Athena stormed out of the camp furious about what just happened. Heavy raindrop of tears dropped from her face to the ground as she felt so much pain within. The image of the old man on the brink of death continues to replay in her mind.

'You witch! You not only dare to send me to my death, but my entire family as well. How dare you harm my father's sister's family?'

She felt so angry and in pain, that her aura was emitting out of the blue. It was brief, but it brought Fuji on his knees as he lay down trembling with fear of what the girl would do.

'One day, one day, I'll return the favor. All the pain you have caused me, all the nightmares and fear I have to face every single day. I'll soon make you experience them.


As Lirius went to search for the girl. He noticed her by a tree near the campsite. The girl sensed his presence and as she turned towards him. She buried the pain she was feeling and forced herself to smile and shut the tears away.

He went closer to her and did not even ask as to why she did what she did earlier, "So, what should we do next?"

It surprised the girl that the man did not even question her, nor scold her for what she did. She was unmoved and her attention was fixated towards the man lost by the situation.

Lirius saw how demuse the girl was, he dared not ask and continued to act ignored by everything. "Where to?"

Soon warm raindrops rolled down the girl's face. She felt like she couldn't continue being tough when she's in such a terrible situation. "Lirius."

"It's fine, don't cry." he said as he wrapped his arms around the girl and comforted her. "So tell me, what do you plan to do next."

"But, you'll be-"

"I know, don't worry, I'll be here for you."


"Yes, I promise I'll support you."

In no time, the girl was able to calm herself down. Lirius waited patiently as the girl explained everything to him.

"We need to search for someone." Athena stated as she rubbed her puffy eyes and cleaned the tears away.

Despite he said he will help her, he was curious as to who they'll be risking their lives for. "And, who might that be?"

The girl only looked Lirius in the eye as she did not answer and started heading back to the camp.

Lirius sighs heavily as he feels another headache coming. 'Darn it, you said this isn't your war, yet here you are planning to search for god knows who that person is. F*ck, if Serfred is here, he'll surely scold you and not let you do what you're planning to do.'

Athena felt horribly by how she was treating Lirius. However, she felt it was not the right time to tell him everything.

As soon as they reached the camp, she paused as she turned back to Lirius who was following her from behind.

"What now?" Lirius asked as he wondered why the girl suddenly stopped.

"Take this." she handed him a piece of paper and added, "Asked the commander for some extra arrows for me."

Lirius took the paper with a heavy burden as he dragged himself to do what the girl asked for, "Wait here, don't do anything reckless while I'm away. Or else, we're going home…"

"I won't." Athena obediently and responded immediately.

Whilst the girl waited for Lirius near the campsite, Lirius ventured all over the camp in search for the commander's tent. Luckily, some of the soldiers recognize him and approached him as they thanked him for what they did earlier.

They were full of smiles as they thanked him and his companion for saving them. However, none of their words mean anything to the man as he only ignored them and continued what he came to do. For in the first place, he only helped because of the girl.

'Idiots! I would never help you if the girl didn't run out there all of the sudden. I rather see you all rot than help people like you who dares not care for the lives of others.' He thought whilst he glared at the men next to him in disgust.

"Excuse me, is this the commander's tent?" Lirius asked the soldier who was guarding the tent.

Meanwhile, the young lieutenant just gave the vial Lirius instructed him to give to his father/commander as soon as he woke up. "Father, take this."

The commander was still weak, but he had the strength to drink what the young man was giving him.

"Father, how do you feel?" The young lieutenant asked with concern, for he still does not know what the effect of the potion was.

"Hmm, I feel much better." He responded as he could sense the mana flowing within him, "What was that potion you gave me. I can sense all my mana flowing greater than before." He then started flexing his hands and moving his joints and felt like all the pain and soreness he was feeling were all gone. As if they also vanished magically… But, he couldn't help but wonder who that stranger was who helped him.

The young lieutenant looked bewildered, he couldn't stop thinking of the two mysterious people's identities, 'To think the potion has such a great effect and he just gave it away without a price. I wonder who they are, especially that person.'

The person he was thinking of, was Athena, who possessed the skill of a Divine Healer. For such skills were highly praised and in need in such a situation.

Suddenly, the father and son moment were put into a halt when the guard outside called for them. "Lieutenant, you have a visitor."

"Who is it?" The commander asked as he was curious about who came to visit him when they all knew he was resting.

The young lieutenant frowned as he wondered who would dare disturb his father's recuperation. "Father, let them be. You need to get some rest first."

"Ah- commander, I'm sorry to wake you. But, the person from earlier is here."

When they heard who had come, their attitude turned 180 right away. The commander even got up from his bed as he quickly ordered the guard to let him in for him to welcome. "Quickly, let him in."

Lirius entered the tent and brought such mystery to them. Despite he despises them, he politely greeted the commander, "My Lord-"

"Young man, there is no need for that. I owe you my life…" He stated as he interrupted the young man from what he was about to say. "I must thank you for what you've done earlier. Especially to your friend, for helping me. Let me repay you both for helping us."

However, the commander noticed that there was something missing. "By the way, where is your friend?"

"I did not come here to ask for that, I only came to seek your assistance in lending us some arrows." Lirisu explained as he was in no mood to be speaking to them. Especially since he needed to be formal and show proper etiquette since he was in the presence of the high noble.

"Arrows?" The both asked at the same time.

"It seems my friend has some unfinished business with those b*stards." He stated with such anger in his voice as he couldn't control his emotions and briefly let his aura lose.

It was brief but both of them witnessed such a strong aura. It may have been only for a short moment, but they felt the air suddenly felt suffocating and breathable.

The commander responded right away and said, "Please, take as many arrows as you need." He then turned to his son to inform the blacksmith to prepare all the necessary material they need. "You can even take my soldiers with you, but, I'm not sure if they'll be any help to your friend."

"That won't be necessary, the arrows will do." He said as he bid them farewell and stepped out of the ten, "Then, I'll be on my way."

The young lieutenant accompanied Lirius to retrieve the arrows. Along the way, he couldn't help but be curious as to why they only needed two bags of arrows." Are you sure they'll be enough?"

Lirius grabs the two bags and places it around his shoulder. "This will be, I thank you for your help."

As he was heading his way, he was stopped when the young lieutenant grabbed hold of his wrist. "Wait-"

Lirius was not pleased that the man manhandled him, however, it took him by surprise when the young man handed something to him.

"Please, take this." He gave him a crest pin with his family emblem on it, "If ever you and your friend plan to visit Argenlès or any of our territory, please don't hesitate to look for us."

Lirius accepted the token with an emotionless face. For he was not grateful at all to receive such a familiar emblem. As he continued on his way back to the girl, he took out the crest pin he put in his pocket and looked at it again. When he recalled which family owns such an emblem, his face paled as he realized who the person the girl will be rescued and why. 'Damn it, why are they making my life so difficult.' He cursed them within, for he regretted that they ever decided to come here in the first place. If he knew that the outcome will be like this, he would have not allowed the girl to go and if they had come he would have dragged Serfred with him.