WebNovelTHE SOUL30.00%


By now, I can see my room, the whole room. There are 1 single bed, 1 single sofa, ceiling fan. On the left corner is the toilet. Small but maybe I can withstand here.

I was about to go to my bed when my phone suddenly buzzed.

'Is it dad? Its too fast to received a text messages from him. He's a few minutes leave by here'

*unknown number*


'who's this?' The only words that sink in my head. A 'Hi' text message, from whom?

The number seems not familiar. I dont know what's the problem but this message give me a goosebump. So I decided to delete it. That kind of bull**** doesn't need to give an attention.

I lay down on my bed, its seems dad forget to call me so its better to sleep.

I turned off the light, I could not properly sleep when the light was open. The only light in my room was the window light coming in from the bright moon.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard something from the other room, it looks like someone is pulling something. Is there a tenant in the other room? Why didn't the guard even mention that there are tenants in my next room? The next thing I heard was a broken glass. I feel annoyed, if they're fixing their things, why now? It could be tomorrow morning. They should sleep


3:30 am

I woke up because it was so cold in my room that even though I had a blanket, it still didn't make sense because of the cold. I turned off the fan and searched for my phone on the side table but it wasn't there. I was about to turn on the light when my phone suddenly rang, so I looked to see where it was.

My heart beats so fast..

how can my phone go there?

on the floor beside the door?

I slowly stood up to get it, my phone light was off. Suddenly a shadow stopped right in front of my door. I can see that because of the light in the hallway. It's like two pairs of feet. Oh my God. I didn't feel like I was sweating because of the cold. I went back to bed and looked at the shadow, it was still there.

Suddenly it knocked. Every knock seemed to make it louder. I felt like crazy for being too scared, all I had to do was cover my ears. Uhhh. It keeps on knocking. Every sound seemed to enter my ear. Please stop knocking please please please stop! Please!

"Ma'am wake up! Wake up!"

Is that just a dream? But I feel like it's true.

The guard stood up to open the fan because I was still sweating.

"Are you okay ma'am?" He gave me a glass of water, and I drank it immediately.

Thank you God, it's just a nightmare.

I looked at him "Why are you here?"