
Gran without thinking through, he went and attacked the assassin with all his might. He cast a spell on his dagger which could cause a great deal.

His dagger is now surrounded by electric current which means if someone gets cut by it, they'll be in shock and if the spell is strong it can either put the man conscious or kill them.

However, the assassin was far advanced when it came to skill than Gran. However, when it comes to speed, the man was at a great disadvantage when it comes to a Twilight Wolf. It may be a puppy, but it's speed is far faster than a mature one. Just like a normal dog, a puppy his more agile and energetic than an adult dog.

Whilst the assassin was fending for his life, he couldn't stop thinking of what happened earlier. It bothers him greatly that the girl was able to cast a spell. 'Could the prophecy be true, is she indeed a Saintess.'

He now realizes that he must survive and find a way out. The information he has will make him a very wealthy person.

"You br*t, get lost." He cast an electric bolt which blasted Gran a few meters away.

However, he did not crash into anything since he was caught in time by Arthur. Gran looked at the quiet young man who caught him.

"What took you so long?"

Arthur said nothing as he steadily placed Gran on the ground. He then checked on the girl who had turned pale and her lips were blue.

"What did you do?"

It was the first time Athena heard the young man's voice. However, how she hoped it was not in this kind of situation. She started feeling her inside to be burning more and more. Her body felt like it was being pinched in such a vigorous way.

'What is going on here? Didn't they say the girl was all alone?' The assassin looked baffled by the situation. Not only does the girl have a Twilight Wolf accompanying her, but also young skills magic fighter. 'This is not good.'

Before he could even check on the situation, he was startled when Arthur suddenly appeared in front of him and almost stabbed him.

"Wha-" He couldn't even catch his breath when Arthur started attacking him non stop.

With the combination of Fuji and Arthur, the assassin was having a hard time defending himself. He was already badly wounded by the girl's low tier magic and the bite, he received from the Twilight Wolf. At the same time, Gran actually wasted quite a lot of the assassin mana.

Not long after Serfred had also arrived, he was stunned to see how the situation was. He hastily went to check on the girl, but was already on the brink of death.

"My Lady, are you alright?"

"Ah- Serfred, I'm fine."

He stood up as he grabbed his sword, he was fueled with anger as he supported Arthur in defeating the assassin.

"What, another one!" It surprised the assassin when Serfred suddenly attacked. He was losing too much of his mana and blood. "I need to get out of here."

The assassin used all his last remaining mana as he cast his ultimate spell to escape.

Athena sensed the strong energy as she shouted, "Everyone, get back."

Serfred ran to Athena as he picked her up, while Arthur went to help Gran. The five of them ran as quickly as they avoided the impact of the spell.

At that moment, everyone in the village was busy working on their task, when the people noticed the hunting party running back to the village.

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Gran yelled as he cleared the path for them.

"What do you think is going on?"

"Why are they back so early?"

Tycho who was on top of the roof stopped what he was doing as he checked on the situation. When he saw what happened, he quickly jumped down and ran towards the people heading their way.

It alarmed the rest of the villagers as they too followed the man.

When Tycho saw the blood dripping on the ground from Athena's wound, his face turned pale as he could not believe what he was seeing. "Wha-what happened?"

"She was acted by someone, and it wasn't a monster, but by a human being." Gran explained as he could still clearly picture out the person who attacked them.

Serfred did not stop to explain as he continued to run in the direction of the church. Leaving Gran to explain the whole situation

"What do you mean by a person?" Tycho yelled, as he could make sense of what the young man was saying. To think a human being, tried to kill the girl. He couldn't grasp the logic as to why they want her dead.

"I don't know why he tried to kill Lady Tina, but if I see him again, I'll kill that b*stard."

They didn't bother thinking why someone wished to kill the girl. Instead, they all followed and headed to the church to check on the girl's situation. But they couldn't stop thinking as to why someone tried to kill the girl.

Someone wishes for Tina dead?

How come when she has helped us all.

Who would wish for her to be dead.

I know she is a noble lady from what Diana explained, but Tina never mentioned which family she came from. Has she run away from her family and now wishes her dead.

What is going on?

Those were all the questions mumbling in their mind as they tried to understand the situation. But, no matter how much they think about it. They can't unravel the truth. Only the girl can bring to light everything…

When they arrived, a young deacon yelled as he called for the priest. When they appeared on the scene, they were all gobsmacked to see the entire village running towards them.

"What is going on?"

"Father Roland, what do you think happened?"

When Father Roland saw Serfred carrying the girl in his arms and blood was dripping, his eyes, shook with shock as he suddenly lost his footing and almost collapsed. He dare not acknowledge what he saw since he didn't want it to be true.

But, when they came closer to the church, he had no choice but to accept reality. They brought the girl inside as the priest started healing the girl.

None of the priests were able to heal the girl. It was only Father Roland left, to try and heal the girl. He focused all his energy on the girl as he tried to heal her wounds, he was able to stop the bleeding, but for some reason the girl still looked pale and the wound started to turn blue. "It's not working, she- she've been poisoned."

Serfred punched the wall as he did not expect something like this would happen to Athena. "Then what should we do?"

"I don't know, we don't have any high level Alchemists in the church and the nearest town is a few days away." Father Roland explained as he continued to examine the girl's situation.