*AuthorNotice*/Chapter 5: What had happened then...

[{Sorry, real-life got in the way of this journey and an unedited volume worth of saved content to an SD card became corrupt!!! My queue of unedited chapters/ notes was obliterated! Lost gone! No cloud or backups, all gone...😐

A Rookie mistake, from an amateur writer...

After this happened, it was a true gut punch to my will power to endeavor to write & complete my first fan fictions, to say the least.

But after taking a hiatus & having stopped trying to recreate/or remember what I had written before, I forced myself to move on decisively to continue this journey where ever it takes me. So I'm starting from scratch from the already posted chapters!

To those who still donated power stones during the break, I thank you. It let me know that my novice amateur writing had a niche audience.

I started for the small goal of badges, to test & understand the creative writing process & because my favorite novels or entertainment content had reached saturation for me.

But this has now become a test of my completing what I started.

I'll do my best & whether it ends in a Good or bad stories list is up for future debate, as you can't accentuate all palates, my content is not for everyone.

Updates will be IRREGULAR at best! So maybe queue up chapters, sit on it to marathon read as I do myself with other novels.

Well, that's all, this message is to inform the readers, just as much as it's a call to action for my self to hold my feet to the fire & write.

You have my Gratitude ☺ enjoy the short chapter continuation of "My Daddy's A Hitman!"}]



Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own DC it's worlds or it's characters.

Chapter 5: "What had happened then..."

The inner city of Gotham, middle of the afternoon...

Three outstandingly beautiful women in their 20's respectively giggle in small talk jointly, along with a 9-year-old girl engaged on her cell phone walking beside them.

Gossiping as they are walking home with shopping bags after strolling the local mall, While taking time to appreciate the rare summertime weather in the late fall season.

The nine years old girl is doing busy work on her phone, wearing large pink headphones around her neck, & her pink & black zip-up hoodie that mostly covered the lengthy straight dark brown hair that still managed to hang out the hoodie on her head, cascading on her neutral expression face.

Suddenly, she is cracking a rare smile on her young face, as she sees a playmate further down the road & wants to go converse with her.

After gaining her mother's approval she runs full speed towards her friend down the block!

Two hands together over her mouth screaming to get her friends attention:

"Hey, Duela!"

"Yo, Zoe!" her friend replies yelling back as they run to each other & meet up.

In the middle of the daylight, you'd think It would be safe, even in a little rougher than an average neighborhood, however,

the noise of several loud engines roaring & tires screeching, shattered that thought!

A series of black SUVs, pull up opening its doors to a group of men, the majority of which are masked, except 3 individuals leading each truck group arrogantly unmasked like they are untouchable!

Each group sends one person into Grab the target, which is a short in height mixed-race girl with beautiful features, short black hair, wearing a short solid color skirt, long aviator jacket, knee-high heel boots, & who in which is the youngest of the three older women.

She is quickly surrounded then pulled towards the vehicle!

But, her attempted abduction is halted as her two friends grip her arms pulling her back bravely, kicking & desperately screaming for help!


"Let Kathy go!" they said frantically.

The black raven-haired one of the trio managed to defeat the primary one gripping her friend Kathy, then kicks toward another at his head knocking him out before saying to her surprised friends screaming:


The long brown hair woman in jeans & the tee-shirt nods her head then takes the almost abducted friend 'Kathy' away!

As she sees her companions flee, the long raven color hair woman has already taken down a few thugs in the blockade by herself by now!

However, those grunts are easy targets for her combat skills, as they all only had blunt objects; unlike the ones watching quietly in the rear of the formation, as they held guns!

So if she wanted to be in control of this situation, she needed one of their firearms to force a reversal!

At the first appearance of an opening, the raven-haired heroine dashes bravely toward a distracted kidnapper, whose focus was on her female friends, who are rushing to leave the scene in the opposite direction!

But despite doing all they can do, their best isn't enough, & it didn't get them very far this day...

BANG!!!!6× & a revolver is completely emptied out wildly!!

Gunshots & screams of females!

The brave raven hair woman is blown back at point-blank range; as her shoulder is hit she falls gripping it & the people she beat up before, pile up on her immediately stomping & punching her on the ground ruthlessly!

The targeted short hair woman Kathy sees she is covered in blood, but when she takes a step back she noticed that it's not hers?!?!!

It's the blood of the Latina woman & the only mother of the group of three, who after a short standing pause falls to the ground on her side while gripping her stomach!

"MICHELLE!!!" Screams Kathy!

The main supervisor of the expedition, an Asian man in a black suit, bald head & glasses loses his cool at this point!

