Chapter 46: Peck

The next day, Qiao An went to work like she usually did. Since she was not awkward about Shen Jun Shan anymore, she figured out that going out on her regular time is the best.

When she reached her school, Qiao An did her usual stuff when one of the students in her class came and met her in the staff room.

"Miss An, what is wrong with your car? Did you bump or collide into something?" The students usually come to the staff room to help the teachers carry their thing. It just happened that Qiao An is going to their class, and the student came to help her.

Qiao An never had the habit of checking her car every day, so she did not notice any bump or scratch on her car. With that in mind, she did not pay any attention to the student's word and just entered her class like she usually did.

It was when Qiao An wanted to leave work that she finally remembered the student's word and went to check her car.

The car was alright. There was no bump or dent present except for the long and deep scratch in the rear bumper of her car.

Qiao An's heart bleeds at the sight of such deep scratch. It was as if her heart was scratched along with it. Qiao An went and checked her rear bumper in case something else was damaged.

Since Qiao An found nothing else wrong with her car, she drove back home with a lot of things in her mind.

Qiao An did not go anywhere other than traveling back and forth to work and home. Also, she remembered that she did not bump or collide into things that could scratch her car. Every evening for dinner, Shen Jun Shan was the one driving. Even her dinner with Joel, Joel was the one driving, not her.

There should be nothing that could make her car in such a condition as it was right now.

Not wanting to dwell with whatever happened to her car since her heart gets more painful, the more she thinks of it, Qiao An decided to bury everything at the back of her head and went jogging.

Shen Jun Shan was there in the park earlier than Qiao An this time. Usually, Qiao An will be the first one there, and after she had run for one lap and a half, Shen Jun Shan will come and join her to run.

It was always like that. Except for today, Shen Jun Shan was early.

"I guess your plan went smoothly yesterday? It was kind of lonely yesterday. I mean, eating alone." Shen Jun Shan came and jogged beside Qiao An.

For some reason, Qiao An felt a little bit guilty when she heard him. She gave him an apologetic smile.

"I just went out for dinner with my senior in university. Nothing much."

Eating with Joel was nothing for Qiao An, so she did not feel the need to hide the fact that she went out to eat with dinner. Qiao An was sure that Shen Jun Shan would understand.

Shen Jun Shan said nothing, but the answer from Qiao An made him happy. At least, he did not have to make up more topics of conversation just to find out with whom Qiao An had dinner yesterday.

As both of them went back, Qiao An trained her attention to her car. The scratch was long and thin, so it was not noticeable if one looks from afar. But in you look at it up-close, the one could see how deep the scratch indeed was.

Every car owner is like that. When they knew that their beloved car was scratched, no matter how short or long the scratches are, they will always felt heartache when they see it.

It became such a scar in their heart; it was almost impossible to ignore. That was what happened to Qiao An.

Shen Jun Shan thought that Qiao An was only looking at her car, but he failed to notice the scratch since it was getting darker.

Qiao An went down to the Shen sibling's house like how she usually did. When she entered the house, Shen Jun Shan had a big smile on his face as he walked to the kitchen counter to continue chopping the garlic and onion.

Qiao An looked around, and Amy Shen was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Amy?"

"Went out to buy something. I am cooking today. I will show you how cool I am today." Shen Jun Shan spoke candidly.

This would be the first time for Shen Jun Shan to cook. Usually, it would be Amy Shen and Qiao An who will cook, but Qiao An did not know what happened to Shen Jun Shan today. Since he was so enthusiastic about cooking, Qiao An said nothing and just went to stand beside him in case he needed her to help with something.

"I never tell you this before, but I am good at cooking." Out of the blue, Shen Jun Shan started praising himself.

It was too sudden, so Qiao An did not know how to react to that. She only said 'hmm' and nodded her head to show her acknowledgment.

"I am a good guy." Shen Jun Shan spoke again.

Qiao An felt that the conversation was getting weirder. But she still nodded her head and said, 'hmm.'

"I am loyal and faithful. When I love someone, she will be my everything, so she does not have to worry about other girls." Shen Jun Shan stopped chopping the onion and closed his eyes.

Qiao An thought that Shen Jun Shan closed his eyes because the onion burned his eyes. Qiao An remembered that her mom always blows her eyes to make the burn go away when she was little.

Qiao An started blowing to Shen Jun Shan's face to help the fumes from the onion to clear out quickly.

Shen Jun Shan stiffened by that gesture and opened his eyes hastily. The sight he saw right after he opened his heart made his heart beats faster. Qiao An was blowing, and her puckering lips were close to his face as if she wanted to kiss him. Because of that sight, Shen Jun Shan took perilous action.

Shen Jun Shan leaned in and pecked her puckering lips.

Qiao An was shocked and took a step back, her mouth agape. "You…You…You… what did you just do?"

Shen Jun Shan took the knife and resumed chopping the onion. "I told you before. If you keep on blowing, I will not be responsible for what happened next. I guess you forgot." Shen Jun Shan shrugged his shoulder as if saying 'not my fault.'

Someone said that he is a good guy, but why does this man in front of him was acting like a rogue? Qiao An was taking a step back in case Shen Jun Shan did something again.

"Here, continue chopping this onion. I need to get the chicken from the freezer. I forgot to thaw it." Shen Jun Shan gestured for Qiao An to take over the knife.

Full of suspicion, Qiao An took the knife from Shen Jun Shan and looked at him warily.

Shen Jun Shan felt that the wary look Qiao An threw him was so cute. It made him want to tease her more.

"Are you afraid? Of what? That I'll kiss you again?"

Qiao An raised the knife in her hand, pointed it to Shen Jun Shan, and brought the knife near her neck. After that, Qiao An made a slicing gesture while her eyes were trained on Shen Jun Shan.

Seeing that gesture from Qiao An, Shen Jun Shan broke into a burst of loud laughter and stopped teasing her.