I am going to be an exorcist and kill you again

Icy cold fingers glide over her face lightly. She furrows her brows in sleep and turns on her side. A gray translucent arm passes through her back and envelopes her breast. She grumbles and turns on her stomach, pressing her forehead on the pillow. A shadowy face presses on her butt. Her brow twitches when she feels cold airy licks between her thighs.

Her eyes snap open. She sits up abruptly. One, two, three... nineteen ghosts around floating around her. Today, she can't see their faces. They are only grayish smokey creatures to her. But, why can she feel their touches so strongly today?

"Get away from me, perverts!" She shouts at the ghosts coming toward her. A ghost presses against her back, half merging into her body. It stabs his fingers into her breasts. She screams again, trying to push away those things, but her hands pass through them. They are nothing but cold air to her. The ghosts waver in the air once before coming closer to her, completely covering her. She shivers and covers her chest. A ghost leans down and brushes its face against her cheek. She screams again.

Sei wakes up to the sound of her screams. Acting completely on his instinct, he grabs the gun from the cabinet first and dashes to the bedroom. He points the gun at the round white trembling ball in the middle of the bed. Three deep lines appear on his forehead. His keen eyes scan the room, moving the gun along the line of his sight. He can't see or hear any other sound than the sound of teeth clattering coming from the white round ball on the bed.

Sighing, he puts the gun inside his pocket. He walks toward the trembling ball and pulls the blanket. She grabs the blanket and pulls it around her. "Let go."

"Come out of it." He pulls it harder. In the next instant, she's falling on the floor. Sei drops the blanket on the floor and wraps his arm around her shoulder. He moves his body to the right, pushing her to the left. Her head crashes against her chest as his back hits the floor. He hisses in pain. "Ugh!"

It's no longer cold. Wakana lifts her head and sees the ghosts surrounding them in a circle. They aren't coming closer, just like last night. She sticks closer to him, breathing heavily. He grunts and looks at her head. "Have you not done enough last night? I am a man for god's sake. Let go of me now."

"They avoid touching you, Minami Kun." Wakana doesn't like this either, but these are desperate times. She holds on to him hard. The throbbing pain in her hands is nothing compared to being molested by ghosts. She looks into his eyes. "You have to save me from those perverts."

He narrows his eyes. Is that why she's been screaming? He can't see anyone else in the room. Are those perverts hiding in the room? His hand touches the pocket unconsciously. "Where are the perverts?"

"About that..." She glances at the ghosts. Sei follows her gaze. There's only the wardrobe in that direction. He purses his lips and pushes her away. When she opens her mouth, he signals her to be quieter. He takes the gun out and walks toward the wardrobe on his toes. Just when he opens the wardrobe, the ghosts move closer to her.

There's no one in the wardrobe. Sei turns around. He finds her looking at him.

"Stop!" She bellows, "You pervert! Do you think that I won't exorcise you? I will buy a truckload of salt to drown you."

Sei scowls at her. "Are you talking to me?"

There's no one else in the room. Who could she possibly talk to?

"Get away from me, you dead perverts." Wakana flails her arms around. "Why are you doing this to me? Did you eat the wrong medicines today?"

Sei exhales in frustration and puts his hands on his waist. "Nakashima Wakana, you are insane. You need to see a doctor."

Wakana stands up right away and glares at the ghost who is most touchy amongst all the ghosts. Even though she can't see his eyes, nose, or mouth, she can tell that it's laughing from the way its head is wobbling. "Just you wait, you damned creature! After I save up enough money, I am going to be an exorcist and kill you again."

What the...! Sei has had enough of this nonsense. He marches toward her. The ghosts instinctively step aside, making way for him. Wakana can't wrap her head around this. Why do the ghosts avoid him? Are they afraid? The way they are standing and waiting for him to go away, it seems that they don't want to accidentally touch him.

She mumbles to herself, "I don't understand..." Why the ghosts avoid him?

Minami Sei smiles at her darkly. "Nakashima Wakana, you want to kill me for treating your hands, letting you stay at my house, not kicking you out when you made a mess at my place, uttering nonsense all night, waking me up this early, accusing me wrongly for being perverted, and helping you when you asked for help desperately."

She bites her lips, flustered. His gaze falls on her lips instinctively. He notices that they are slightly blue. Is she cold? She is still trembling.

Wakana regrets acting the way she did. She should have controlled her reaction. It's Minami Sei. Why did she act in such a weak and crazy way since she left Morita Aiko's flower shop? Especially in front of him out of all the people? For god's sake, there are billions of people in the world. Why did the ghosts attack her in front of him? She's so embarrassed.

He probably thinks that she's crazy. She can't pretend anymore. He won't believe her if she tells the truth, but he will hate her if she doesn't. But he doesn't like her anyway. He told her that in middle school. She's the weirdo.

The poignant emotions in her eyes aren't missed by him. He doesn't know why he is bothering himself with her. She's been a weirdo. But everyone is weird in some way. She just can't hide her weirdness well. That's fine. She needs a little help. Since she's his partner now, he doesn't want to be an observer anymore. Sei places his hand on her forehead. "Your body is cold. Are you sick? Do you feel pain anywhere?"