"Edward Sheevers, your a fucking hot head!"

He hurriedly motions toward the men beside him:

"Get the chick or young master Fang is going to double lose it!"

He then turns toward the man still posing with the gun in a daze saying:

"You almost killed her!" The bald man said angrily, rousing sheevers out if his daze.

"Ah, sorry!" Sheevers, a white young man who was one of the three assault SUVs group leaders who was not wearing a face mask said nervously.

"You can't even handle a woman with a little above average martial arts training?"

Sheevers looks down despondently.

"Sigh, I swear if you weren't one of the young master's friends & if he didn't want to groom you for his family forces right hand, I'd fucking shoot you!" The Asian man with glasses then without warning smacks with a pistol to Sheevers face!

Thwack! he falls to the ground, & the surrounding thugs chuckle lowly, as they didn't like this sheevers guy at all; as the only white man among a group of Asian Triads, who obviously had gotten the position not by merit, but by being a sycophant to the young master!

"You're supposed to grab the others, so she is cooperative, You Fucking Dunce!" Said the older Asian experienced mission supervisor.

"Ah, yeah sorry!" The shooter Edward Sheevers says while nursing his new face blemish & bloody mouth.

They pry the screaming Kathy away from the injured Michelle, they load up the unconscious heavy bruised raven hair woman while holding the gun to her head!

The leader turned to Kathy giving her an ultimatum:

"You can either come with us, or we blow her head too, & you STILL come with us!"

"Please stop! Don't hurt Helena, I'll come but please can you get an ambulance for my friend please, Please!"

Kathy makes pleas with hands together on her knees, snot & tears dripping, while displaying the most miserable expression, no signs of the former elegant beauty!

They nod making the call in front of her & Kathy takes one last look at her friend screaming things of "HELP IS COMING" "HANG IN THERE", "I'M SORRY" as she is forcefully pulled away frightened & in tears!

Sheevers, the shooter is holding his face while he gets in his truck last & Looks down to see a little girl who's cradling one of the women he shot earlier in desperation!

They make eye contact with each other & she looks at him fiercely; unlike her normal beyond her years measured expression, but with one of unlimited hate; while screaming for her mother to stay awake!

With his cowardly nature, Sheevers quickly breaks the intimidating eye contact as they speed off!

Previously, The young miss Kathy didn't like her family security detail following her.

Over the years she became a master at ditching them quickly & without warning, in the future, she would never regret her previous childish behavior more than today!

The aforesaid jettisoned security guards of the main target of kidnapping Kathy; catch up to the scene just in time to see as she is being driven off!

The Elite security of Kathy's family is told by the head guard, to hold their gunfire, as not to injure the boss's daughter in the process by accident!

Then sending two of the men to try & stealthy follow, While others find out what the abductors want from informants!

Those two men then burn out in their cars afraid to follow too close, but will follow & report the location of the abductees; unless they lose sight of them or somehow the pursuit endangered the young miss!

All these actions & orders were given while disregarding the bleeding out woman, Michelle the friend of the boss's daughter!

The mournful embrace of mother-daughter is also caught by a personal security guard who is disturbed by it, unlike his hardboiled coworkers.

"Shouldn't we help her? "The concerned guard asked pointing out the scene & still screaming little girl.

"What?" The head security looks toward the scene with dismissal.

"Boss didn't like the whore hanging out with the miss anyway, FUCK!"

"Just get in the car we got more important business now!" The head of security said.

The concerned guard nods but secretly text the address into emergency response services. They exit the scene.

Leaving the woman, Michelle bleeding out on the street & trying to talk to the girl, her daughter; between expelling mouths full of dark blood:


The girl Zoe is screaming her name until the smile stiffened & eyes that Michelle looked at her child stay wide open as she remained still...

But the screams of "MOM NO!" "WAKE UP" "N-NO MOMMY!" continue until...


Zoe looks up to the sky...

Then a high pitched piercing primal scream of rage, frustrations & sadness is wailed out!!

With every fraction of energy in her possession, she shrieked until she blacked out & collapse on top of her mother's now still body!

Silence again in the surroundings now, but they all heard it, everywhere nearby and even blocks away!

Sadly the neighbors gawking have seen similar to this kind of thing before, but this felt different, it was soul clenchingly tragic!

An eerie feeling hung in the air in the aftermath of the event...

That unusual sound of crying out gave them all goosebumps!

It was like a banshee herald call for a brewing storm for what this already troubled neighborhood will be seeing soon...& they were right...

•••[Next-Chapter 6: (" Inheritance Tax/Identity Crisis, Rollout?")