Chapter 59: Shirley 2

"Is there anything wrong with Miss Qiao An? Why is she smiling throughout the lesson? It's creepy."

The students in Qiao An's class kept murmuring the same thing. If it were a regular day, Qiao An would scold them, but since she was delighted from the bottom of her heart, she ignored the whispers from the students.

Even her colleagues were asking her if something good happened since Qiao An has been smiling from the moment she reached the staffroom.

One of the senior colleagues went to Qiao An's table to talk to her since Qiao An rarely went over and spoke with her colleagues. Her colleagues were all charming people; they tried to include her in everything they did inside the staffroom, that including gossiping.

"Qiao An, did you hear that we are going to have visitors later?" The most senior teacher who sat next to Qiao An whispered to her, but her voice was still loud enough for the rest to hear.

Qiao An shook her head. "Superintendent? Or a high-profile parent?"

Most of the teachers in the staffroom shook their heads. So, nobody knew? This could be a problem if the principal asked them to stay late to make the necessary preparations.

Qiao An could not afford to stay late. Shen Jun Shan is coming to pick her up.

Thinking about Shen Jun Shan, Qiao An was not sure if Shen Jun Shan understood what she meant this morning. Saying a direct 'I Love You' is so cliché, Qiao An felt cringy just to say it.

Qiao An drifted into her own world. So, what about them now? Are they a friend? Or did she upgrade herself into something more?

It was ten minutes before eleven when two of the senior teachers were running and scrambling back to their table. "They are here. They are here."

Everyone panicked.

Witnessing such panic from everyone, Qiao An could not help but felt the same. She tidied up her books and stationery. After that, she smoothened her attire and stood up, getting ready to welcome whoever visiting them for the time being.

A group of five people came into the staffroom – three men and two ladies. They looked like they were having a lot of power and authority just from the way they looked around and scrutinizing everyone in the room.

Four of them looked slightly older, but one of the ladies looked younger. She looked like she was not over thirty yet. The people were watching and having a small talk among themselves. The teachers were confused, but they did not ask anything.

Everyone was just standing quietly like a tree.

The younger lady saw Qiao An, and suddenly she walked towards Qiao An.

Please don't ask me to explain anything. Please don't ask me to explain anything.

Qiao An was reciting her mantra in her heart.

Usually, when the superintendent came for inspection at school, they will pick random teachers or staff to explain whatever questions they have in mind.

Qiao An never got picked before, but she saw some of her colleagues who got selected, sweating like mad when they were asked to answer questions.

"I'm Shirley Wang. Nice to meet you." The lady was soft-spoken and polite.

Qiao An tried her best to calm her heart. "I'm Qiao An. Nice to meet you too."

Qiao An did not know why amongst all the teachers in the staffroom, Shirley Wang came and talked to her. Is it because she had a silly smile on her face? But Qiao An was sure that she was not smiling.

"Uncle Tang is right. You are beautiful. I hope we could hang out sometimes." She smiled. "You do look similar to your brother." Shirley Wang took out her phone. "May I have your number? I am only here for two weeks. Maybe we can hang out while I'm here."

Qiao An was amazed at how direct Shirley Wang is. If Qiao An were a man, she aspired to be someone direct like Shirley Wang.

The other teachers were looking at them, including the other four visitors. It would be rude for Qiao An not to give her phone number when Shirley Wang looked like she was close to the Tang family.

Even her boss kept on looking at Qiao An as if urging her to give away her phone number. Not wanting to think much, Qiao An gave her phone number to Shirley Wang. It was not as if she had to go hang out with Shirley Wang anyway.

Shirley Wang smiled at her. She said that she would call Qiao An when she has time. She waved goodbye to Qiao An before she went to re-join her group. The group of five went to the other place with the principal guiding them.

Truthfully, Qiao An hoped that Shirley Wang did not call her at all because they were not familiar with each other. But she mentioned Uncle Tang and also Jin? Is she an essential partner for the Tang family?

Eh? Wait a minute.

Shirley Wang mentioned that Qiao An looked similar to Jin. By logic, Qiao An should never look identical to Jin. They came from different parents, after all. Just which part of her looked similar to Jin?

"Qiao An, do you know that lady?" The most senior teacher asked Qiao An.

Qiao An shook her head. Her friends can be counted on the fingers of two hands. Moreover, that lady was damn beautiful. Qiao An has lovely girlfriends, but Shirley Wang looked like a goddess.

Well, Amy Shen looked like a goddess too, but that was all. Qiao An never had another goddess friend.

"I heard that the visitors are from some kind of big company. Every year, the company allocated a sum of money to be donated to schools or non-government organizations. It would be nice if we could get that money from them. We could upgrade the computer lab." The senior teacher rambled not so quietly.

The computers in the computer lab were excellent, but some of them were the old models, and they lagged. If they could get the donation money, it would be great.

That moment, Qiao An felt her phone vibrated. She fished out her phone from her pocket and saw that she received a text from Joel.

Joel was asking her if she has time after work. Now that he kept on asking her, Qiao An felt a bit annoyed. It was not as if Joel did not know how she felt about people. Joel knew that Qiao An did not go out with people easily, moreover, if it's a man.

Qiao An declined politely, saying that she has an important appointment that evening. She thought that Joel would stop trying like he usually did when Qiao An declined him. On the contrary, this time, the content of the message was not something that Qiao An thought would be.

Joel: Are you seeing someone?

Qiao An: Yes.

Qiao An likes Joel as a friend; he was one of her rare male friends. That was why Qiao An told him directly. Dragging someone was one of the most despicable things people can do to someone they called a friend.

Joel did not reply to anything after that.


Shen Jun Shan had a permanent smile on his face.

The staff in the company wondered if something good happened to Shen Jun Shan. Of course, Shen Jun Shan saw their curious faces, but he was not going to explain anything.

He was waiting for Wallance to come and see him at the office because Wallance was in City L for whatever reason he deemed right. It was not as if Shen Jun Shan had to know everything Wallance does with his life.

It was enough for him to know that Wallance had given up about Qiao An because now he told Shen Jun Shan that he was into this yoga chick.

Wallance entered the office and saw how radiant Shen Jun Shan looked despite the small mountain of documents on the table.

"I need to tell you something."

Wallance sat in front of Shen Jun Shan. His face was serious.