
Ding Ding*  The school bell rings right as I finish my questionnaire sheet. I stand up and turn the paper in as I'm walking out the door. I check my phone to see my class schedule. First was History next is Science then Homeroom, Lunch, Gym, and lastly Art. I put my phone away and start walking to my Science class on the second floor. Time Flies by as I go through the motions, listening, writing, mixing. Plain old school stuff. Next is Homeroom with Jorge, we usually meet up by our lockers so we can walk to class together. It's convenient since our lockers are only 2 spots away from each other. Bing!* I hear my notification sound and pull out my phone to check it.  "SOS Soccer team inbound!"-Jorge. I frown as I see the text. The soccer team is a group of complete utter pigs. They're messy, loud and all around bullies... and they might stink a little. I quickly rush to my locker on the second floor. As I arrive there I see Jorge surrounded by five of the soccer players. "Where ya going Jorgie?" I hear one of the players say. "Yea Jorgie dont ya want to hang out with us for a while? We could really use a math tutor" They start taunting. I angrily start walking over towards them. "Hey Pig Styes why don't you go pick on someone as smelly as you?" I shout at them as I get a few feet away. They quickly turn around to face me with a nasty snarl on their faces. "What'd you say ya butchered dog?" They retort. "You heard me you rubber backed piss pots. Get away from him!" I puff out my chest and stand firmly glaring at them. "You wanna go Punk?" They yell and get up in my face, they smell like cigarettes and sweat, gross. "Leave him alone, don't you have better stuff to do?" I ask. "You mean like beating you to a bloody pulp?" One growls and clenches his fist. Badump Badump I hear as I feel the adrenalin start pumping through my veins. {I want to fight.} I stare at them while they start to surround me. {I want to hit them.} My blood is boiling, I want to fight. As I start thinking this I subconsciously start sizing them up. 5'8 skinny , 5'7 fit, 5'9 chubby, 5'7 semi built, 5'6 fit. At Least one looks like he knows how to fight. The others look like they can only throw a semi decent punch. I clench my fist, if I take out the 5'7 fit, first they won't have an experienced fighter. Then I'll move on to the chubby one, if he uses his weight to slow me down I could end up in a bad spot. Then continue on to the semi built, 5'6 fit, then the skinny one. I should be able to get them down long enough to get some damage in on them. Punch, elbow hit, knee to the  stomach, another punch, then hoist the last one over my shoulder. That's the pattern, sounds like a decent plan to me. The soccer players are getting aggressive, they're yelling and look like animals wanting  to attack me. Cmon then I'm ready. I brace myself and carefully watch their movements. "What are you waiting for?" I taunt them. They move first,  the 5'7 fit player starts to throw his fist at me. I get ready to grab it and carry out my plan. "WAIT!" We all freeze as we hear the sudden voice. "What do you boys think you're doing? Get to class!" We all turn to see one of the teachers yelling at us. The soccer team quietly grabs their things and starts to sluggishly head to class grumbling. "Are you okay dude?" Jorge quickly runs over and asks. {NO} "Yes I say and sigh heavily, I don't know what came over me" I reply even though It feels like my head is going to explode. "You two" The teacher shouts at us. "Get to class or its detention for the lot of ya" "Yes ma'am" We replay and run to homeroom. I take one last glance at the soccer team, I grind my teeth in anger as I stare at them then reluctantly head in.