Chapter 61: Confirmation

"Why is Miss Qiao An standing there while smiling? She never acts like this. For some reason, this creeps me out."

The students walked past Qiao An, who was standing near the lobby of her school. Most of them walked by and nodded, and after that, they will take a second look towards Qiao An.

Qiao An took out her phone and opened her camera to check if she looked creepy when she smiled.

Qiao An rarely smiled in school. Not because she was trying to be scary or strict but because she rarely finds things that can amuse her in school.

The poor students who rarely saw her smiling face became alarmed, and some of them questioned whether the storm is coming or not.

From afar, Qiao An could see her red car approaching. Since outsiders could not enter the school compound for no reason, the lobby was clear from any other transportation.

More students flocked around Qiao An; most of them came from the classes she taught.

"Miss Qiao An, something good must have happened, right? Do you have a boyfriend?" One of the students who stopped by asked bravely.

Qiao An could not stop herself from brimming when she heard the word 'boyfriend.' That should be what she should use to describe Shen Jun Shan from now on, right?

Qiao An's car came to a stop near her, and the window rolled down. As if on cue, the students who were flocking around Qiao An turned their head to see the driver.

"OMG! So handsome!" One of the students shouted.

Shen Jun Shan waved at those students, and the students gaped while looking at Shen Jun Shan. Qiao An took that time to slip away from the students and entered her car.

Shen Jun Shan rolled up the window and drove by from the school.

Things were kind of awkward, and Qiao An was too shy to look at Shen Jun Shan. The silence was deafening, and if nobody talks, Qiao An was afraid that Shen Jun Shan might hear her heart beating fast and erratically near him.

"My student said that you are handsome." Qiao An started talking without looking at Shen Jun Shan.

Shen Jun Shan grinned. After a long day, she could only say that?

"An An, is that the first thing you should be saying to right now?" Shen Jun Shan glanced at the lady who was trying hard not to look at him. "Look at me."

Qiao An glanced at Shen Jun Shan, and when their eyes met, Qiao An quickly looked away as if the stare from Shen Jun Shan would burn her.

"Let's eat something before we home." Shen Jun Shan patted Qiao An's hair. When he felt a slight nod from Qiao An, he removed his hand from Qiao An's head and focused on driving.

The car reached their destination, and Qiao An saw the 'Rose Bloom Restaurant' from afar. She turned to look at Shen Jun Shan, who was already looking at her.

"You are using your connection again?" It was just a simple question.

"You wait here." Shen Jun Shan went out of the car and walked towards Qiao An's side.

Qiao An knew what Shen Jun Shan wanted to do, so she went out of the car quickly before Shen Jun Shan could open the door for her.

"Why did you go out? I want to open the door for you." Shen Jun Shan was a bit disappointed because he had been planning everything he wanted to do, but Qiao An just went and spoiled his plan.

"I'm shy." Qiao An looked at Shen Jun Shan briefly before she looked somewhere else.

Of course, Shen Jun Shan knew that Qiao An would be shy. After all, he went and confessed his love towards her hastily. Even though Shen Jun Shan knew that his confession might backfire, he had to take the risk.

"Come." Shen Jun Shan took Qiao An's hand and intertwined their finger shamelessly. Then, he walked towards the restaurant with Qiao An beside him.

Like the first time when Qiao An came to the restaurant, their table was at the corner of the restaurant where people will not pass by. Qiao An was curious whether this was intentional or not.

After ordering their food, Qiao An could finally look at Shen Jun Shan directly. The dimmed atmosphere at the restaurant seemed to give her confidence.

Her students are right. Shen Jun Shan is a handsome man. The more she looked at him, the more attractive he looked.

Shen Jun Shan fixed his gaze on her. "An An, you did not answer me properly this morning." Beaming with a smile, he leaned towards Qiao An, who was seated the opposite of him.

He was handsome before, but he was impossible now.

"I thought you already knew." Qiao An refused to back out now. If Shen Jun Shan wants to play this confessing game, then she will be happy to play along. "I let you hold my hand, let you hug me. I even let you…" Qiao An's voice turned to whisper, "kiss…".

Shen Jun Shan raised one of his eyebrows as if challenging her to speak louder.

"Peck my lips... If you are some random guy, you would be in a hospital now. Bedridden." Qiao An leaned back to her chair and hugged her body as if trying to be casual about the whole thing.

"So?" Shen Jun Shan leaned back too, imitating the way Qiao An glared at him. As if frustrated that Shen Jun Shan mimicking her action, Qiao An leaned forward and whispered, loud enough only for Shen Jun Shan to hear.

"If that is not love, I don't know what is."