Fortune Cookies

He took a sip of his coffee and continued to type something on his laptop. Music can be heard in all four corners of the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air giving off a homey atmosphere.

"Love moves in mysterious ways

It's always so surprising

When love appears over the horizon

I'll love you for the rest of my days

But still, it's a mystery

How you ever came to me

Which only proves

Love moves in mysterious ways"

Li Shen is currently typing his report regarding Inspira Resorts and Hotel, the business he is currently managing before succeeding their company, Li Corporation. He was too focus on what he was doing that he didn't even notice the waitress standing in front of him.

"Heaven knows love is just a chance we take

We make plans but then love demands the

leap of faith

So hold me close, never ever let me go

'Cause even though we think we know which

way the river flows

That's not the way love goes, no

Love moves in mysterious ways"

"Sir, your bill." the waitress said again and this time he finally noticed her.

He looked up at her then to the bill she was holding out. "Give me a minute." He fished out his wallet inside his bag and took out a black card and gave it to her. She was quite shocked to receive a black credit card. 'He must be filthy rich!' She thought to herself.

"Thank you, sir. I'll be back in a minute, I'll just process your bill." The waitress said and went back to the counter. His eyes rested on the food on top of his table. He didn't order anything other than his coffee so he was puzzled to the food in front of him.

"Miss." He called out the waitress once again. She immediately went back and gave off a confused look. "I didn't remember ordering this." He said and looked at the cookies on top of his table. The waitress followed his gaze and was enlightened about his concern.

"I'm sorry sir, I forgot to tell you. It's a new product on our menu. These are fortune cookies and we're giving them for free today as samples." the waitress told him, smiling. 'She's pretty.' The thought came up to him. He quickly brushed it off because it was unusual for him to think about a woman. He wasn't the type to compliment others abruptly.

"Okay." He retorted and quickly got back to work.

The waitress gave him back his card after heading back to the counter to process his bill. 10 minutes have passed and finally, he was done with his report. He saved it on an empty flash drive and turned off his laptop. He kept everything inside his bag and drank his coffee. He glanced again on the cookies and decided to eat it. When he opened the first cookie he took out the paper that was stuck inside and read it out of boredom.

"You just met someone new. Someone who will play a big role in your life and turn your whole world upside down."

He smirked after reading what was written on the paper. Li Shen isn't the type to believe such predictions. He thought of it as nonsense and continued to open another cookie to waste his remaining time before being summoned to the head office.

"You might meet once by chance, twice by luck but the third time around must be fate."

He laughed internally because of it. He was enjoying the cookies and was planning to open another one but before he could pick it up his phone rang. It was a call from his old man, he answered it. The old man told him to come over if he's done with his report.

"Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes." He said and ended the call.

He picked up his bag and left the cafe afterward. He rode his Lamborghini Veneno roadster and arrived at his father's company in time. He got off from his car and gave his car keys to one of their employees. When he stepped inside the company, he was greeted by a group of employees in black suit.

"Good morning Mr Li!" the employee's bowed and greeted him in unison.

"Hmm." He grunted and made the employees get back to their respective work.

"Good morning Mr Li." His assistant Wang Zhi Yan greeted him. "Are you going to meet the president now boss?"

"Yea, kinda go over my schedule again if I have something important to go." He continued walking while Wang Zhi Yan was flipping his notebook open to check his boss' schedule. When they were in front of the elevator his assistant pushed the going up button for him.

"Yes boss, you need to go and check the other branch at Tianjin at three pm." his assistant told him. They entered the elevator, Wang Zhi Yan pushed the 50th button. Apparently, his father's office is located on the last floor. "Nothing else after that boss."

"Okay." They went out when the elevator reached their floor. Before entering the office he told his assistant to wait for him outside. He opened the door and went inside the office. He handed over the flash drive and talked about the report for a few minutes.

"Well done son. And oh, your mom wants you to go home. She wants to eat lunch with you." His dad informed him and smiled. Even though they were quite busy with work, he should still find time to visit his mom in his free time.

"Sure dad, I'll be going then." He bid goodbye and went out, closing the door shut after him. He told Wang Zhi Yan that he will be eating lunch with Madam Li and they should meet later instead, at their branch at Tianjin. Wang Zhi Yan nodded and walked him out at the entrance where Li Shen's car was waiting for him.

After getting his car keys back, he drove all the way home. When he arrived at their ancestral house, he quickly got off and looked for his mom in the kitchen.

"Hi, ma." He kissed her cheek and gave her a quick hug.

"Aw, it's been a while! You didn't even pay me a visit for weeks! You're such a bad child, you don't care for me at all." Madam Li said in a dramatic tone. She was lonely for not being able to see her only son.

Li Shen chuckled at his mom's remarks. "I'm sorry ma. I was quite busy at the hospital and managing Inspira at the same time." He coaxes his sulking mom and hugged her tightly. Madam Li sighed, she understands her son but at the same time thought that it was heartless of him not to see her frequently. Li Shen has his own mansion and is living quite far away from their ancestral home.

"Anyway, I'm done preparing. Let's eat, shall we?" Madam Li said and grabbed her son's arm to the dining hall.

He happily agreed and gave his mom a boyish smile. "Sure! I miss your food ma." He politely sat on his seat and waited patiently for the food to be served. One by one the maids placed all the food on the table. Even though they have a cook, Madam Li often cooks for her family. Li Shen grew up with his mother's cooking.

Li Shen spent a good time eating lunch with his mom and catching up with her. After they ate Li Shen had to go because he still has to visit their company's branch at Tianjin. Madam Li walked him outside to see him off.

"I wish you could also meet her Little Shen. She was such a nice girl." Madam Li said, referring to the girl she met in a coffee shop. It was just a random stranger that her mom met and basing on her story he can tell that his mother is fond of her. He didn't know what she made her mother eat to make her fond of her. Madam Li is quite strict when it comes to the woman his son should be married to. Although she was worried that she might not get a grandchild soon because of her son's personality. He's 28 and he still didn't get himself a girlfriend.

He laughed. "No need to worry ma. I can manage."

'Manage? You don't even interact or even slightly interested in other women ah!' She thought. 'I don't want to die without even getting a glimpse of my grandchild you brat! So ungrateful tsk.'

"But I think she's good for you though." She insisted.

"I'll be going now." He wanted his mom to stop at randomly matchmaking him to a stranger, thus, he didn't have a choice but to cut her off.

"Fine! Visit me again soon, okay?" his mom said while waving at him. He nods his head and smiled at her then he went inside his car and drove off.