In a Wuxia World follow the story of a former bussiness man as he paves his road to ascension. After being betrayed and staying in prison for a whole 8 years Joseph reincarnates in a wuxia world with a system, after his former experiences, Joseph will not trust anyone easily as his nature turns slightly demonic.
Author’s note:
English is not my first language so please do not mind some grammar errors, indicate them in the comments an I will try to fix them.
I am really sad now, I was reading like a happy sheep, but in the end meeting with the (100%) thing . ... . . I want more :( ,this is a novel I can read all the day without breaks
Very cool novel, really interested in the world and how the story will develop. I also would like a spin-off with adventures from prison. Keep the good work!
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
Reveal Spoiler
Holy maaaan, this is awesome, haven't read anything like this for a long time, it is sort of a mush of everything, but still keeps it all sorted out and served with a sense of humor, the author doesn't seem to update much, but I'm sure that can change.
I really enjoy this novel, really good.