Dark academy won the fight Drix was alive while Zeonaire is died after the fight king Jarlux met enchantress enchantress begs to bring Zeonaire back to life in exchange for all of Jarlux's orders
"will be my wife"
"nooo I can't I don't love you my love is Zeonaire"
"then I won't resurect Zeonaire"
Echantress cried then she agreed to Jarlux's offer to being his wife after 30 minutes Jarlux revive Zeonaire then Zeonaire said
"what happened?"
"you loss the fight"(Hexuss)
"what is the offer of Jarlux"
"aghanyms will be part of dark academy"
"I'm so sorry:'( but where's enchantress?"
"Enchantress trade her life to revive you"
"enchan... enchantress is died? because of me"
"no she's a live actually she Mary Jarlux because Jarlux will revive you if she Mary Jarlux you get It"
" owww thats my fault I'm weak"
"no it's not your fault Jarlux killed you he betrayed you"
"I will find enchantress"
after three hours finally have been to castle of Jarlux he shout
"enchantress where are you my love!"
Enchantress peek out the window
she said
"go away you will be danger if you stay there"
"but I love you"
"I don't love you anymore just go away you are so weak"
then Zeonaire ran away he won't comeback anymore while Hexuss searching for Zeonaire
he believes Zeonaire will return but theres no Zeonaire's shadow but he praying for Zeonaire's comebak be he can't win against dark academy because king Zherref died after the war Hexuss still searching to Zeonaire he tried again because someone said Zeonaire was still alive then Zeonaire was on the training he still hoping to the comeback of Zeonaire.