I don't think that you can sue a devil

It's not a true bond. 

"That's a relief," Choi Minho murmurs.

"Why is it a relief?" Natsumi raises her brow. "Whether it's a true bond or devil bond, I want my sister to be freed from that asshole's clutches."

"Noona, you can remove the curse, can't you?" Choi Minho asks Fang Aisa pleadingly.

"This curse can't be broken. Though I care about you a lot," Fang Aisa tells him with a clear voice, "I don't want to steal this curse. It's a burden… too much for me to bear."

"I don't want you to take it, Noona." Choi Minho releases his breath. Hyung will kill him if she takes a curse that burns her body whenever someone touches her. "Can you transfer that curse to my body?"

"Are you sure?" Fang Aisa creases her forehead, doubts filling her eyes. "Nobody will be able to touch you without hurting you."

He smiles at Fang Aisa. "I will manage, Noona."