and her brother had another date, Amy's heart leapt in happiness. She declined politely but then,\

he remembered how Jin was not happy with Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An's date, Amy Shen felt that she needed to do something.

"An An, did Jin said something to you?" Amy Shen asked cautiously. She did not want Qiao An or Shen Jun Shan to know that Jin and she saw their date and how Shen Jun Shan held Qiao An's hand.

Qiao An told Amy Shen the truth- Jin had not called her. Since Jin has not called her yesterday night, Qiao An was curious about Amy and his brother. After talking with Amy Shen, Qiao An called her brother which is a rare occurrence.

Jin was in the middle of the meeting when he saw the phone call from Qiao An. Since it was seldom that Qiao An called him, Jin stopped the meeting. The members inside the meeting room gave him a knowing look.

To have their boss stopped the meeting for a mere phone call, it could only come from a family. The workers were doing their work on the surface but actually, they were all eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Hey sis, you never call me for anything. What is it?... Me? What would I want to tell you? Who said that?... Amy?... Oh, that… It's nothing. What are you eating for dinner today?... With who?... Why don't you just eat with me? Your brother needs company too… Amy? What's her number?... Alright, I'll call her. So, where will you… Huh?"

Jin looked at the phone. "Hello? Xiao An?"

The staffs threw a pitiful looked towards their boss. Nobody dared to hang up on him but his sister has been doing that since forever and their boss could not do anything about it. Sister complex is not so good after all. They wondered if their boss gets a girlfriend, will he have the same tendency towards his girlfriend?

Jin cleared his throat, aware that everyone could hear bits on conversations from his side. After that, he continued the meeting. While being absorbed in the meeting, Jin received a text from Qiao An.

"I can't give you her number. Please go ask her yourself."

Jin read the message and he was speechless.