

"Your dreams, future, and social relations, all of them doomed. You were frustrated at your dark future, you couldn't deal with the cold, hard reality, and chose death. I commend you for the bravery of the choice, I really do," A man in a tall leather chair says, the upper part of his face is covered by a large top hat and his clothes seem to be from the late 18th century, but you can clearly see the smirk on his face as he speaks. He's sitting behind a wide mahogany desk, somehow he has the air of a king and a joker at the same time. "Oh, and don't worry, this is a place especially for you. I've given you a chance to escape from the nightmare you call life and rebuild it, and when I say rebuild I mean however you would like."

"But of course nothing comes free, you have to bet your life to come here." The man takes his hand out of his jacket pocket, pulling out a black card with a large, red, cursive N on it as he does so. "And I'm sure you know you're responsible for all the consequences of this choice you're making."

"But I won't pressure you," He says leaning back ever so slightly into his chair, "The choice is completely yours, after all, it was you who chose death so you should choose this yourself too."

He extends the card towards you and you can see the upper part of his face, yellow eyes meet yours and you see the humor, grief, guilt, and nothingness inside of them. He smiles as you take the card from his hand, "Now then if you're ready to risk your life and participate, then I welcome you to a special game only for the true survivors, NightMare."

"Best of luck."


Will you survive? Will you live? Or will you lose it all? Will your life become a real NightMare?

What do you choose?