Chapter 71: Li Rang

Chapter 71: Li Rang

"Who are you?" Shen Jun Shan did not answer the man's question, but he countered it with another question.

Shen Jun Shan was not sure whether the man remembered him or not, but Shen Jun Shan was convinced that the man in front of him was the man who went to the same university with him. The man even lived in their hostel building, or if not, in the hostel next to his hostel building.

"Not your business then." Joel looked at Shen Jun Shan.

"Are you An An's friend? You went to the same university as her, right? We always bump into each other in the cafeteria. What are you doing here?" Shen Jun Shan knew that if he did not say something to the guy, the guy would probably refuse to answer him.

The man who was caught trying to pick the lock from the CCTV was not the man in front of Shen Jun Shan. He was sure of it because the man from the CCTV has much bigger muscle than the guy in front of him.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Not wanting to give up, Joel asked again.

Yu Jing and Amy Shen told him about a man who went out with Qiao An one time. He did not ask about the description of the man, but right now, Shen Jun Shan had a hunch that the mysterious man was standing in front of him with a book on his hand.

He figured out he better told the man about his relationship with Qiao An so that the man will leave his An An alone.

"I am. Now mister, tell me, why are you standing in front of my girlfriend's house? I have every right to know why you are acting so suspicious now." Shen Jun Shan was done playing good.

"Do you love her?" Joel remembered Shen Jun Shan from his university day. Whenever he went into the cafeteria with his friends, girls will stare at them.

Shen Jun Shan was getting annoyed. "It's your turn to answer the question, mister."

The feeling he got when he was looking at Shen Jun Shan was not inferiority. He had his share of women's affection back in university too. But that would be useless if the one he wanted to be was not in love with him.

Joel clenched his fist, and the small thin book was crumpled along with his hand.

"I… for a long time…" Joel stopped talking and looked at the book in his hand. He walked towards Shen Jun Shan and shoved the book to his hand. "I am here to give her this."

Joel walked passed Shen Jun Shan and down the stairs. After a few steps, he turned his back facing Shen Jun Shan. "Tell Qiao An to be careful. Some bad guy might cause a problem for her."

When Shen Jun Shan heard the words came out from Joel's mouth, he rushed down and grabbed Joel's shirt. "What did you say? What bad guy are you talking about?"

Joel was so sick of following order from that man. His innocent pursuit of love somehow became a dangerous love game. He was trying to pursue Qiao An earnestly, but he could not do so with that man around.

"Do you love her?" Joel asked the same question for the second time.

Shen Jun Shan did not know why it was so crucial for the man in front of him to know the answer to that question. But if it means that he could get the answer to his previous question, then screw it.

"She is my world now." Shen Jun Shan paused, thinking if it was enough to convince the man in front of him.

Joel sighed as if he was relieved for some reason. He did not know how much longer he could keep that man around without doing anything to Qiao An.

"I'll tell you everything but not here." Joel looked around to see if that man was around or not.

Shen Jun Shan nodded his head, gestured for the man to follow him. He went into his car, and the man entered the car too. Shen Jun Shan started his car and drove away from the apartment complex.


Qiao An looked at the man whom she did not see for a few years. The last time she saw him would be the day she was dumped because 'she changed' and 'she was not like how she used to be.'

Life is a bitch to her right now.

In front of her right now was a man with a stupid smile and that man is her damn ex-boyfriend, Li Rang.

Qiao An said nothing to acknowledge him. Not because she hated him, but because she could not care less to start a conversation with him.

"You live in City L too?" Li Rang seemed glad to find a familiar face.

Li Rang's eyes wandered to Amy Shen, who was seated the opposite of Qiao An. Qiao An saw that there was a hint of perverted thought in Li Rang's eyes when he looked at Amy Shen. So, Qiao An coughed.

"Can I help you with something? Because we are kind of busy here. We would like to dine with privacy." Qiao An did not like what she saw in Li Rang's eyes.

Not because he seemed interested in Amy Shen, so she was jealous or what. It was just that the way he smiled to Amy Shen seemed too impure to be described with words. She did not wish to see Li Rang at the moment, and she hoped that Li Rang would go away from her quickly.

But Li Rang did not seem to understand the notion behind her words. He smiled sweetly at Qiao An.

"I have not seen you for a long time. We should eat together."