Nobody POV:
It is a normal day for everyone at the home(castle) of Issa Shuzen. They were somewhat happy, while they were glad to serve one of the legendary 3 dark lords, they were shocked as how.. different he was compared to their expectations. Sure it wasn't a bad thing to say the least, but it was shocking to see him so... different? Anyways, as they were patrolling the boarder of the castle near the ocean they started to notice something. The water was slightly boiling and a purple glow was shining in the distance under the water. The(nameless for now)guards gulped as they saw this, because there is only a few creatures that can boil the ocean and emit a glow at all and none of them are good news. The guard was nearly scared senseless before coming back to his senses. "S-SHIT WARN THE GUARDS!" nameless guard #1 screamed out to the other to make him run back to the castle to warn the others. It didn't take long for other guards to come out to attempt to guard the castle, as the glow got closer and closer to the castle, the ocean water started boiling at an accelerated rate. Then the water started parting as a truly massive creature rose from the water and just.. looked at them? 'Does it wan't something?' Everyone present thought seeing this. Then the creature does the thing they literally least expect it to ever be able to do, it started talking to them.
Ryu POV:
So I arrived at that castle that I spotted in the distance, and they're so nice they even gave me a welcoming party. Well it's probably not that but still, it's nice to see them. I started speaking with some difficulty because lizard jaws do not work well with speech. "Hello may I come out of the water?" As I say this, the guards look flabbergasted that I am speaking at all, much less with my current jaw(looks like when shin G. splits his jaw to use the atomic breath, because yes, logic flies out the window with anything Godzilla related) Back to the story, the guards are standing there discussing if they should even let me stay here, after all i'm not exactly environmental friendly. After some discussion, they told me that they are going to get the lord of the house to come here to have a nice chat with me. Being the semi-nice immortal bio-hazard lizard I am, I decide to go into my human form to stop turning the surrounding area into a nuclear wasteland, which is sad because i'm holding as much of my radiation inside my body to not screw with the surrounding area, which failed miserably. Back to the main topic, when I turn into a human form, the guards let out a breath they were holding, only problem is, I heard it too and now they are just standing there looking uncomfortable and making this situation awkward. After only a few minutes of awkward silence, the lord of the castle finally comes here to greet me. "Now please tell me what you are and why you are here." Is what he asked when he saw me.
Issa POV:
These past few months have turned to shit, my year was going along perfectly fine but then a massive problem in the form of a kaiju showed up. When I saw him I immediately questioned as of why in the living hell what he doing here and why, he said that he blew up his house and saw this place, so he came here. When I heard that I just stood there and stared at him dumbfounded, I mean come on, what being would be stupid enough to blow up their own house. Then he sorta, just wiggled his way into the castle, we tried multiple times at first to keep him out *sigh, well we wouldn't be in this situation if those had worked, would we? We found out very quickly that the creature gets bored very easily, and when it is bored, it decides to mess with anything it can get its hands on for entertainment. Oh the creatures name is Ryu? it(he) screamed it out telling us not to forget it. Most of the time though he will just keep to himself, or talk to my PRECIOUS DAUGHTERS!! That Bastard is going to corrupt my daughters I just know it! If that happens, I would attempt to make his life a living hell, which is almost definitely not going to work because despite his VERY annoying behavior, he is actually scarily strong, strong to where it would take a whole lot to defeat him is he started rampaging. Notice how I said DEFEAT not KILL, turns out the damn bastard can't actually be killed, because he regenerates faster than he gets damaged, I found that out personally. And its bad even if he gets hurt, because his blood is very toxic to ANY environment and will corrupt it. *sigh I guess he isn't all bad, earlier in the year he started teaching? my daughters how to fight, and only my two youngest daughters.why them specifically? At this point I am just going to stop asking questions about that somewhat irritating piece of shit. I think i'm loosing brain cells just by thinking about him. I have a feeling that the unforeseeable future is going to be very stressful for me. Right now i'm just banging my head on a wall hoping that this is just a bad dream and that I will wake up at any moment.