I saw him

"Thank you for your honest opinions about me. I am not surprised," Wakana replies bitterly.

"It's the truth." Minami Sei doesn't mince his words. "The crime happened 18 years ago. But you didn't enter the apartment. Did you think that there were ghosts in there? You don't have the correct mindset to become a detective. You should get your head checked first. How did you pass the psychological evaluation?"

Wakana stares at him. This isn't the first time when she heard those words. If one is different, he/she pays the price all their lives. She can see things. He can't. He is just like the rest. She's the odd one here -- not him.

It becomes too quiet in the car. He wonders if he has been harsh. She hasn't said another word, as if she's acknowledging that he's right. She should argue back to prove himself wrong. Are they going to part and never meet if they fail to solve this case? Why does it matter if they part again? She's not even a friend. Tsk!

Minami Sei stops the car in front of a small flower shop. He doesn't wait for her to get out. He walks straight into the flower shop. Wakana sighs and gets out slowly. She isn't prepared to talk to the victim. How should she approach her about the phantom artist part? Should she ask her directly? What are the chances of the victim getting offended and throwing a flower pot at her face for talking nonsense?

Inside, Sei is smiling at the 47 years old woman who is looking back at him sternly after hearing that he is here because of the phantom artist case.

"Morita San, please cooperate with us," He tells her politely.

The woman glares at him. "It's been 18 years. I have already told everything to the previous officers. Do I have to repeat the torment over again because you can't find him?"

"You didn't see the culprit's face. You didn't invite him in your place. He was suddenly inside your apartment." Minami Sei repeats what he read in the report. "I want to ask. Did you feel dizzy? Did you meet any suspicious man that day or a few days before? Did the culprit seem like he didn't know what he was doing?"

Too many questions. But at least, he's not being roundabout about it. Morita Aiko has answered similar questions before. She doesn't want to remember that thing again. "I didn't meet anyone new. I have answered those questions too. I ate what I cooked. The culprit knew extremely well what he was doing. He was finding pleasure in torturing me. I still can't sleep without him haunting my dreams. Do you want to hear more?"

Minami Sei closes his mouth. He has been a victim. He knows how it feels.

"I am still going through therapy. Please don't come again and bother me like this." Morita Aiko turns her back to him. "Officer, please leave. I have nothing more to say. Instead of asking me the same questions, you should be looking for him."

Wakana, who has been listening and observing Morita Aiko from the door, steps inside. She walks to the woman with a sweet smile. "Morita Sama, I have some new questions for you. I am sure that nobody asked those questions before. Will you answer me?"

Morita Aiko looks at the young female detective and frowns. "What new questions did you come up with? You, people! You are never satisfied. Go ahead."

Wakana stares at her for a moment with her dark eyes. "The untouched flower waiting to be unfolded."

Morita Aiko pales when she hears those words. "Why do you..."

Minami Sei watches them. He knows the meaning of those words. Why did Wakana say those perverted words to Morita Aiko?

"I saw him," Wakana tells with a soft voice.

Morita Aiko covers her hear, hyperventilating vigorously. She squeezes her eyes shut as the memories of that night rush into her mind again. Feeling the phantom pain in her nether regions, she drops on her knees and screams in terror. "He shouldn't be able to leave -- not after so many years."

He will find her again if he is freed that apartment. Why is this woman asking her about him? Did he already leave? He will come to her to finish her.

Wakana walks to the woman who is too terrified. It's a secret that only the two of them know. The world won't believe her. This woman is also like her.

She bends her knees to the floor and sits beside her. She puts her hand on her shaking shoulder. She whispers in a low voice for only them to hear, "Morita San, I am sorry but I need your help. I am his next target. So, please tell me how you trapped him in that apartment."