And you are the kindest man I know

[Sung Manor]

Sarie is sitting on her knees in the middle of the hall. Fang Aisa and Sung Jun are seated on the couch. Other than them, only Sung Seung-Min is present. 

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Fang Aisa narrows her eyes on the fallen angel. "I am sure that you remember everything."

Mortals might forget about the time-turn, but immortals can't ever forget what happened in the other timeline. That's why it's a hassle for anyone who is an immortal rank or above whenever the time-travellers mess with time. 

"I only did what I thought was right." Sarie defends herself, "I didn't want Seung-Min to be in a danger. The forsaken creature can even destroy demons. How could you let that person live? You should kill her while she's still mortal."

"Sarie." Fang Aisa shakes her head at her. "Why do you want to kill an innocent person?"