It's better than I imagined

"It broke." Sei stares at her with a blank face.

"What broke?" Wakana asks him with confusion.

"Er…" He pulls it out and lets out a nervous laugh. How is she going to react? He smiles at her and says, "The condom broke."

Wakana widens her eyes. As her brain restarts after hearing those words, she turns pale. She sits up and smacks his shoulder. "You idiot!"

"I am sorry." His hardened member is longing to ram into her cave again, but he knows better than taking the risk. "We should get married as soon as possible."

"Get married?" Wakana loses her calm. She slaps his shoulders. "Is it that easy to get married? What about my father and sisters? Besides, we started yesterday."

He grabs her wrist and pulls her closer. Placing his palm on the small of her back, he presses her beneath her. He pecks the curve of her neck. She squirms under his kisses and looks to the left, still fuming. "Forgive me."

His voice is smooth and coaxing. She looks at him. His eyes are honest. He didn't mean to do it. She sighs. It's already done. What can she do now? "I will get ready and pack my bag. There's not much time left. We have to visit your apartment too. On the way, I will buy emergency pills."

The reluctance in his eyes is clear. Still, he lets her go. "Wakana, if you get pregnant…"

"I will think about it when that happens," Wakana mutters as she gathers her clothes. Seeing her dashing to the bathroom, Sei exhales. They could take the bath together. Maybe next time. He screwed up today.

She comes out after fifteen minutes with a towel wrapped around her. She doesn't see him on the couch. Furrowing her brows, she walks into the bedroom. The nether regions are sore. He didn't hold back for sure. Even the damn condom broke. He already wants to marry her. This feels unreal as if it's a dream waiting to be broken anytime. She picks a violet sweater and a long navy skirt. Packing her bag quickly, she walks out of the room.

She drops the bag near the couch. Where did he go? She goes to the balcony. It's still dark outside. When she doesn't see him, an urgent feeling swells in her heart. Did he leave because of how she reacted? Is he upset with her? She bites her lower lip as the tears threaten to fall out of her eyes. She knew it. It was too unreal. He wouldn't want to be with someone like her.

"Wakana, are you out or not?" She hears him yell from the kitchen. "Hurry up! The breakfast is turning cold."

She rushes toward the kitchen. She blinks her eyes. Vapours are spiralling up from the two cups of coffee on the table. He's frowning at the cereal box. "She eats this in the morning. Has she never heard of having healthy breakfast?"

A small smile appears on her lips. She wipes her wet eyes and goes to the coffee table. Sei looks over his head. She meets his gaze with a smile in her eyes. He returns that smile. It seems that she's not angry at him anymore. He places the bowl of cereal in front of her. It's been such a long time. He doesn't remember if he ever felt happy when he was eating. It always felt like a chore-- something he must do to keep his body living.

Sitting beside her and seeing her morning smile, he is starting to look forward to the next morning. She's pure and gentle like the first rays of sunlight. Is he good enough for her? Maybe he's not. He's aware of the suffocating darkness inside him and she's becoming his light. He will do everything in order to become good enough for her.

"It's better than I imagined."

"What do you mean?" Wakana takes a sip of the coffee. It's a little bitter, but she likes it since he made it for her.

"Spending the morning and eating breakfast with you." His voice is softer than a breeze.

Hearing that, Wakana's smile becomes wider. Perhaps, this isn't a dream. "Sei, when did you fall for me?"

"I don't remember." He chuckles when she makes a face. "I don't know when you slowly sneaked into my heart and made a permanent place for yourself. I realized that I was already in love with you when I noticed you weren't around me. I wanted to find you again, but I didn't know where you went. You didn't go back to the village in the last seven years either."

"You looked for me in the village?" Wakana tilts her head. Her eyes shine brightly.

"I asked my uncle to tell me if you ever come back. I would have taken leave and find you." He pauses for a moment. "If I knew that you were going to end up in this city, I would have applied to this place."

Both of them were following each other, never talking to each other. Wakana snorts. They are idiots. Perhaps, they are meant to be together. "If I had known that I was going to end up in violent crime division anyway, I would have followed you to the place where you were posted."

"You wouldn't have gotten it." Sei rolls his eyes. "Your performance was below average."

"Hey!" Wakana glares at him. "I wanted it to be below average. I thought that I would be able to get the position of the traffic police. Who knew that it was more wanted than a position in a crime division?"

"People usually choose safety over danger." Sei stands up and walks around the table. He kisses her forehead. "Let's go. We will be late if we don't leave now. I have to make a stop at my place."

"Ah… I nearly forgot!" They have to reach the station by five. She runs to the living room and picks her bag. She looks at the clock. There's not much time. "Stop at the medical store on the way."

"Why?" He asks her with concern in his eyes. She doesn't seem to be sick. "Are you feeling pain somewhere, Wakana? You don't have to go if you don't feel alright. I will talk to Nishimura Sama."

"I am not feeling pain." That's a lie though. Her vagina is hurting because of his continuous invasion earlier, but she can bear it. Wakana grabs his arm and drags him to the door. "I need emergency pills."

Sei lets her drag him. Honestly, he wants her to have his child. But, he would love it if she chooses to have his child. He needs to understand her world first. There's so much that he doesn't know. But, can he protect her from things that he can't even see?

In the car, Wakana sees the folded jacket and muffler in the backseat. She purses her lips. She nearly forgot about him. Who is this saviour? Is he always going to hide away from her? She can't even thank him or ask him why he's always saving her. She wants to meet him once.