Chapter Two: Stormy Park

Time skip kids are 5 now

Uni's p.o.v

After we got in the car mom started driving.

She didn't tell us where we were going but I knew we were going to see teddy but I just didn't know where

We were meeting her at.

"Mom, where are we going?"

I asked my mom who was in the driver's seat.

"Were going to the park." I looked at her for a minute then I looked the car window and saw that we were going over a river.

Rose's p.o.v

There was almost an hour of driving to the because we had to cross a river by the dang bridge.

When we finally made it to the park unicorn and tree bark quickly got out of the car. When they saw teddy bear they ran towards her and both tackled her with a hug.

Lila's p.o.v

My daughter birdy is five years old Andi brought her to the park for her to make friends.

My husband had work so I took her by myself.

I really hope she can make some friends.

She has white hair and purple eyes.

Birdy's p.o.v

I'm birdy im 5 years old and my mom brought me to the park to play.

I wonder if those kids want play I really need to find some friends.

I thought. I ran over to them.

"Hi, I'm birdy what's your names?"

I asked them, Then a girl with red and black hair spoke up.

"Hi Birdy! I'm Teddy bear you can call me Teddy. And this is Uni and her brother Tree."

I asked if they wanted to play a game since we were at a park. And they said "Sure what game though?"

I thought about it for awhile and then said "How about we play tag and hide'n'seek it's pretty fun."

"Okay it sounds really fun but how do you play?"

Teddy's p.o.v

I asked birdy what tag was and she thought for a minute. "Ummm..... I think one person is it and has to run around chasing everyone else who is playing then tag them then the person who got tagged is it." Birdy said and then we agreed that uni would would be it, even she agreed that she would be it.

We played for about an hour then we all got tired of running.

Gold's p.o.v

Me, rose, tulsa, and fire were talking then we looked over at the kids playing and then I saw another parent and her child come to the playground

And see the little girl run over to the other kids and start talking. Then I look over at her mom and she's watching the kids.

Without. anyone noticing I get up and walk over to the parent.

"Hello." I said and it seemed to scare her a little because she jumped a little.

"Oh umm... H-hi." She said

"Hi I was just wondering is that your daughter over there?" I say pointing to a little with white hair. "Um.. Yeah why?" She asked a little scared again.

"I was just wondering sorry but would you like to come and sit with me,my wife and friends?" I ask her and she just looks at me then at her daughter then back at me then finally said somthing. "Sure if it's not a problem."

I say "it's not a problem." Then we walk back to the table that rose was at and sit down.

"Guys this is...umm what's your name?" I whisper the last part.

"My name is Lila my daughter is birdy she's over there playing with the people I assume are your kids." Then they all look over at the children playing then back at Lila.

"Oh yeah they are our kids." Said Otis. Fire then started asking questions like she always does.

"So I'm fire, this here is my best friend rose and her husband gold,

And this here is my husband Tulsa.

Do you have anyone else in your family besides birdy and you?

Does your hair naturally have those highlights in it or what? Do you have a husband?

Sorry if I've asked to much and you dont want to answer the questions."

Lila's p.o.v

Wow I didn't think she would ask questions but I guess I better answer them.

"Ok there is more people in my family besides me and birdy I have a husband and my big brother leaf,

And yes my hair naturally has blonde highlights in it." I said but as soon as i got done speaking there a really really loud sound 'boom' I guess it scared the children too because they all ran over to us scared.

I look around and see that there's clouds in the sky really big dark clouds. "Umm... We all should probably just go home because it looks like it's going start storming any minute now!" All of the kids got really scared now when they a lightning bolt hit playground equipment.

"Yeah it does look it's about to storm.

Unicorn, tree bark let's go home now. Okay?" Rose said. Then i grabbed birdy's hand and we start to walk towards the car to go home. When we. Get close to the car we were stopped by somthing before we could even get to the car.

It was like a force field stoping anything from entering or exiting.

Me and birdy walked back to the bench where everyone else is.

"I don't think we can leave the park."

I said to everyone and then there was thunder and lightning again.

The kids are really scared now I feel really bad for them. "Why cant we leave?" Birdy said.

Unicorns p.o.v

After I heard birdy's mom say that we couldn't leave, everyone but the grownups got scared. Why cant we leave? Are we gonna die here? I dont want to die yet!

I stated to cry thinking that we were all going to die and I guess teddy noticed because she hugged me and told that i wasn't gonna die that everything is ok. Can she read my mind because I was thinking we were gonna die then teddy told me that we weren't gonna die but I guess it made me feel a little better because I wasn't crying anymore I was smiling a little.

"Thanks teddy" I told her thanks for helping me calm down. "No problem it's what best friend are for. Right?" She said I smiled and laughed a little.

"Yeah that's what best friends are for."

We hugged them I pull tree and birdy into the hug while startling them. "Ahh." They both scream in unison

"Hey it's ok were not gonna hurt you birdy." I told birdy so that she wasn't startled any more.

Teddy bear's p.o.v

I hugged uni to make her feel better and it worked then she hugged me back and then pulled tree and our new friend birdy into the hug.

It startled them at first but rhey eventually stoped screaming and we all started laughing becuase well why not it will brighten the mood.

I was acting happy and calm but mentally i was freaking out because I mean we cant leave this dumb park because of a dumb force field.

"WHY WON'T THIS STUPID STORM END." I yell not realising that I screamed it out loud I quickly cover my mouth with my hands.

Fire's p.o.v

I hear teddy bear scream "WHY WON'T THIS STUPID STORM END."

She yelled and then she quickly covered her mouth. But what surprised me is that when she screamed all the dark clouds went away. We were all confused by this but a little happy too. Lila went over to her car and the force field was gone

So she called birdy to come over and I gave her my phone number so we could still talk and once we had each other's phone numbers we went our separate ways and went home.

Rose's p.o.v

I was still in shock from just happened at the park but we were on our way home no one spoke about it.

I wonder what that was when teddy bear screamed that made the clouds go away I mean i know she's a princess but how can the clouds move when she screamed. That was just so unexplainable.

We were almost home when i realised that today was the day that unicorn was supposed to go to the doctor after we left the park now I have to reschedule it.

Tree bark's p.o.v


hen we were on our way home I fell asleep and when I woke up we were at home but I was still pretty sleepy.

We all went inside and me and my sister went our rooms and I know that i wad pretty sleepy but now I couldn't fall asleep i don't know why i just couldn't sleep.

I went back downstairs and saw my mom and dad asleep on the couch AGAIN why do they always fall asleep on the couch instead of on there bed.

I walk over to them and wake them up which it's 122:00 (also midnight on earth) When they woke up they asked me why I was still up and then they yawned. "I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs to get a glass of water then I saw you two asleep on the couch and I woke you up so you could go to your bedroom and sleep." They looked at me then said ok and dad went to his and mom's room while mom went with me to the kitchen to get some water.

Fire's p.o.v

When we got home teddy bear was sleepy so I took her up stairs 3 floors and laid her in bed so she could sleep.

I went back downstairs to the 2nd floor and went in mine and tulsa's bedroom and went to sleep

When i woke up I realised what had happened at the park yesterday the reason that the clouds disappeared when teddy bear screamed was because she was a real princess and here on our planet a certain person throughout a family line will have a gift and it helps them bring peace to the world by saying one thing it will stop almost any disaster.


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