You Can Sleep with Me

Warning: The chapter is strictly for 18 years old and above. If you're single, read at your own risk.


"Ya! Don't you dare get my drink?" Tang Yiyi shouted. Liu Feng took her drink and put it out of her reach. She was already drunk but still kept on drinking. You'll find her laughing and the next minute she's crying. Liu Feng shook his head and drank the alcohol in one shot. Tang Yiyi's eyes turned into saucers and were about to cry when Liu Feng carried her like a bag of sack in his shoulder. She tried getting off from Liu Feng's arms but was unable to.

"Carry her to her room. Escort Liu Feng." Li Shen said both to Liu Feng and one of the hotel staff he called earlier. Both Tang Yiyi and Zhen Wei were drunk but unlike Tang Yiyi, Zhen Wei is a bit more behaved. She was just sitting on the chair and was immersing herself on yet another glass of beer. Her face flushed and was clueless about her surroundings, completely indulge in her own world.

Earlier, Li Shen offered them free drinks so he led them to the bar counter and told Andrei to make them some cocktails. Andrei, on the other hand, had an idea and made some experiments, making them drink his creation. Liu Feng's eyes sparkled at the sight of the beautiful ladies and tried to make a move on Tang Yiyi. Unfortunately, Tang Yiyi knew what he was trying to do and rejected him outright, making Andrei and Li Shen smirk at him. His ego skyrocketed and then on, he didn't stop annoying Tang Yiyi. Tang Yiyi didn't mind him and instead poured her attention at Andrei's cocktails, making her drunk after asking for nonstop refills. Soon, the drunk Tang Yiyi was exchanging insults with Liu Feng. They both looked like a cat and dog in a fight.

Zhen Wei, on the other hand, can't help but accept Andrei's drinks. She felt bad refusing his creations, thus making her drink a lot and got drunk soon after Tang Yiyi. She was drawing circles on top of the counter and was glaring intently at her empty glass. Li Shen called her by her name but Zhen Wei was too busy beaming at her glass as if she's trying to murder it. Li Shen heaved a sigh and look at Andrei.

"What did you made them drink?" He asked. Andrei shrugged his shoulders and smiled from ear to ear.

"The alcohol percentage for those drinks wasn't that high. Didn't knew they were light drinkers." He answered rather innocently making Li Shen sigh in defeat. When he casts his glance again at Zhen Wei, she was already drop dead on top of the counter. A staff quickly approached them and said that he would accompany the guest back to her room but Li Shen dismissed him and said he'll do it himself instead, making the employee nod in disbelief. He was too startled that he couldn't recover immediately. His boss who was scary and acted like King Yama carried a woman in princess style! It was too much for him!

Li Shen carried the drunk Zhen Wei. Noticing the warmth enveloping her she snaked her hands on Li Shen's neck and snuggled on his chest making Li Shen stop on his tracks and glanced at her sleeping state. Instead of walking to her room, he brought her to his suite. His suite had two rooms, a master's bedroom, and a guest room. It also had a small kitchen and a dining room. The room had a floor to the ceiling glass wall, it had a perfect view of the city lights down below. He unlocked his room using his access card, closing it automatically when he entered. Li Shen made his way to the guest room and was about to lay her down on the bed when she suddenly woke up. She gazed directly to his eyes and frowned, her arms were still attached to his neck. He sat next to her and removed her hands around him. She pouted and settled her palms on his cheeks. "Who are you?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Go to sleep. You're drunk." He tried to remove her hands but she put them back on his cheeks again.

"Nu uh!" She persisted. Zhen Wei grabbed him by his cheeks and smashed her lips on his. Li Shen was caught off guard, his eyes widened. Zhen Wei pushed him back slightly, separating his lips from hers. She giggled and gave off a wide grin, making Li Shen recover from the sudden shock as his eyes darken with desire. He stood up and stared at her intently. Zhen Wei didn't notice his expression due to her drunken state and fanned her face using her hands. "Why is it so hot in here?" She lamented and gathered her hair on one side exposing her collarbone.

Li Shen can't help but gulp down his saliva at the sight of her. Zhen Wei was not even contented and felt that her body was burning hot so she quickly unzipped her dress from the side, took her dress off and threw it on the floor. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath because the dress already had a pair of foam inside it. Zhen Wei sighed in relief while Li Shen was unbuttoning the first three buttons on his shirt and exhaled rather loudly. Zhen Wei noticed him and pouted. "Waterrrrrr~" She cried.

As if on cue, Li Shen got out and leaned on the countertop at his kitchen. He shook his head sideways and tried to think straight. He poured a glass of water and went back inside the guest room. He handed her the water which she happily accepted. She drank it in one go and placed it on the bedside table when she was done. He was about to leave the room when she hugged him from behind. "Don't leave meee~" Li Shen felt her breast touching his back. Due to the sensation, his heartbeat quickened and he felt the urge to push her on the bed. But then the next second he found himself being dragged towards the bed. Poor Li Shen.

"Come, come. You can sleep with me~" She said making him sit beside her on the bed once again. Li Shen can't any longer remain silent. "Aren't you aware of what you're doing?" His voice was deep, he only had one string of control left for himself but Wei cut it out without her even knowing. The inner beast inside him completely took over him.

He pushed Zhen Wei on the bed and devoured her lips completely. He was so lost in kissing her that he pushed his way inside her tongue as she gave off a muffled moan because of the sensation he was giving her. Zhen Wei found herself responding to his kisses and wrapped her arms around his neck, slightly grabbing his hair. His hands graced her body, he grabbed her breast and massaged it making her moan in pleasure. He kissed his way from her lips down to her neck and finally sucking her mounds. She arched her back in response to the tingling sensation. Li Shen felt his brother down below hardened. He took off his shirt and threw it away before going back to kiss her again. By the time he was contented in playing with her bosoms, he slowly descended on her abdomen down to her hidden treasure. She was panting heavily as he felt her wetness. Kissing her inner thigh, she moaned in delight.

"Please~" She moaned. She was anticipating his touch and was pleading for pleasure. Hearing her plea, he took of her last remaining clothing and threw it aside. She felt his tongue on her wetness and soft moans left her lips. She tugged his hair as her legs parted wider. Her panting quickened and soon enough her body shuddered and convulsed in orgasm. Li Shen came back in kissing her neck when he no longer received a response. He halted and looked at her sleeping face. His mood immediately plummeted as he stares at her. 'Who the fvck sleeps during intercourse?!' He scowled internally. He stared at her as she slept soundly beneath him. He sighed in defeat and got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. He took a damp towel and started to wipe her body clean. After wiping her, he made her wear one of his shirts and tucked her to bed. He even folded her clothes and placed them on top of the chair. He turned the lights off and closed the door before going to his room to take a shower. He sighed heavily as he looked down on his throbbing brother.