Welcome back

A small sleeping figure from underwater started glowing with silver light. As the figure started to regain consciousness, her body float to the surface causing ripples on the calm water. The figure slowly opened her eyes and fluttered her long curly dark eyelashes a few times to adjust her vision.

"Wha- Oh...I remember now," said the small figure who recalled everything as she looked through her memories.

"Let's do a self reality check. Who am I? Kara. What am I? The Seraystal of Soul and Space. Where am I? In my Dimensional Space inside my soul stone. Why am I here? To recover my soul while resting in my spiritual lake. How did I get here? By lending part of my soul to save my sister, Lilian. Okay, I'm all good to go."

After the small figure now revealed as Kara sort out her thoughts and memories, she floats out of the water and teleport to her house. She quickly washes up and change into a simple white sleeveless dress with fluffy white slippers.

As Kara walked to her bedroom and lie on the bed, she automatically lifts up her left hand. She swipes her hand from left to right in the air, and what appeared were screens similar to a flat screen T.V.

On the screens appear a silver and white soul stone in the disguise of a mortal soul.

"Big sis! Can you hear me?" Kara called out to Lilian.

"Finally! It took me a whole lifetime of torture to heal you." Lilian said half jokingly and half seriously.

Kara rolled her eyes after hearing her sister's words. "Well, you deserve it. I used up all my power and lend you a part of my soul to keep your soul from perishing."

Lilian is silent. Although she just recovered her memories after dying in her previous life, she can't help but feel something important is missing.

Kara's elder sister is currently looking like a fiery blue-tinted white ball. She is secretly floating with other souls in the Earth's reincarnation cycle. In her previous life, she was a meditator. She was respected for her teachings and help others be at peace. She was an unmarried 147 years old women who took in orphans, and set up a temple to pass on her legacy.

Lilian has been meditating her whole life to strengthen her soul, while unknowingly returning pieces of Kara's soul back to her. She was just a normal human without any memories as a Seraystal. It wasn't until after her death did she remember who she truly was. It was a shock to find out that the beautiful galaxy-like crystal necklace she had been wearing in her previous life turned out to be her little sister's soul stone.

Seraystals are unique because their souls are crystal gems. Their true power is stored in their soul, but they usually take on an appearance of beautiful crystal winged beings to mislead others into thinking their wings are the main source of power.

If anyone got the chance to look closely, they would be in awe at the wings that looks like professionally carved crystal feathers. Of course, that's IF anyone did get the chance. Seraystals are very secretive and aren't even commonly known. When Seraystals appear in front of others, they are mostly in disguise.

Seeing her sister silent, Kara could guess that she is confused or lost about something. "Don't think about it too much. What you're missing is certain memories. It is required to go through the trial for every Seraystals."

"Oh okay...does that mean you remember everything?" Lilian said unsure.

"About you or me? If it's you, I remember everything; but if it's about me, then I'm not hundred percent sure." Kara answered. "I might still be in the trial. Probably, way before I met you. It's strange that I haven't thought about this now even though I learned a bit about the trial."

As Kara pondered about the trial, she thought back to the times before she met Lilian.

When Kara first met Lilian, her sis was in really bad shape. She was found in a hidden prison in the castle of a power hungry king.

Lilian was in her true Seraystals form. Well, she was supposed to, but with no crystal wings. She had an actual body that's not in spirit form, which meant that she was very high leveled; but how did she get in that situation?

The answer was she was young and inexperienced. Despite Lilian's innocent face yet mature body, Kara is actually older than her supposedly "big sister". Kara is not short because she wanted to and she didn't really mind too much about being the "younger sister".

Lilian is the Seraystal of Advancement and Healings. She used her abilities and leveled up too quickly. She was too focus on leveling up that she missed the important teachings of the Seraystals.

If Lilian had properly went to the Seraystal's Academy and listened to the warnings, she wouldn't be in the situation where Kara found her.

Although the Seraystals are allowed to do what they wished, they choose to be hidden and not get into trouble. Seraystals are very powerful beings, but they have some disadvantages. The Originals made them to assist others on their journey. When they find someone who they wish to be with, they will have to go through a trial.

Because of how the Originals created Seraystals, they have to be careful and learn to protect themselves. They cannot let themselves be ignorant about the universe or else they would be taken advantaged of. An excellent example of one is Lilian who has to start all over as a soul stone because she was caught by a greedy human who ripped her wings off her True Seraystal form.

Seraystals comes in three different forms: Soul Stone, Spirit, and True Seraystal forms.

Every Seraystals start out in their Soul Stone form. They won't get access to Spirit and True Seraystal forms until they level up. Once they level up, they will gain their Spirit form; but unfortunately, they lose their access to Soul Stone form and would have to go through a difficult process to level up to True Seraystal form. When they reach True Seraystals form, they can happily gain access to all forms.

Fortunately, Lilian met Kara. If it were any other Seraystals, they most likely didn't have the ability to save her. Kara is special because she is the only one of her kind. With her power she was able to use her Soul ability and turned Lilian into her soul stone. Since then, Kara took in Lilian, gave her a name, and personally taught her the Seraystal's basic teachings.

"Well, now that I'm awake and you're back, ready to collect some feathers?" Kara asked.

"Definitely! I can't wait to get back at that greedy king for ripping my wings and using my feathers to give him more power." If Lilian was in her Spirit form, Kara would be seeing silver fire lit inside her big sister's eyes right now. "Anyways, welcome back Kara!"