I wish our walks could last longer

[18 Years Ago]

In the season of cherry blossom, two lovers are walking in the dark. The woman is in her late twenties, wearing a plain blue dress reaching below her knee. The man is a little older, wearing glasses. Despite their age, they are blushing like highschoolers. While holding hands, the two sneak peeks at each other; she looks at him and he looks away. When she looks away, he peers at her. Quietly, they reach the apartment building.

"I wish our walks could last longer." His voice is barely a whisper, but the woman hears it. They are already on a first names basis. Morita Aiko has never dated before. She doesn't have any idea how to go to the next step in their relationship. The man smiles at her. "Aiko San, I will take my leave now."

If things remain like this, they will never get closer. Desperate, she grabs his hand when he's about to turn away and utters his name with urgency. "Yoshiyuki San."

He turns his head and gazes at her. "Yes, Aiko San? Is something wrong?"

"T-T-Tea." She stammers, blushing. "Have some before you leave."

He looks at her, surprised. Under his gaze, the redness spread to the tip of her ear. She realizes that she's still holding his hand. She lets go and looks away, biting her inner cheek. This is embarrassing. Why did she hold his hand?

"I would love to."

She hears him say. She gives him a slight nod while trying to keep herself calm. She walks ahead of him, leading him to her apartment. Her face feels hot. When will she act her age? She's an idiot. Why is she blushing like a fool? She inserts the key in the hole. It's eerily quiet. The stillness is broken by a soft sound of unlocking. She steps inside and finds the switch to turn on the light. He is still standing on the door with a polite smile.

She rushes to him. "Yoshiyuki San, why are you not coming inside?"

"It's a woman's room, Aiko San." He says to her with a warm voice, "I cannot come inside if you don't invite me in."

He's so polite. The respect for him grows in her heart. She reveals a smile as bright as the first ray of sunlight breaking the dark sky. "Yoshiyuki San, please come inside."

The silence becomes potent around them. Suddenly, she can hear the sound of water dropping into the sink from the tap. Her heart is beating erratically. The light dims in the room. She blinks, not being able to grasp what's going on. Yoshiyuki is standing only inches away from her.

"Aiko San, thank you." He lowers his head slightly to look into her dark eyes. "It was worth the wait and efforts."

She doesn't understand why her instincts are telling her to run away. The door closes on its own. The light turns dimmer. It's dark and hazy. A pungent scent assaults her nose. She covers her nose, wondering if there are dead mice in her room. He throws his head back and laughs.

Aiko steps back slowly. Her heart fills with a sense of foreboding. She looks at him with confusion and fear. Why is Yoshiyuki suddenly laughing? He seems so different from his usual self.

"Daughter of Yaya, you are not completely asleep." Yoshiyuki eyes her lecherously.

"Yoshiyuki San, what are you talking about?" She bunches her brows together. "I am not asleep."

He's talking in a strange way. How did he know that she's a virgin?

Yoshiyuki cackles, spreading his arms wide. He begins to deform, elongating grotesquely. Times seem to be slowing down. She falls back on her butt, grappled by fear. Right in front of her eyes, he peels away his skin. The peeled layers drop to the floor and vanish into black smoke.

When she looks at the man again, the person is no longer Yoshiyuki. His black robe is tied with a vermillion sash. His skin is patchy and smokey at the same time. His head nearly crashes the ceiling. His long purple-grey arms are as thin as a thorny branch of honey locust. Several long tendrils of black smoke are erupting from his head. Between those dark cirruses, she can see two big and round glowing red eyes with no sclera. His mouth curls into a wide grin, revealing his inhuman yellowish canines.

She is frozen on the spot. The man bends down, moving his face closer to her. She can smell the pungent foul scent of the dead. She's too afraid to say anything. This must be a nightmare. This can't be a reality. That's the only logical explanation. People don't peel off their skin and become a demon suddenly.

"Virgin witch, let me awaken you first."