chapter 4. catch them

Peter byne is a 42 years old married man with 2 kids.

living very fortunate a successful business man that worth millions of dollars,

the murdered of his family become headlines for local and national TV for a weeks.

after a month of waiting from the detectives update finally Tuesday 6:45 P.M detective Anniston called him for a meeting, Peter sitting in a chair when detective Anniston..

two men start spying them... detective Anniston started to talk about the new updates, we have suspects and we have witnessed but first let me ask you some few questions Mr. byne.!! do you have any business transactions with "CROSS GROUP"

upon hearing the question Peter burst in anger in his mind his inspect is right

but Peter remain calm and answer the detective with very short answer "NO"

detective Anniston just tell me exactly what you want to tell me?? detective Anniston answered, according to the witness he see a 2 man wearing black suit on the night that your family was murdered and in the CCTV of neighbors we identified "Arturo Ramirez" and "Paulo Herrera" both are from the cross group

detective Anniston my family was murdered a month ago and you just found a witness today, why is that!!?? Peter angry voice is echoing inside the room, sir I'm sorry I understand your feelings very well and what you feel but the witness just come out today he is terrified that the cross group might come to him as well... detective Anniston apologize voice made Peter calm his anger.

alright detective I want the justice for my family well serve as soon as possible...

Peter leave the room and desperate.....

he arrived the house at 10:01 P.M Peter was

sitting in the couch looking to the beautiful angel big family picture hanging on the wall.

while he was looking at the family picture

he was thinking something to his mind and without a doubt think Peter went to his library open his drawer and get the "45 caliber"

A gun he knows that tonight he will serve the justice he will!!! drive his "BMS nemesis" motorbike worth $1.5 million dollars he drive his bike wearing a black leather jacket and a helmet not long than 20 minutes Peter stop in a mansion he know whose house is this because he was spying the cross group for a week, Peter walk through the door "knock knock" and a man showed up and open the door, "BANG", Peter shot him in the head without hesitation he step more inside and "BANG" shoot the second person guarding the mansion. he seek shelter behind a couch and he crawl and saw a third person he shoot him in the leg and when the man fall he shoot him again.. another gun fire was heard from the room but it was not from Peter, Peter didn't feel anything that he got shot by a man behind him. he see the man who shoot him, he shoot back 3 times in a row the man was surely dead and another one fired from behind him again theat made Peter fall to the ground he saw the man Peter shoot the man 2 times that made the man fall Peter was a gun expert but now his lying in the floor staring in the light with blood in his chest, he sees the light slowly fading the light was turning into dark, darkness conquering him again and whole

place starting to turn black. and Peter didn't feel and see anything..

"the death is within" Peter own his eyes and see the light he tried to stand up slowly but he made it very easy and see his own body covered with blood he is dead. Peter said shit!WTF is this!! why I'm seeing my own body!! he didn't realize that he's already dead.

Peter run away from his body and he still continued revenging his family...

he is dead but he's still here inside the mansion alive,

he will not stop until he revenge his family!!