If you solve this case

Under Nishimura Soichiro's cold and piercing gaze, Nakashima Wakana starts sweating. She presses her lips into a thin line, feeling both awkward and scared.

Did she say something wrong? What should she say? She can't say that the real culprit is a shadowy big man in apartment number 512. She knows why the r@pes stopped after the 12th one. It's clear that the rapist phantom artist hasn't left the apartment for 18 years.

He probably can't move from that spot. Possession? If Minami Sei could go inside the apartment and leave the same apartment without getting possessed, that thing probably can't possess the men currently.

In the last seven years, she saw one in every fifty cases that were caused by a supernatural being. She can't always see or sense them. Her abilities generally switch on and off like randomly. She can't always see ghosts or sense them. However, if evil entities like the phantom artist make their presence deliberately known to her. She can't pretend that she can't see or sense them because they can sense that she can sense them. That's why she avoids going to the crime scenes usually.

"Nakashima Wakana, you did well." Nishimura Soichiro suddenly smiles at her. "This is a new angle. From now on, you must always speak your honest thoughts about the case."

She got praised. This is the first time. Nakashima Wakana rubs her nose with her index finger and looks away shyly.

"If you solve this case, you might be able to keep your job," Nishimura Soichiro adds.

"What?" She widens her eyes. "I am going to get kicked out if I don't solve this case."

"You wanted to resign." Nishimura Soichiro looks at her with an amused expression. She reminds him of his youngest daughter who studies in third grade. "If you don't solve this case, you can pack your stuff and leave."

She opens her mouth widely. Resigning is different than being kicked out -- and she wasn't being serious at that time. In this dwindling economy, where will she get the second job? She hasn't saved up enough to start her backup plan. Nobody will give a loan to a jobless bum. She can't ask her sisters or father. She has pride too.

She points at Minami Sei who's been listening to them intently. "What about him?"

"He will get transferred out. He was a star in the police department once; not a forever rookie like you." Soichiro's smile becomes wider.

Nishimura's words stab her right where it hurts -- forever rookie.

"This is unfair." This is a serious matter of pride and justice now. "Nishimura Sama, you can't give me an 18 years old case and ask me to solve it. If nobody could solve it in the past, how can I solve it?"

Nishimura Soichiro shrugs indifferently. "You worry about it. You have the ex-star of the police department with you. It can't be that hard."

She looks at Minami Sei. He meets her gaze. He can see the rage in those eyes toward him. But how is this his fault? She's still a rookie because of her attitude. He has been observing her since they met. She's not suitable to be a detective. She's still young. It's better if she leaves and starts over with something that she actually likes.

But she's taking this wrongly. Embarrassed and hurt because her ex-crush from high school is witnessing another low moment of her life, she clenches her fists.

She's already the target of the phantom artist.

"Why are you standing here?" Nishimura Soichiro barks at her. "If you want to keep your job, do anything to solve this case."

Wakana glares back at Soichiro. "I will solve it, Nishimura Sama."

Not waiting for Soichiro's scolding for being disrespectful, she storms off. She has to visit the 12th victim first.

Minami Sei runs after her. He wants to do everything in power to help her anyway. Besides, he also finds this new perspective interesting.