Aaaaaaah! It's Monday! I need to get up. I can't be late, this is the first day of school. I took a bath and ate. Jezz. I'm pressure it's already 8AM I don't want to stuck in traffic. I texted Jhustine that I'm on my way.

I feel relief, there's no traffic. Yey! I'm driving go to school with smile on my face when someone almost bump my car. That was so fast. What a reckless driver! I thought my precious car will bump by that Mc Laren and I almost too. I can't think clearly by now. What to do? I'm traumatized in this kind of happening. Gosh!


I slowly turn my head to the one who's knocking on my window. I don't get what he's saying. I can't open my door because I can't move. By looking at his eyes he's worrying. I give him a sign that I'm fine. After a minute I open my door and I'm shock that he hug me, his heartbeat is so fast. He's having a hard breathing.

"I thought I'm gonna lose you again" what is he talking about? Again? Why? I look at him with my questioning face. He hold my hand and squeeze it. "I hope you're okay Amarie because I can't forgive myself if something happens to you" he cupped my face and say "I'll protect you no matter what"

"Why are you doing this?" I look at his eyes. He open his mouth but there's no words come out. He just stare at me with a worried eyes. "Okay nevermind" I said and look to my car and back to Raze.

Raze looked around and pull me to my car while holding my hand. "Hello Bert. Please get my car near in my school.... Yes... I'll call you later" he end up the call and look at me. Raze opened the door for me, he guided. Reallyyy??? It's like I'm glass that anytime is going to broke into pieces. Hays! This man really unbelievable too. I stare outside of the window this is awkward.

"Thankyou Raze" I said with out of nowhere. I look at him, he's blushing and his ears turn into red "Hahahaha why are you blushing? Are you shy?" I'm trying to tease him.


He suddenly step at the brake so I slowly look at him. He's having a hard breathing again. Uh oh. "Okay fine. I'll stop" I said between of my laughing. After a minute. He continue driving and the moment we enter in tha school to park my car. All the people walking near in parking look at us even though they can't see.

"Oooopss" I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and go outside of the car. I'm heading to event hall because of welcoming program for freshmen but before I enter the students going out of the Hall.

"Let's go. I come with you" someone talking to my back so turn around to see who it is. Raze is standing near in the post. "Let's go, the classes is about to start" he said without looking at me. I follow what he's staring at. A group of girls huh? I turn around to go to my room in third floor. I'm waiting for the elevator when someone stand beside me. Why this man is always following me? To protect me? I can take care of myself duh?

When the door opened I quickly entered and press F3. Raze still following. Grrr.


I walk fast as I can to sure that he can't follow me. I look back I feel relief when he's not around. My room is the last in this six room because I'm section Hydrogen. I'm walking slowly in the hallway when I saw a man standing beside the door. I run so I can see his face.

I really need to talk to him later.