Are you wearing a pranking device?

Prove? Wakana has heard those words before. There are usually three reactions when she tells someone about her abilities. Either they laugh at her or they fear her. Then, some people would ask her to prove that supernatural creatures exist in this world.

"Why should I prove it to you?" Wakana also knows that there are people who would find scientific explanations behind every phenomenon. Even if she walks through the wall in front of them, they will still come up with some scientific explanation. "If you don't believe me, that's not my problem."

Hearing her reply, Sei chuckles. "It is your problem. If you haven't told me, I wouldn't be interested. I am giving you a chance since we have known each other for such a long time. We are also partners."

He also likes her. He is curious about how she's been in a relationship with someone whose face she hasn't seen for seven years. Sei will make her fall for him. "It should be easy for you. How about you tell me what I am feeling right now?"

Wakana steps back a little. His teasing tone is unraveling something in the bottom of her belly. It is swelling to her chest, fluttering through her veins and giving her hope. She swallows hard. This is rather ambiguous.

"Wakana." He moves his face closer to her. "You told me that you can feel emotions of the other person if you touch them. I am asking you to check what I am feeling at this moment."

Wakana has touched his flesh once. She has seen the mark of the red guest. She doesn't know if it is still inside him or not. If she accidentally goes back in his head, that old thing might kill her. "Um..."

"If you have the ability to feel other's emotions..." Sei grabs her wrist and places her hand on his cheek. The instant the tips of her fingers touch his skin, he jumps and moves back. He stares at her hand. "What was that?"

"What?" She widens her round eyes. Why is he reacting like this? She didn't feel his emotions yet. It doesn't take less than a second. She needs to touch him for a longer time to sense something.

"I got an electric shock." He frowns. He holds her wrist again. She's wearing a long-sleeved shirt. He places her hand on his cheek. He winces when he receives another mild shock. He pulls her hand away from his face. "Are you wearing a pranking device?"

"I am not?" Wakana can't feel any electric shock. Sei's face turns sour. He pulls her sleeve up. Wakana is surprised to see a white glass beads silver chained bracelet. The beads are carrying a red hue. The color fades to nothing.

"Pretty," Wakana whispers.

Sei doesn't like the bracelet. It makes him restless. "Where did you get this?"

"I don't know." She touches the beads. They are warm. She feels somewhat secure with it. She dangles the bracelet with a smile. The beads glitter like the stars. "I think my sister brought this for me. She must have put this on when I was asleep."

"Put it on your wrist when you were asleep?" He reaches for her hand to take a closer look and ends up getting another electric shock. "Why I am getting electric shock whenever I touch your hand?"

"How would I know?" Wakana creases her brows. "I am not receiving any shock. You must be imagining stuff."

"I am not." He touches her fingers again and receives another mild shock. The beads' color also changes to blood red. "It's the bracelet."

"It's amazing. She must have brought it for a high price." Wakana grins. "I will start saving up for her birthday gift."

"Woman, will you talk sense?" Sei eyes her darkly. "You are wearing a bracelet that is delivering electric shocks to people."

Wakana looks at him like he has grown two heads. "It's just a bracelet. How can the bracelet give electric shock?"

"Remove it and put it on the table first," Sei orders her.

Wakana makes a face, but she follows his words anyway. She removes the bracelet and places it on the table. Sei clenches his teeth and touches the bracelet. Again, he receives a shock. The beads turn red.

"I told you. This is a pranking device." Sei crosses his arms. Why would her sister put a pranking device on her? It's just strange.

Wakana grabs the bracelet. She doesn't get any electric shock. The warm beads are pulsating as the color fades to nothing. It's like she's holding a beating heart. Is it magical or something?

"I don't get any electric shock. You are the only one feeling the electric shock. This bracelet must only react to rude people."

Sei scowls at her.

"Not you," She adds. "You are not rude at all."

He rolls his eyes. "You are not sure who put this pranking device on you. How about calling your sister and confirm it?"

She puts on the bracelet on her wrist again. "You are too suspicious. Who would give it to me if not her? My elder sister won't buy these things even if you point a gun to her head."

Sei wants to grab the bracelet and throw it far away. He feels like it is particularly keeping it away from her. "You should still ask since you didn't see the person who put it on you."

He won't let it go until she asks her sister.

"Stay here. My phone is in my bedroom." She shrugs and goes to the bedroom to pick up her phone, leaving Sei alone in the living room. She dials her Sayuri's number. When she hears a mechanical french voice, her face turns blank. She can't understand a word. It goes on for a long moment.


"Where are you?" Wakana asks with a quiet voice.

[I am in F country for the fashion contest. Is something wrong? You won't make an international call if it's not an emergency.]

Wakana becomes quiet. If her sister is in F Country, then... who? Could it be Natsumi?

"When did you go to F Country?"

[Yesterday. Did I forget to tell you? I think that I sent a message in the family group chat.]

"I haven't checked it." Wakana stares at the bracelet. Who brought the food? "I have to go, Sayuri. It's late here. I will text you later."

[Wakana, is something wrong? Did you see something?]

"No." Wakana smiles. "I wanted to check on you. I am too poor for long international calls. Let's talk after you come back."

[I am coming back after four days. I am participating in a fashion show. Will you -- ]

Wakana hangs up the call before Sayuri asks her to walk on the ramp again. Modeling is worse than seeing ghosts. The uneasy feeling grows stronger in her body. She taps on Natsumi's name and calls her. Right before the last ring, her elder sister picks up.

[What's wrong, Wakana?]

She hears Natsumi's cold voice.

"Sister, I was checking on you. Are you okay?" Wakana asks in a cheerful voice.

[I am at the office.]

Natsumi sounds rather tired. Wakana is afraid now. "Oh, you were working all day?"

[Yes, I got a tricky client recently. He's taking all my time... He's here again. I am hanging up.]

Natsumi is busy as usual. It's not her for sure. She might buy food for her, but she won't buy a piece of jewelry for her.

If her sisters didn't get her the food and the bracelet, who was it?