Tell them that you are my fiancee

"There's no such rule in the station." Sei's face becomes. "Then, why?"

"The clause was written on the back page of the agreement." Nishimura Soichiro chuckles. "You should have looked at the fine print."

"I looked." Sei crosses his arms. "I didn't see anything."

"Just admit that you signed it in a hurry after you saw her do it." Nishimura walks pass by them. "Tomorrow. 5 AM. Central train station. Anyone who is late will be kicked out with no pay."

Sei looks at Wakana who is nearly pressing her face on the cold wall. She's idiotic in a funny away. He holds her hand and drags her out along with him.

"Minami Kun, don't do this at the workplace. You are a man and I am a woman." She yells at him as they go near his car.

"Believe me, Wakana. I am fully aware that you are a woman. Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing my best to hold back from kissing you hard right now." Sei opens the car for her. "Get in. I will drive you to your place."

She bites her lower lip again. She must be nervous. Sei finds it enticing. He can bite her lips for her each time she's nervous. She gets into the car. Her heart becomes erratic when he leans closer. She squeezes her eyes. Nothing happens. When she opens her eyes, she realizes that he's already sitting on the driver's seat. She looks down at the seatbelt on her with disappointment.

Ah! Why is she still expecting him to kiss her? She's a bad woman.

"We don't know the stalker is." Sei stares ahead. "It's not safe for you to spend the night alone."

She purses her lips. The stalker might be that person who saved her many times. What is he exactly? What does he want from her? Is he a guardian angel who helps her whenever she is in trouble? That explains how he knew about her favourite dishes or the fact that she can't eat meat. "Minami Kun, it is alright. I know who that person is. He's not harmful."

She trusts that guardian angel. By the way, do guardian angels smoke too? He might not be a guardian angel for real. But, he's nothing less than a guardian angel for her. She wishes to know his name.

"Who is that person?" He asks.

"He's the same person who saved me seven years ago." She replies with a sigh, "He also saved me yesterday night."

The car stops all of sudden. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." She wonders why are they stopping in the middle of the road. "I remember his vague figure and voice from last night. I think that he's not human. He is the same person whom I met seven years ago."

Not human? He recalls the man whom he has seen in the rearview last night. It's strange, but he can't remember the details either. Someone was there for sure. "How can you believe that he has good intention? It's not safe to let down your guards. He came to your apartment while you were asleep."

"He didn't do anything bad." Wakana argues, "He brought my favourite food. He even left a gift."

"If he didn't have any strange intention, why doesn't he come to meet you when you are awake?" This woman is naive. She trusts everyone. "He saved you last night, but he didn't reveal himself once. For some strange reasons, none of us remembers his face. He has something to hide. People with secrets are often not good people, Wakana. Who knows what kind of secrets he has?"

Wasn't his father also one with secrets? He used to believe that his father was a hero.

But, his father broke his illusion by killing his mother right before his eyes.

"He must have a reason for not coming in front of me. He might have secrets that he doesn't want me to know." Unaffected by his outburst, Wakana defends her guardian angel. "Minami Kun, people with secrets aren't always bad. Sometimes, they are forced to keep secrets. In addition to that, how can I ever forget that he was always there when I was in danger? He saved my life so many time. I believe in him more than I believe in god."

He takes a breath. She's different from him. She hasn't seen betrayal. She hasn't seen what he has seen. She can trust people without any hesitation. That's why he wants to protect her. He wants her to keep this ability to trust people because he has none of it.

The vehicles behind his car are honking hard. He restarts the car and drives toward her apartment. "Until we are sure that he won't harm you, you won't stay at that place. He's not a human. So, you will be living with me from now on."

"Minami-kun, we can't do that." Wakana looks at him with disbelief. "I can stay at my sister's place."

"You are an agent of SIA. You can't risk their lives or let them know about SIA." He points out, "I don't care what the people think. If anyone asks, just tell them that you are my fiancee. That's not dating. We are not breaking any rule."

She opens her mouth wide.

"It's not a lie though." He smiles while keeping his eyes on the road. "You don't want to be my girlfriend. So, I made you my fiancee. You can decide on the date of the wedding."