....CHAPTER ...EIGHT....Is it a bad news or good news?

Sky(Point of view)

he cover my eyes so i did'nt see anything but i feel the cold breeze here,,(brggghhhh) then after i count one to three the cover on my eyes is gone....

whoahhhh,,,,i see a candles in the pathway and the end of that i see a tent(sorounded by candles with a shape of heart) with a table for two,,,and that table is sorounded by petals of rose,,,,this place is so romantic(you can see amusement in my eyes)

this night is so woderful,we end our date and now,Art send me to our house

"thank you for the dinner date ,Art"i said to him and kiss he's cheeks

"ohh,,,it's nothing just for you, i'll do everything"he said


Art (Point of view)

i'm so happy this day,hayyyyy,,

i arrived to our house and as i enter our house,i see my parents talking.

"Good evening ma,pa,"i said to them, then kiss to my mom.

"we have something to tell you"my dad said in a serious tone

"what is it! is it a bad news or good news?"i lively said

"i don't know son,if it is good news or bad news,,,,,but starting today you're engage to Sophia"dad said,,,,

"b-but dad,i dont like or even love her,,,,M-mom please,,,,,i love someone else"i pleaded to them.

"M-mom,,,i love Ali!!"

"but son,,Ali is not going back anymore so please move on..."

"No mom!!!!she's back but she have an amnesia because of a car accident, her family is died beacause of that, she's in a coma for one year and she is in a trauma after she recover in coma so beacause of that she did'nt remember me,but now she's back and i will never lost her again!!"

after i said that, i walked out and go to my room,i shut the door and lock it.

"d*mn it!! what the h*ll they thinking,they did'nt bother to asked me about that matter!!...tsk,tsk,tsk,..."

about earlier,,Ali and sky is only one person,i already knew it after she bumped me in the hallway, i investigate her with the help of my private investigator,I'm so happy after i knew that Ali is back but at the same time sad beacause she did'nt remember me,but it's okay more important is, i will never lost her again.



Sky(Point of view)

i arrived to school and i notice that it's so crowded in the hall way,while walking i heard some gossips from students in my back.

"oh my god!! Art is already engage to Sophie?is it true? i thought Art is courting Sky..?"

"Sky is more beautiful than Sophie"

I don't bother what i heard,i just continue walking to my classroom,

after a couple of minutes i see Art in the door holding a bouquet of flowers i smiled to him,but my smiled automatically wash away when i see Sophie kiss Art in he's lips infront of me and get the flowers from Art.

"morning hon,,is it for me(she said while savouring the smell of the pink rose)"i heard Sophie said

Sh*t so it's true,,Art and Sophie is already engage,after that scene i run as fast as i can..i see that Art is going to chase me but Sophie blocked he's way...and now i'm here in the roof top of our school..

F*uck you Art,Asshole!!!!...i scream as loud as i can and cry out loud,,it's so f*cking hurts,that someone you love engage to other w-woman(i said while crying)

"It's okay i know what you feel,,,,remember i'm always here by you're side"

i stop crying after i heard that voice,i look at my back and i see Tristan handed a handcarchief,but i did'nt take it,,,i hug him tight and i cry again to he's shoulders....

....Thank you....for always being here with me....and sorry..i said

"you don't need to say sorry,this is my decision,so let me"

Tristan is being good to me,even if i reject him in the time he confess to me he's feelings...i felt sorry for him but i saw a smile to he's face in that time.and he say...." let me stay by you're side"


"no but's that's my decision"then he pat my head

~back to reality~


while he's hugging me...my cellphone rang, someone is calling me..


"ma'am this is you're secretary,,,ma'am you need to go in korea tommorow because you're company there is having a trouble,i already gave you're excuse letter to the dean in you're school and they already agreed and ma'am youre going to korea together with mr.Santiago's son "

"okay then,"


"who's that?"

"thats my secretary,she said i'm going to korea tommorow "

"that's good you can unwind in korea and forget you're problem,even if in a short time"

"yeah...so i need to go...hehehe i need to take a rest this day is so tiring"

"let me drive you to you're house,"




"thank you tristan... good night.."

"no prob. good night"



