Marching dawns. (XX)

Those five dawns that they were to travel for seemed to take forever for Korvi and Shaol. The first dawn was mostly a complete solemn quiet day, for Korvi and Shaol were traumatized by the loss of their home and families, while the soldiers were firm grim having just finished a war. Star-fall was slowly falling upon the open field as they marched on, before deciding to halt, five Gath's away from the Fortha Thicket. The Valblades started to set up camp for the Star-fall, even though it was just a temporary camp for the night. Once tents were pitched and the camp set, a large banquet of a roast and good cheer was held for the soldiers, tossing scraps of the meat they did not eat at both Korvi and Shaol for they found it amusing and a good way to get rid of the left overs. Shaol did after moments start to eat the scraps, though Korvi did not eat any herself. She was too hurt, scared and confused to want to eat what was simply tossed at her. After the soldiers had their feast, one by one they went to their tents for sleep. Before Shaol lowered his own head for sleep, he looked to her close friend in the other cage placed not far from where his own was left for the night; a caring concerned look was shown in Shaol's sapphire blue eyes, mumbling out,

"See you after Star-fall Korvii!"

Then started to close his eyes to sleep, Korvi had a soft smile hearing Shaol's words before drifting to sleep as well.


The second dawn was slightly better for both young, Korvi and Shaol were already awake at early dawn, both getting some giggles as they watched the soldiers, hearing them groan and complain as Jarshal started waking them up rather disruptively and demanding, noticing it was causing the two young to smile.

~"They deserve as much joy as possible… big or small, they need it after all the troubles we caused…"~

He thought to himself as he went to the banquet table to take some whole pieces of left over roast, then walked over to the two cages, dividing it fairly between Korvi and Shaol, saying respectfully to the yearlings.

"Here's breakfast. Eat up, you will need it."

Both Korvi and Shaol were surprised at the kindness, watching the human walk away, before eating the meat, even Korvi felt a little better from such kindness to eat what was given to her.

"Commander, why do dem' beasts get to eat in the morning for breakfast and we don't eh?"

A soldier asked who has observed their high commander feeding the two young dragons, standing in his path expecting an answer. Jarshal frowned lightly and answered simply,

"None of you are young dragons, nor are any of you stuck in a cage for days. Stand aside and get back in rank."

The soldier who questioned grumbled though obeys, stepping aside as Jarshal continues his walk to his tent. When the camp was dismantled and cleared, six new soldiers lifted Korvi's iron box-like cage over their shoulders to carry, as with Shaol six different soldiers picked up her cage. Once ready and set, the march continued. As the high dawn came, the Valblades have reached the Fortha Thicket. During the time of the travelling, Korvi's mood became slightly better, as she started to have small conversations with Shaol. It felt nice inside for both the young to start having conversation again, even if it wasn't for very long. The soldiers continued to press forward; a noticeable crude path that cut through the thickets was seen ahead in the trees, the path where the soldiers forced their way through to get to the meadow.

"We shall press half way through before we make camp for Star-fall."

Jarshal announced to the soldiers as they reached the opening of the forest, taking a few moments break to switch soldiers to carry the cages, before advancing into the woods.


By the time the camp was set, it was already Star-fall and in the thickets of the forest it was nearly completely dark, only the flickering flame from torches mounted near tents gave the only source of light, along with the small camp fire. Howls of wolves and beasts were heard in the distance, as it was not always safe. Shifting in her cage, Korvi whimpers slightly, feeling scared in the forest while it was dark… Closing her eyes to sleep so the night could fade away, softly mumbling before drifting asleep,

"Goods sleeps Shaaol…"

A gentle smile crossed Shaol's maw as they slept.


The Third dawn went much better; Korvi and Shaol started playing a guessing game by spotting things and the other one trying to guess what it was. The two yearlings were having some enjoyment and fun from the game they made.

"I see… Something green!"

Shaol stated with a smile.


Korvi asked while tilting her head curiously.


Shaol Answered with a grin.

"Ish it…Leawes?"

Korvi guessed, seeing the trees.

"Yess! Your turn!"

Korvi looked around, trying to spot something good; having been first-guessed all the time…She wanted to this time find something that could possibly stump Shaol… Grinning, a silly idea came to her mind.

"I see…somethings Rwed!"

Shaol looked around at the scenery with a confused look, before answering assured,

"Noo red here!"

Korvi grinned.

"Yesh theres ish!"

Shaol frowned, looking more confused.

"Noo is not!"

With a giggle, Korvi responded teasingly,

"Yesh yesh there ish!"

Shaol's frown grew slightly more as he grumbled out; feeling completely stumped, as he did not see anything here red except for Korvi, but knew she didn't speak out seeing herself.

"Whaat is it then?"

Shaol questioned with a slight annoyed tone, curious to what Korvi saw.

"It ish a Shaaol!!"

Korvi exclaimed with a broad grin, feeling cheery. Shaol looked confused for a moment as he then realized what Korvi meant.


Korvi erupted into laughter at Shaol's reaction, though settled quiet quickly as her cage guards got annoyed.


By the fourth dawn, they started to leave the Fortha Thicket behind them as the Valblades continued the march southward. The city walls of Seleran were seen in the distance, tall sturdy stone was the appearance of it. A firm paced march forward was held while the dawn was fresh and anew.

"Shaaol… whaat happens to us when Wes ares at bwig place?"

Korvi asked suddenly with worry, looking in Shaol's direction. Shaol looked to Korvi, meeting eye to eye; both young had much sadness in their gaze, fearing the unknowing, as Shaol softly whispers.

"I not know Korvii…"


As Star-fall drew closer falling upon Kelretha, the Valblades made their last camp, for after dawning it would only take them to Mid-dawn to reach inside the walls of Seleran, not being that far away from the main gates, the wall now appearing larger than what seen from a distance. It was scarier to Korvi then what it seemed to be, she feared to herself what would happen once inside those walls…

"Alright ya dumb beasts… get some shut eye as we, having a very busy day here' tomorrow! You're going to need all your energy to make some good impressions on the people in the market for us so we can get more silver coins out of you both!"

Spoke out one soldier as the cages were settled down upon the grass, laughing as he walked off. Lowering her head to the hard cage, Korvi sniffles…This was the last camp until the fifth dawn… the last star-fall inside this iron cage… She didn't know what would happen next; all she could do right now… was hope… and rest.