84 Text

With the blinds closed that covered the floor-to-ceiling glass window unabling the sun's light to fully pass through, the room was din and just gloomy. The ticking of the clock was the only sound that can be heard in the whole office. Despite that sound, it was almost swallowed by the deafening silence that filled this dimly lit room. As the time passed by, the increasing pressure and the dropping of temperature will make one faint and freeze and the dark and sinister presence lurked at the deepest, darkest area of the room.

At the center of this room, glowing blue gems can be seen. It looked beautiful like sapphire diamonds shining at the tiniest bit of light. However, one would never try to get close to these for they knew that such beautiful things came with a price one wouldn't want to pay unless they were brave to get near to it or they are stupid...just plain stupid.