49 Hot Closet

"Get out." October said with a tone of calm and serenity but her eyes were dark and glinting dangerously as she stared down at the shameless man in front of her. Squinting her eyes at him while pursing her lips, she silently gave him her death glare but still kept her face expressionless.

"Why? We're already married." Lexus said as a teasing smile spread on his handsome face. He then leaned on the wall as he said in a dismissing tone, "By doing this, we can save a lot of time."

October's vein instantly popped on her head as her lips twitched in anger. How can he say something this outrageous without being embarrassed about it? How can he be this thick-skinned?

A heavy atmosphere was spread in the bathroom that came out from October. She then slowly walked toward Lexus who's smile immediately froze when he felt the pressure that was directed at him. Suddenly, he found himself dragged by his lapels and got tossed mercilessly out of his own bathroom. In his face, he got himself ruthlessly slammed by the the door.

October was so embarrassed but have to keep herself composed. Slapping her face with both hands to awaken herself, she then started to undress herself and went to take a shower. She warily looked at the locked door but let out a scoff. That's what he gets for teasing her so much.

On the other side of the door, Lexus was thoroughly shocked at just what happened. He was not expecting this at all. He just got thrown out of the bathroom by someone and it was even his wife.

After a good few seconds, he gradually recovered from his shock then let out a loud laugh making October flinched in the shower after hearing his laugh but then shrugged her shoulders and continued to shower.

Lexus covered his mouth to cover his cunning smile but the mirth in his eyes was apparent. Tucking his hands in his pocket, he went out of their room and headed toward the guest room to use the shower their instead. He has to yield with his wife...for now. With a wide smile on his face, he went to get a quick shower himself.

By the time that October went out, she was not able to see Lexus in the room. Although she was relieved, she was a bit disappointed. Shaking her head slightly, she went to the closet but stopped when she saw Lexus inside.

His back flexed everytime he moved. Because of how well lit he closet was, the droplets of water on his body making it glisten like crystals imbued in his pale skin. She thought that he was slim and don't have much muscles but just realized that he was quite muscular.

It really was a sight to behold, even for the usually calm and indifferent October for she can't help but stare intently at the half-naked body of Lexus. She unconsciously swallowed a nonexistent lump in her throat as she stared unblinkingly and slowly lowered her gaze down his lower body.

Sensing a burning gaze on him, Lexus turned around only to see a ravishing woman in her robes. Her jade-like smooth skin were flushed lustrously and so inviting. Her black hair that was cascading down her shoulders and back like a waterfall was still damp and some water dripped from it and into her robe.

His gaze burned bright with flames and his breathing hitched. He then licked his lower lip to wet his dried up lips. He was like a hungry wolf staring fixedly at his delicious prey.

He then looked at her face that was blushing and have an uncomfortable look on her eyes. She can't seem to look straight at him, and when she does, it always falls on his lower body.

Lexus' eyes flashed a mischievous light and seductive smile plastered on his lips as he made his way toward his wife slowly as if being careful not to scare his prey.

October noticed Lexus walking towards her with a very seductive look on his face which her more uncomfortable. Her heart almost leaped out of her chest as he neared her. She felt hot. Was she having fever now?

October took a step back shakily as she became wary of Lexus' burning desire flashing across his eyes. However, how can Lexus let her get away from him just like that? With a swift move, he caught her wrist and pulled her toward him making her hit his hard chest.

"...let go..." An almost inaudible voice cracked out of October's lips as his manly scent enveloped all of her senses. It was making her dizzy yet she can't help but smell it for it was so pleasant.

Lexus raised an eyebrow as his lips quirked up. How can he do that now? He would be stupid to let go of her now that she's within his reach now, within his arms.

Lexus raised his hand and run his fingers through her damp hair. Without letting go of her hair, he raised it and kissed her hair. Immediately, her flower scented shampoo assaulted his sense of smell and spread throughout his body. His hands snaked around her willowy waist and pressed her body into him as if to merge her body into his.

October looked up with her eyes glistening, her well-shaped brows furrowed slightly, her cheeks and ears all red and her red lips parted slightly. As Lexus saw this, his mind short-circuited. He was unable to think anything but one: eat her thoroughly, here, right now.

"L-let go...please..." October pleaded but his hold of her even tightened and their distance from each other were only from the robe she's wearing. She was even touching his bare chest which was unexpectedly smooth but hard. However, what's more making her uncomfortable was that something hard has pressing her down there. She tried to push him away but her meager strength can't compete with his iron-like hold. "Mister Song..."

Lexus frowned. How can she still call him that? She was already his wife. Calling him like that was like saying that he was still a stranger to her and his ego can't accept that, not one bit. With a glint in his dark blue eyes, he fiercely crashed his lips with hers and almost instantaneously, the beast in him became more wild.

"Sto--" October complained but was not able to finish her words when Lexus kissed her again.

He licked her lips asking for entrance but the clueless and dazed October was not able to take the hint and so still remained her mouth closed. Lexus became more frustrated and so bit her lip making October whimper in pain. With her mouth opened, Lexus immediately took advantage of this and instantly continued to assault the inside of her mouth. He was completely releasing his frustration. He was dominating her.

October felt like her strength was being sucked out of her. And because of how Lexus kept on kissing her without giving her time to take a breather, her legs finally gave in but Lexus held her up tightly.

At last, Lexus stopped and raised her chin up with his hand. He never thought that there would come a day that he would be this crazy with a woman. Brushing a finger on her red swollen lips, he then leaned and whispered seductively, "What did you call me?"

October's mind was in a mess and when she heard him ask this, she dazedly replied, "L-Lexus--Ow!"

Lexus bit her ear as punishment and growled, "Again, who am I?"

"Lex...?" October sobered up as soon as he bit her ear.

Lexus thought a bit and said, "It's okay but think about something else. More intimate."

October bit her lip as worry shown on her pink face. What does he want to call her? "...hu-husband..ah."

Lexus licked her ear making October cry out in surprise. "Too formal."

October seriously wanted to cry right now. How can she be so blind to not realize that her husband was such a sadist. "Ha-hubby?"

Lexus' eyes brightened and a genuine smile graced his handsome face October mesmerized by him. "Yes, I like that. Then you're my cute little wifey."