Go easy on me

"But I didn't hurt her." Sung Soo-Hwan says to her, "Neither did my brothers. I am sure that you are rational enough to know that you can't judge the entire race because of one person who committed wrong deeds." 

Nakashima Natsumi jerks his hand away. Three deep lines form on her forehead as she scrutinizes his face. The words jumble up in her throat. He's watching her with a strange calm in his eyes. 

"Should I hate the entire human population because a few of them have wronged the dark creatures once?" Sung Soo-Hwan questions her. "Do we hate the entire country because one or two humans have started a war? You get my point, don't you?"

"Dark creatures are too different." Nakashima Natsumi looks away, avoiding his gaze. "Most dark creatures have harmed people. Some feed on humans. It's in their nature to commit crimes. They will always get lured by the darkness."