The Young Madam

Zhen Wei was deep in her thoughts. Meanwhile Li Shen, despite having a serious look, barely pulled it off. He was nervous that she would cast him away because of last night's activity. His heart was pounding inside his chest, thankfully Zhen Wei couldn't tell he was nervous to hear her answer. Silence fell between them but a phone call broke the silence.

Li Shen fished out his phone inside his pocket with his free hand. It was Liu Feng who was calling, he mentally cursed him for breaking their momentum. He was about to turn his phone off when Zhen Wei talked.

"I think you should answer the call."

Li Shen nods his head and stood up to take the call in his room. Zhen Wei also stood up and cleaned up the table. Li Shen walked out of his room and found Zhen Wei washing the dishes and made his features soften.

"I'll go downstairs to take care of something for a bit. You can go and wash up after, I'll get someone to bring you some clothes."


Ten minutes since he left, Zhen Wei heard a knock on the door. She opened the door to see an employee standing outside. The employee smiled.

"Young madam, Mr Li told me to give this to you." She handed her a paper bag with new clothes. She also told her that the toiletries and towels were inside the cabinet in the bathroom.

"If there's anything else you would like to ask or help just dial the front desk by pressing the direct hotline, young madam."

"En. Thank you."

Zhen Wei was quite clueless as to why the staff addressed her as young madam. She did not know that her presence was deliberately spread like wildfire in the entire Tianjin branch. When Li Shen was called by Liu Feng, they had talked about the report he received earlier. He also asked him to prepare clothes and other essentials for Zhen Wei to wear and to inform her friend that she was with him and might as well not to wait for her. Liu Feng was flabbergasted to how quick Li Shen had gotten towards Zhen Wei. Excitement kicked inside his system that he immediately banged on Tang Yiyi's door as he was standing outside her door because he got cast away just a while ago when Tang Yiyi found him sleeping in her room. She even used him as a human pillow, embarrass at what she did, she quickly kicked him out of her room.

"Hey Tang Yiyi! Open up, quick!"

He kept banging at her door nonstop that she was left with no choice but to open up the door furiously. Liu Feng made his way inside, not minding her expression.

"Let me borrow your landline." He can just actually call the head manager directly on his phone but chose to call via landline instead just to have an excuse and pester Tang Yiyi. He could not let Li Shen easily get ahead of him.

"Hello! It's Liu Feng..... Kindly prepare some new clothes, shoes, and makeup as well as hair accessories... It's an order from Li Shen... Yes, she is your young madam!.... Oh! As for the size, you can refer to Chen Mei's... En. Thank you!"

Meanwhile, Zhen Wei heads toward the guest room and went to the bathroom. She took her time to wash up and wore the new set of clothing when she was done. She was wearing a pastel blue floral dress with ribbons as the strap. The skirt fell just above her knees. There were also a pair of sandals and some beauty products. Her hair was dried and she clipped her hair on one side. Her bangs gave her a younger look as her hair flowing on her shoulders. She wore only light makeup and went outside the room where she saw Li Shen entering the suite. He had this kingly presence around him that made her confused about who he really is. Judging from his dignified aura and the suite he was staying at, he emitted power. She knew he was no ordinary person. As soon as their eyes landed at each other, Li Shen's heart melted at the sight of her.

"You look pretty."

She blushed like a teenager at his compliment. Li Shen walked towards her and held her hand.

"Xiao Wei, let's go." Li Shen flashed her a heartwarming smile, making her heart skip a beat as he addresses her by her first name. She let him lead her towards the hotel's lobby. All of the employees present in the scenario had their eyes glued on their cold-hearted boss and the woman he was with. Their eyes traveled on their holding hands as they gasped in realization. Their boss was with their young madam! Some of the employees started gossiping with each other.

"Aiyo! I didn't know I would get to see young madam today!"

"En! I didn't think boss is capable of having one."

"How did boss got her eh?"

"She must be a young miss from a rich family!"

"Look! Boss is even holding her hand!"

While those who saw the incident yesterday felt mortified. They let the young madam in an accident! How would they be able to face her again?

"Ya! I saw her yesterday. That's why I thought she was very familiar!"

"She came in as a guess, maybe she was trying to test us!"

"Aiyooo! That's why boss didn't let us go immediately."

"We're bound to be doomed."

"I wouldn't be able to take on boss' wrath!"

The employees who came across both of them greeted.

"Good morning Mr Li and young madam!"

She became frustrated because every time they came across an employee they would stop and greet them. There was also this one thing that made her confused, the way they call her. They keep on calling her young madam as if she was a wife of someone influential.

Of course, Li Shen felt delighted hearing this. He thought that she was the most fitted person to be called the young madam of the Li household. He felt as if he was in spring, even had a smile plastered on his face that made the employees gasped in horror. Even though he was good looking but because he was known for being ruthless in the whole series of branches of Inspira resorts and hotels, they think of him as someone not capable of being gentle towards someone at all. The idea of him not having a girlfriend till recently even made things worse. If it were not for his cold-hearted and ruthless image, he was seen by his employees as someone who was not capable of showing emotion other than displeasure. Li Shen was aware of what his employees see him as but he didn't mind at all. He even wanted it to stay that way so they would always be reminded to do their best in their work.

When they arrived outside, at the entrance, a man wearing a black suit and an earpiece greeted them with a deep bow.

"Good morning boss, young madam!"

Li Shen nodded his head in response. The man opened the car seat for both of them and sat in the driver's seat afterward.

"Where are we going?" Zhen Wei managed to utter.

"To my family's ancestral home."

Earlier he thought of bringing her to his parents. Today was Sunday and everyone might be at home so he decided to call the ancestral house and told them he would be coming home. He didn't mention bringing Zhen Wei though. He decided he would introduce her to them first before going on dates, that way they would be official. He also thought of doing this so he would have a better hold of her. Letting her go isn't part of his plan.

"Why? I haven't seen Yiyi yet."

"My family wants to meet you Xiao Wei." Although he didn't mention her yet, he deliberately told her that because it was sort of the same thing anyway. If he told them first the result would still be the same.

Zhen Wei's eyes widened. She can't believe they would be already meeting his family when she hasn't even given him an answer yet! She felt everything happened way too fast!

'Why is everything happening way too fast?!'