
Northern Region

After the people finished eating. Athena was healing some of the wounded and sick people. Her healing magic has greatly improved thanks to the training she does with Father Roland and Father Frances.

This time, not only was she able to heal quite a few badly sickly villagers, she was also able to restore two broken parts before collapsing from exhaustion and mana drainage.

Father Roland hastily handed the girl a mana potion.

"Thank you."

However, mana potion does not help restore the girl's condition at all. But, she continues to drink in hopes to ease everyone.

"My lady, are you sure you're fine?" Serfred watched as the girl continued to cough heavily despite she was already drinking the potion.

Athena looked at Serfred and smiled, "I'm fine, don't worry."

But, her lies were soon revealed when her next cough caught everyone's attention. She started coughing out blood, which caused the girl to be flustered for she didn't know how to explain to everyone.

Serfred froze shock to see the blood the girl was coughing. He didn't know what to do and only reacted when the girl coughed out some more.

"You're not fine, why did you have to push yourself when you know this might happen." Serfred yelled as he grabbed the girl's hand and cleaned the blood on her lips. His expression was filled with anger, but it was more obvious that he was trying to hide the fact he found the girl pitiful.

Athena grabs both Serfred trembling hands, as she then touches the man's face gently turning his attention towards her, she stared into his eyes. "It's not that I'm pushing myself, it's my body that's giving up on me. The more I push myself, the more I'll know my limitations. This is just the consequence of it. One can never know how strong they are if they don't push themselves."

"But you don't need to do that, I'll be here for you no matter what." Serfred yelled as he grabbed the girl by her shoulders as he collapsed on his knees. "My Lady, why are you doing this to yourself. Have you forgotten my oath?"

Athena was taken aback by what she just heard, she recalls the declaration the man made despite he does not know who she is, yet was willing to risk everything for her sake. "Serfred, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you at all."

"If you're truly sorry, please don't let me see you like this again. You don't know how much you mean to me after you have me this new life of mine." Serfred didn't dare look at the girl directly as he felt embraced by what he was saying and only looked down on the ground.

Athena held the man's face as she directed it to face hers', she gazed into his warm brown eyes and said, "I swear, I'll be more careful. And if I am feeling unwell, I promise to tell you. So please, don't turn your away from me and stop worrying as well."

After she settled the dispute between her and Serfred, she decided to return to her studies with Father Frances.

"Child, aren't you pushing yourself too much." he worriedly asked, watching the girl reading through various books.

"Father, don't worry. I'm fine… What happened earlier is because I used up too much of my mana, and as you know."

"Yes, we are aware of that. But, you should take care of your body more."

"I will, I promise."

"And don't worry. Me and the others are working hard as well to find a cure for you."

Since the day they found out about the poison in the girl's body. The church has started working hard by improving themselves and also studying all kinds of potions to cure the girl. Because of the girl's situation, it motivates them to do better by improving themselves. Even though the reason may be because of the girl, it made them realize that they've forsaken themselves as well by forgetting their training and developing their skills.

"Thank you."

"Very well, I leave you to it. I'll be back, I'll go get you something to eat to replenish the blood you've lost."

"Hmm," Athena smiled as she went back to reading the book about her secret identity.

Since she arrived, she has been curious about the whole Saintess, prophecy and everything that has to do with the previous owner. As what she discovered…

The Saintess is a powerful being with vast knowledge about the unknown. The Saintess is said to be a great Healer and Elementalist. Which I am now… However, it has never been written in all this history book that a Saintess was able to master another ability. But, from my observation, it seems she may be able to but never tried. I mean, I am able to emit an aura which means I have the ability to be a combat mage and magic fighter as well.

The girl continued with what she was reading. As usual, there wasn't much she could learn from the books found in the church. At least, it has her more knowledge about the world she is currently in.

"Saintess huh…" She contemplated more, about the matters in regards to the Saintess.

It seems I need a way to find more information about it. There aren't any libraries here in the Northern Region. The closest town or city is a few days ride. But since the village does not have any horses apart from the one the church owns, it might be impossible for me to get there.

The girl was still in deep thought when Father Frances returned with some food on hand, she called for the girl, but it seems the girl was not hearing him.

"Tina, is something wrong?" Father Frances places the food on the desk as he taps the girl on the shoulder.

"Father Frances, you startled me." Athena looked so surprised as if she just saw a ghost.

"I didn't mean to, I called for you, but you didn't respond."

"I'm sorry, I was thinking of something."

Father Frances moved the tray of food closer to the girl and said, "What is it, is there something I can help?"

"Actually, Father, is it possible for you to get me some books?"


"Yes, about the things I've been studying."

"Ah, you mean about the Saintess?"

"Hmm, but also about magic."

"Ah, that won't be a problem. In a few days, the church in Vimora will be coming with supplies. I'll ask them to bring some books about the things you're asking."

"How will you contact them?" Athena curiously asked for it was the first she'll be hearing about the communication devices in this world.

"We have a Qaih."


Instead of explaining, Father Frances brought the girl to meet the Qaih. When she saw what it was, she was surprised.

"An Owl?"

"Yes, as you know, owls are quite smart and can easily be trained. However, these types of owls aren't ordinary owls. They are mystical owls, meaning they have abilities unlike normal owls. For example, they are bigger compared to your usual owl, they can fly for days and they won't be tired."

"Amazing." Athena said as it was the first she saw a mythical creature.

"Not only that, this Qaih can use magic by flapping their wings so hard that it can produce a strong wind gust which they used to escape from their predator."

The more Athena knows, the more she becomes so intrigued as she wishes to learn everything and discover the hidden mystery of this world.