Can't lie anymore

He opens his eyes when he hears the sound of her footsteps getting louder. She slams something hard on the table and glares at him. "Mr Choi!"

"Yes?" He raises his brow. Her face is livid with rage. Did she truly want to this job? It's the most unsuitable job for her. 

"Is this yours?" She moves her hand away from the object on the table. "I found it in the taxi last night."

He takes a glance at it. It's a black cigarette lighter. "Thanks, I was looking for it."

"Are you sure that it's yours?" Wakana grabs his right arm and leans closer to him. "Mr Choi, it could be the previous passenger's cigarette lighter."

She winces when he slaps her hand off his arm. Choi Minho picks up the cigarette lighter and looks at the bottom. He takes it closer to her face. "What does it say here?"

"I can't read Korean." She makes a face at him. "You should know it."