Chapter 44: Uneasy

Jin had a high alcohol tolerance, so he was not drunk even after drinking a few glasses of wine. He stood beside his car to clear up his mind.

He told himself that he wanted to clear up his mind, but Jin knew better. He was waiting and trying to see when will Amy Shen and her date went back home.

Maybe it was the unsatisfied feeling that Amy Shen abandoned him for dinner alone. Or maybe, it was merely selfish of him to think that Amy Shen should be the one accompanying him since she held him back from interfering between Shen Jun Shan and Qiao An.

Either way, his heart was uncomfortable seeing Amy Shen and that guy together.

"Brother Jin?" Amy Shen approached Jin. "Are you waiting for someone?"

Ling Qi was right behind Amy Shen, looking at Jin from head to toe. Jin, too, assessing Ling Qi from head to toe as if provoking him to do something else.

"I'm just trying to clear my mind before driving home. I drank a few glasses just now." Jin acted as if it was not a big deal.

Amy Shen advised Jin to call a taxi to go back, but Jin acted as if he will think about it. Since Jin said so, Amy Shen said her goodbye and left Jin alone in the parking lot.

Jin drove back home himself, and he had a lot of things he was not satisfied with Amy Shen. Like, shouldn't she insist on him to call a taxi? Or shouldn't she call the taxi himself so that he will reach home safely?

Jin was tempted to say something else before Amy Shen drove away with the guy with her, but he stopped himself. After all, someone once said that the decision made at night is unreliable.

When Jin reached his home, the first thing he checked would be Snowy and Orange. The housekeeping auntie only works half-day, so he was worried that the kittens might starve. To his surprise, the kittens had a fat belly.

The kittens approached him carefully and pounced on Jin's leg when Jin pretended not to see them.

Jin saw down and picked up the kittens, who implied that they were not wary of him anymore. The kittens were quite small. About eight weeks old. Snowy kept on nipping his thumb while Orange sucked his pinkie.

"Orange, stop suckling on my finger. I am not your mother. Your mother is…" Jin stopped. He did not know where its mother went to. Jin only knew that Amy Shen had been feeding them at night. So, he could not tell the kittens that their mother is Amy Shen, right?

Also, since he adopted the kittens, is he a dad now?

He did not have the habit of talking to cats. That would be Qiao An, her mother, and his father. But not Jin.

But now, he felt that talking to kittens would be a reasonable thing to do. After all, the kittens were part of his small family now.

A change could be useful for some people, and it felt as if he was changing too, for good or for worse. Usually, change happened when his heart was disturbed by something. He took a deep breath. Just what is it about tonight that made his heart uneasy?

To calm his unrest mind, Jin kept playing with the kittens. He always heard his auntie told Qiao An that playing with animals will help to reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost mood.

At that time, Jin was pretty sure that Qiao An did not need either loneliness or social support – that playing with animals was just something Qiao An naturally likes without any reason. Back then, Jin scoffed when his stepmother said that. Now, Jin was the one who needed a mood booster; he felt that his auntie is right.

Maybe Jin was down because his relationship with Cleo had gone awry. Or perhaps he was just sulking because his misery is being ignored by his sister and the one who called him brother.

While still in deep thinking, Jin's phone vibrated to indicate an incoming call. The vibrate startled the kittens, and both Snowy and Orange scurried away from Jin.

Jin looked at the caller – and he smiled.

"Hello…" A slight pause followed after the greeting. "I assume you reach home safely?" Amy Shen asked politely.

Jin's heart suffused with warmth. Amy Shen should not be so lovely to him; he gets attached easily.

He gave a simple 'hmm' and paused, not knowing how to continue the conversation about getting home. Jin could not whine about how he was left alone, right? The kittens pounced on his thigh, and Jin had an idea.

"Snowy and Orange are suckling my fingers. Should I buy a milk formula for them? But I don't know which formula is good for them. Could you give me some suggestions?"

Jin knew that his reason sucks. Everything can be searched on the internet nowadays. He could just search them on the search engine. Even primary students knew how to do that. But for the sake of continuing conversation, Jin was willing to be stupid for a night. Indeed, the decision made at night is unreliable.

"Ah, I'll buy it for them tomorrow. I have a few things for them." Amy Shen was excited to hear about the kittens.

"Let's buy it together if you are free tomorrow. If you don't have a date, I mean." His heart was beating fast when he mentioned 'date.'

Thankfully, Amy Shen did not have any plan that the next day. Going out with Ling Qi was just a casual outing. It did not mean that she was attached to him or something. Amy Shen ended the phone call when she heard the rustling sound from the living room.

Jin pulled the kittens to his chest and kissed the top of their head.

"Don't worry; daddy will buy the most expensive milk formula for both of you."


Amy Shen ended the phone call with Jin and headed to the living room to see Shen Jun Shan with a lot of groceries bag on the floor.

The number of ingredients he bought was enough to feed ten people for three days straight. Amy Shen helped her brother to carry the groceries bag to the kitchen.

"Are we having a party? Why did you buy a lot?" Amy Shen asked Shen Jun Shan while she was putting the ingredients in the pantry.

"It's been a while since we had our regular dinner with An An. We should eat outside less. Eating homemade food is the best." Shen Jun Shan carried everything to the kitchen. "You can tell An An that."

Amy Shen did not know why Shen Jun Shan was acting like this, but her mind wandered towards the sight she saw this evening.

"I saw An An with a man before I went for dinner. Is this what everything all about?" Amy Shen stopped what she was doing and asked Shen Jun Shan seriously.

Shen Jun Shan said nothing, but he nodded his head.

Since Amy Shen could not offer anything to comfort her brother, she put away all the groceries and went to her room. She sent a message to Qiao An to invite her for regular dinner.

Amy Shen fell asleep after Qiao An replied, 'yes.'